На английском языке. Глава 5 из книги: Paths to sustainable Energy. InTech, 2010, P. 75-92.
This Chapter introduces the Passive Greenhouses, free of burned fuel energy and of conventional energetic infrastructures, and relying exclusively on renewable sustainable energies. We defined a generic Passive Greenhouse structure and proposed a corresponding mathematical model. This model adapts renewable energy sources (a cold water heat pump, a
wind generator and a matrix of orientable photovoltaic panels) to a previous valid model of
an experimental greenhouse, existing in Toulon.
Passive Greenhouses benefit of free energy and can be installed virtually anywhere we can
find or build aquifers. They have the potential to reconvert a great deal of the existing agricultural terrains and give us the chance to ecologically reconstruct our environment. This approach continues some existing concepts, as the Wageningen solar greenhouse, and relies exclusively on already existing renewable energy sources and technologies. The novel
contribution of the work is the reconsideration of the solar greenhouse way of operating.
Providing solar greenhouses with a sustainable aggregation of renewable energy sources
they can become fully independent of any energy infrastructure.
Author(s): Balas M.M., Musca C.B., Musca S.V.
Language: English
Commentary: 855608
Tags: Топливно-энергетический комплекс;Гелиоэнергетика