This book is centered on a surprising Tevatron and LHC experimental result, the accurate equality of gauge boson and top quark energy Ew + Ez = Et. The ramifications of this unanticipated result extend down to the lower energies, and lead to two new elementary particle paradigms. The first is the use of energies E rather than masses m for analysing particle excitation patterns, where E =mc2. The second is the recognition that ground-state particle energies are generated in the form of quantized energy packets that are produced in "α-boost" energy excitations, where α-1 ~137 is the fine structure constant. Repeated α-boosts form a "reservoir" of energy packets, which merge and reproduce the quantized energies of the various particle and quark ground-state configurations. An α-generated energy excitation path extends upward from the electron to the top quark t. The steps in this path, which contain two α-boosts, combine coherently to give the energy equation Eelectron x 18/α2 = Et, which is accurate to 0.3%. A branching energy path reproduces the energy of the bottom quark b to 0.1%. Particle energies and lifetimes are conjugate quantities, and the α-quantized particle energies are reflected in α-quantized particle mean lifetimes, as revealed by lifetime plots on a logarithmic α-spaced grid. The accurate factor-of-137 spacings between the classical electron radius, Compton radius, and Bohr orbit radius suggest introducing both a radial and a mass dependence into α, which leads to an equation for the transformation of Coulomb energy into electron non-electromagnetic mass. The electron spin and magnetic moment are reproduced by a Compton-sized relativistically spinning sphere (RSS). The anomalous electron magnetic moment is also accounted for by the RSS, in response to Richard Feynman's 1961 Challenge to provide such an explanation. The mathematics used here is straightforward, and the calculations are guided by fits to the elementary particle RPP energy and lifetime data bases, which are provided here in Appendices A and B.
Author(s): Malcolm H. Mac Gregor
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing
Year: 2022
Language: English
Pages: 155
City: Singapore
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1. The Mysterious Fine Structure Constant α ∼ 1/137
Chapter 2. The Experimental α-Quantization of Lepton, Quark and Particle Mean Lifetimes
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Four Elementary Particle Lifetime Zones
2.3 The α-Quantized Pseudoscalar Meson Lifetimes
2.4 The Pseudoscalar Meson χ2(S) Minimization Curve for the Lifetime Scaling Factor S
2.5 The Lifetime Quark Dominance Rule c > b > s > (u, d)
2.6 Quark Group Central Lifetimes (CL) and Factor of 2-3-4 Deviations from the CL
2.7 The α4 Gap Between Flavor-Breaking and Flavor-Conserving Particle Decays
2.8 The Average-Deviation-from-an-Integer (ADI) Minimization Test of Lifetime Scaling Factors
2.9 The n-to-μ(α−4) and τ -to-μ(α3/3) Lifetime α-Quantized Ratios
2.10 The Evolution of the Lifetime α-Grid from 1970 to 2018
2.11 Summary and Outlook
Chapter 3. The Experimental α-Quantization of Elementary Particle Energies and Masses, where E = mc2
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Elementary Particle Data Base
3.3 The Generation of a Mass Spectrum from a Basis Set of Stable Ground-State Particles
3.4 The Unexpected LHC Mass/Energy Equality W+Z = Top Quark t
3.5 The α-Boost Gauge-Boson Energy Packets Egb
3.6 Matching Gauge-Boson and Boson Energy-Packet Excitations
3.7 Boson, Fermion and Gauge Boson Energy Excitation Channels
3.8 Energy Paths from the Electron to the t and b Quarks
Chapter 4. The Relativistically-Spinning Sphere (RSS), Magnetic Size, and Magnetic Self-Energy of the Electron
4.1 The Enigmatic Electron
4.2 The Mass Increase of a Relativistically Spinning Sphere (RSS)
4.3 The Non-Euclidean Geometry and Mass Density of the RSS
4.4 The Spin and Magnetic Moment of a Compton-sized RSS
Chapter 5. The Answer to Feynman’s Challenge
5.1 Richard Feynman’s Challenge to Physicists
5.2 Experimental Results for the Magnetic Moment Anomaly a
5.3 The Rasetti and Fermi Magnetic Field Energy Calculation
5.4 The Magnetic Moment of a Thin Compton-sized Wire
5.5 The QED Calculation of the Anomalous Magnetic Moment a
5.6 Concluding Remarks
Final Editorial Notes
1 The Extension to Hybrid Excitations and Pentaquarks
2 The Extension to Conjugate α-Quantized Particle Lifetimes
Acknowledgments by Eleanor Mac Gregor
Postscript: A Profile of an Unconventional Thinker in Physics
Appendix A. Review of Particles (2018) Lifetime
Appendix B. Particle Energy Database
Appendix C. Magnetic Moment Values of u, d, s Constituent-Quark Energies