The 14 articles presented in this publication represent some of the latest and most relevant research on rural settlement and farming from the Late Neolithic through the Early Medieval Period in Norway. It deals with the impact of climate change, plague and the AD 536–537 volcanic event and some of the earliest farms north of the Arctic Circle. It provides new perspectives and archaeological evidence for the Viking age farm of Norway, differences in regional settlement structures of agrarian societies, the relation between houses and graves in the Iron Age, and varying food practices as indicators of societal change.
The publication is part of the Joint Research Program (Forskning i fellesskap) conducted by the University Museums of Norway and co-funded by The Research Council of Norway.
Author(s): Frode Iversen, Håkan Petersson (eds.)
Publisher: Cappelen Damm Akademisk NOASP
Year: 2017
Language: English
Pages: 342
City: Oslo
Frode Iversen, Håkan Petersson 7
Chapter 1: Long time - long house
Kristin Armstrong Oma 11
Chapter 2: Effect on temperature change on Iron Age cereal production and settlement patterns in mid-Norway
Arne Anderson Stamnes 27
Chapter 3: Estate division: Social cohesion in the aftermath of AD 526-7
Frode Iversen 41
Chapter 4: Why did pottery production cease in Norway during the transition to the late Iron Age?
Christian Løchsen Rødsrud 77
Chapter 5: Relations between burials and buildings in the Iron Age of southwest Norway
Barbro Dahl 93
Chapter 6: Cooking and feasting: Changes in food practice in the Iron Age
Grethe Bjørkan Bukkemoen 117
Chapter 7: Hot rocks! Beer brewing on Viking and Medieval Age farms
Geir Grønnesby 133
Chapter 8: Farm - Manor - Estate: Agricultural landscape and settlement at Hundvåg, southwest Norway
Trond Meling 151
Chapter 9: A Late Bronze sheep farm north of the Arctic Circle?
Christin E. Jensen, Johan E. Arntzen 173
Chapter 10: Iron Age building traditions in eastern Norway: Regions and landscapes
Lars Erik Gjerpe 203
Chapter 11: Geometric observations regarding Early Iron Age longhouses in southwest Norway
Theo Gil 221
Chapter 12: Late Iron Age settlement evidence from Rogaland
Even Bjørndal 241
Chapter 13: Rural buildings from the Viking and Early Medieval period in central Norway
Marte Mokkelbost, Raymond Sauvage 275
Chapter 14: Potentials and recommendations: Agrarian botanical data from western Norway
Lisbeth Prøsch-Danielsen, Kari Loe Hjelle, Eli-Christine Soltvedt 293