The whole monstrous legislative and police structure in South Africa,
going by the name "apartheid'', imposes racial segregation on all
details of everyday life. The "separate development of the races" is
given as the justification for segregation. In fact, apartheid in-
stitutionalizes the oppression of the 17 million Black people by a white
With apartheid, all of South Africa has become a gigantic
concentration camp-type world, ·where 8 million production workers are
penrn~d up in the out· skirts of the cities, and subjected to alrnost police raids; where some 7 million women, children and old
people slowly die of hunger, if not of the cold, in the desert reserves
called "bantustans... The remaining areas are the "white zones" -
(since the '60's, almost all the cities, all the industrial sectors,
every area which is in the least bit prosperous, all the regions which
had any value whatsoever for South Aflica, have been legally designated
"white zones·•, one after the other) - forbidden to Black people and
··Coloreds "for all intents and purposes, except to go there for ,.,·ork.
Author(s): Lutte Ouvrier
Series: 1
Year: 0
Language: English
Pages: 42