This book serves as a primary textbook for environmental site investigation and remediation of subsurface soil and groundwater. It introduces concepts and principles of field investigative techniques to adequately determine the extent of contamination in the subsurface for the selection of cleanup alternatives. It then focuses on practical calculations and skills needed to design and operate remediation systems that will both educate students and be useful for entry-level professionals in the field.
• Examines the practical aspects of investigating and cleaning up contaminated soil and groundwater
• Contains scenarios, illustrations, equations, and example problems with discussions that illustrate various practical situations and interpret the results
• Includes end-of-chapter problems to reinforce student learning
• Provides a regulatory and risk analysis context, as well as public and community involvement aspects
• Discusses sustainability and performance assessment of the remediation methods presented
Site Assessment and Remediation for Environmental Engineers provides upper-level undergraduate and graduate students with practical, project-oriented knowledge of how to investigate and clean up a site contaminated with chemicals and hazardous waste.
Author(s): Cristiane Q. Surbeck, Jeff Kuo
Series: Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2022
Language: English
Pages: 322
City: Boca Raton
Half Title
Series Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction to Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites
Problems and Activities
Chapter 2 Common Properties of Chemicals of Concern and Soil Matrices
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Common Sources of Pollution
2.2.1 Leaking Chemical Storage Tanks
2.2.2 Landfills
2.2.3 Pesticides and Other Agricultural Chemicals
2.2.4 Transportation of Chemicals (Tanker Trucks and Rail Cars)
2.2.5 One-Time and Continuous Sources of Pollution
2.3 Common Chemicals of Concern
2.3.1 Fuel Hydrocarbons
2.3.2 Fuel Oxygenates
2.3.3 Chlorinated Solvents
2.3.4 Pesticides
2.3.5 Polychlorinated Biphenyls
2.3.6 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
2.3.7 Heavy Metals
2.3.8 Other Chemicals of Concern
2.4 Units of Concentration and Mass
2.4.1 Concentration and Mass of COCs in Liquid
2.4.2 Concentration and Mass of COCs in Soil
2.4.3 Concentration and Mass of COCs in Air
2.5 Physical and Chemical Properties of COCs
2.5.1 Density and Specific Gravity
2.5.2 Solubility
2.5.3 Vapor Pressure and Volatility
2.5.4 Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium
2.5.5 Solid-Liquid Equilibrium
2.5.6 Solid-Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium
2.6 Biodegradability of COCs
2.7 Soil Matrices
2.7.1 Soil Classification
2.7.2 Porosity and Void Ratio
2.7.3 Degree of Saturation and Water/Moisture Content
2.7.4 Bulk Density
2.8 Partition of COCs in Different Phases
2.9 Summary
2.10 Problems and Activities
Chapter 3 Laws, Regulations, and Risk Assessment Relevant to Site Assessment and Remediation
3.1 Regulatory Framework
3.2 CERCLA/Superfund
3.2.1 Site Assessment and NPL Listing
3.2.2 RI/FS – Site Characterization
3.2.3 Remedy Decisions
3.2.4 Remedial Design/Remedial Action
3.2.5 Construction Completion and Postconstruction Completion
3.2.6 NPL Deletion and Site Reuse/Redevelopment
3.3 RCRA
3.3.1 Nonhazardous Waste
3.3.2 Hazardous Waste
3.3.3 Identification Process of Hazardous Waste
3.3.4 Hazardous Waste Generators
3.3.5 Hazardous Waste Transporters, Manifest, and TSDFs
3.3.6 Underground Storage Tanks
3.4 Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs)
3.4.1 Cleanup Standards
3.4.2 RCRA Requirements for Hazardous Waste and Groundwater
3.4.3 Clean Water Act Requirements for Surface Water
3.4.4 Safe Drinking Water Act Requirements for Groundwater/Surface Water
3.4.5 Clean Air Act Requirements for Air
3.4.6 RCRA Requirements for Air
3.4.7 Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Requirements
3.4.8 Other Potential ARARs
3.5 Risk Assessment and Risk Management
3.5.1 Planning and Scoping
3.5.2 Hazard Identification
3.5.3 Dose-Response Assessment
3.5.4 Exposure Assessment
3.5.5 Risk Characterization and Beyond
3.6 Summary
3.7 Problems and Activities
Chapter 4 Site Assessment and Remedial Investigations
4.1 Introduction to Site Assessment and Remedial Investigation
4.1.1 Environmental Site Assessments, Phase I, II, and III
4.1.2 Amount of Impacted Soil in the Vadose Zone
4.1.3 Height of the Capillary Fringe
4.1.4 Mass and Volume of the Free-floating Product
4.2 Soil and Groundwater Sampling
4.2.1 Sampling Design
4.2.2 Soil Sampling
4.2.3 Groundwater Sampling
4.3 Plume Migration in an Aquifer
4.3.1 Groundwater Movement
4.3.2 Groundwater Flow Gradient and Flow Direction
4.3.3 Hydraulic Conductivity vs. Intrinsic Permeability
4.4 Migration Velocity of the Dissolved Plume
4.4.1 The Advection-Dispersion Equation
4.4.2 Diffusivity and Dispersion Coefficient
4.4.3 Retardation for Plume Migration in Groundwater
4.4.4 Migration of the Dissolved Plume
4.5 Retardation Factor for COC Vapor Migration in the Vadose Zone
4.6 Summary
4.7 Problems and Activities
Chapter 5 Vadose Zone Soil Remediation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Excavation
5.2.1 Fundamental Concepts
5.2.2 Excavation Calculations
5.3 Soil Vapor Extraction
5.3.1 Fundamental Concepts
5.3.2 Design of Soil Vapor Extraction Systems
5.3.3 Variations of Soil Vapor Extraction
5.4 Soil Bioremediation
5.4.1 Fundamental Concepts
5.4.2 Applications
5.5 In Situ Chemical Oxidation
5.5.1 Fundamental Concepts
5.5.2 Determining Oxidant Quantities
5.6 Soil Washing
5.6.1 Fundamental Concepts
5.6.2 Design of a Soil Washing System
5.7 Other Vadose Zone Remediation Strategies
5.7.1 Phytoremediation
5.7.2 Capping
5.7.3 Solidification/Stabilization (S/S)
5.8 Summary
5.9 Problems and Activities
Chapter 6 Groundwater Remediation
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Groundwater Pumping for Pump-and-Treat Applications
6.2.1 Groundwater Pumping and Extraction
6.2.2 Capture Zone Analysis
6.3 Ex situ Groundwater Treatment Technologies
6.3.1 Activated Carbon Adsorption
6.3.2 Air Stripping
6.3.3 Advanced Oxidation
6.3.4 Chemical Precipitation
6.4 In Situ Groundwater Remediation
6.4.1 Air Sparging
6.4.2 In Situ Bioremediation
6.4.3 In Situ Chemical Oxidation
6.5 Monitored Natural Attenuation
6.5.1 Processes in Natural Attenuation
6.5.2 Designing a Monitoring Plan for Natural Attenuation
6.6 Summary
6.7 Problems and Activities
Chapter 7 Off-Gas Treatment
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Activated Carbon Adsorption
7.2.1 Adsorption Isotherm and Adsorption Capacity
7.2.2 Design of GAC Adsorbers
7.3 Thermal Oxidation
7.3.1 Air Flow Rate versus Temperature and Pressure
7.3.2 Dilution and Auxiliary Air
7.3.3 Volume of the Combustion Chamber
7.4 Catalytic Oxidation
7.5 Summary
7.6 Problems and Activities
Chapter 8 Long-Term Monitoring, Operation, and Maintenance of Remediation Systems
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Soil Vapor Extraction
8.2.1 Monitoring the Removal of COC Mass through SVE
8.2.2 Cost Considerations of SVE Operations
8.2.3 Operation and Maintenance Checks for SVE
8.2.4 Recordkeeping
8.3 In Situ Chemical Oxidation
8.4 Groundwater Pump-and-Treat
8.4.1 Hydraulic Containment
8.4.2 Removal of COC Mass through Groundwater Pump-and-Treat
8.4.3 Monitoring for Activated Carbon Exhaustion
8.4.4 Monitoring for Discharge into a Receiving Water Body
8.5 Air Sparging
8.6 Monitored Natural Attenuation
8.7 Monitoring for Air Emissions from Off-gas Treatment
8.8 Summary
8.9 Problems and Activities
Chapter 9 Strategies for Sustainable Remediation Projects
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Feasibility Study
9.3 Typical Remedial Strategies and Combining Remedial Techniques
9.3.1 Prevent the Contamination of Sensitive Receptors
9.3.2 Treat the Source of Contamination
9.3.3 Monitor the Achievement of Remediation Goals
9.3.4 Periodically Optimize the Remedial Approach
9.4 Cost Considerations
9.4.1 Capital Costs and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Costs
9.4.2 Life Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA)
9.5 Environmental Justice
9.6 Sustainable Remediation
9.6.1 Sustainability
9.6.2 Sustainability in Remediation Projects
9.7 Summary
9.8 Problems and Activities