This textbook provides a broad overview of the present state of insurance mathematics and some related topics in risk management, financial mathematics and probability. Both non-life and life aspects are covered. The emphasis is on probability and modeling rather than statistics and practical implementation. Aimed at the graduate level, pointing in part to current research topics, it can potentially replace other textbooks on basic non-life insurance mathematics and advanced risk management methods in non-life insurance. Based on chapters selected according to the particular topics in mind, the book may serve as a source for introductory courses to insurance mathematics for non-specialists, advanced courses for actuarial students, or courses on probabilistic aspects of risk. It will also be useful for practitioners and students/researchers in related areas such as finance and statistics who wish to get an overview of the general area of mathematical modeling and analysis in insurance.
Author(s): S. Asmussen, M. Steffensen
Series: Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling 96
Edition: 1
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2020
Language: English
Pages: 505
Tags: Ruin Theory, Life Insurance, Risk Managment, Stochastic Control
Internal Reference System
Special Typeface
Miscellaneous Mathematical Notation
Standard Distributions
Chapter I: Basics
1 Actuarial Versus Financial Pricing
2 Utility
3 Premium Rules
4 Reinsurance
5 Poisson Modelling
5.1 The Poisson Distribution as a Binomial Limit
5.2 The Poisson Process
5.3 Superposition and Thinning
Chapter II: Experience Rating
1 Bayes and Empirical Bayes
1.1 The Bayes Premium
2 Exponential Families and Conjugate Priors
3 Credibility Premiums
3.1 The Simple Credibility Model
3.2 The General Credibility Model
3.3 The Bühlmann Model
3.4 The Bühlmann–Straub Model
3.5 Quadratic Loss
4 Bonus-Malus Systems
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Loimaranta Efficiency
4.3 Bayes Premiums
Chapter III: Sums and Aggregate Claims
1 Introduction
2 Heavy Tails. Subexponential Distributions
2.1 Definition of Subexponentiality and Sufficient Conditions
2.2 Further Mathematical Properties
3 Large Deviations of Sums of Light-Tailed Random Variables
3.1 The Cumulant Function
3.2 The Legendre–Fenchel Transform
3.3 Exponential Families and Change of Measure
3.4 The Chernoff Bound and the Saddlepoint Approximation
4 Tails of Sums of Light-Tailed Random Variables
5 Aggregate Claims and Compound Sums: Generalities
5.1 Poisson Compounding
6 Panjer's Recursion
7 Tails of Compound Sums
7.1 Heavy Tails: The Subexponential Approximation
7.2 Light Tails: The Saddlepoint Approximation
7.3 The NP Approximation
Chapter IV: Ruin Theory
1 The Cramér–Lundberg Model
2 First Results: Martingale Techniques
3 Ladder Heights. Heavy Tails
4 Proof of the Cramér–Lundberg Approximation
5 Finite Time Ruin Probabilities
5.1 Finite Horizon Ruin with Light Tails
5.2 Finite Horizon Ruin with Heavy Tails
6 Markov Regime Switching
6.1 The Averaged Model
6.2 The Matrix m.g.f.
6.3 Cramér–Lundberg Theory
7 Level-Dependent Premiums
8 The Diffusion Approximation
Chapter V: Markov Models in Life Insurance
1 The Contract Payments and the Probability Model
2 Canonical Models
2.1 Mortality Modelling
2.2 The Survival Model
2.3 The Disability Model
2.4 The Spouse Model
3 Valuation of the Payments
4 Valuation in Canonical Models
4.1 The Survival Model
4.2 The Disability Model
Chapter VI: Financial Mathematics in Life Insurance
1 Background and Simple Claims
2 Payment Streams
3 Unit-Link Insurance
4 With-Profit Insurance and the Dynamics of the Surplus
5 Cash Dividends and Market Reserve
6 The Pure Case of Cash Dividends
7 Bonus Payments and Market Reserve
8 The Pure Case of Bonus Payments
9 Comparison of Products
Chapter VII: Special Studies in Life Insurance
1 Duration-Dependent Intensities and Payments
2 Reserve-Dependent Payments and Intensities
3 Bonds and Forward Interest Rates
4 Survival Probabilities and Forward Mortality Rates
5 Dependent Interest and Mortality Rates
6 Stochastic Interest and Mortality Rate Models
7 Reserves Revisited
8 Incidental Policy Holder Behavior
9 Rational Policy Holder Behavior
10 Higher Order Moments. Hattendorf's Theorem
Chapter VIII: Orderings and Comparisons
1 Stochastic Ordering of Risks
2 Convex and Increasing Convex Ordering
2.1 Preliminaries on Stop-Loss Transforms and Convexity
2.2 Convex Ordering
2.3 Increasing Convex Ordering
3 Closure Properties of Orderings
4 Utility, Deductibles and Reinsurance
4.1 Underinsurance and Coinsurance
4.2 Utility and Reinsurance
4.3 Local Versus Global Reinsurance
4.4 Optimal Compensation Functions
5 Applications to Ruin Theory
6 Maximizing the Adjustment Coefficient
Chapter IX: Extreme Value Theory
1 Introduction
2 Elementary Examples and Considerations
2.1 The Exceedance Time
3 Convergence Results
3.1 MDA(Gumbel)
3.2 MDA(Fréchet)
3.3 MDA(Weibull)
3.4 Further Remarks and Examples
4 Proof of the Fisher–Tippett Theorem
5 Records
Chapter X: Dependence and Further Topics in Risk Management
1 Risk Measures
1.1 General Theory
1.2 Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall
1.3 Further Remarks
1.4 Quotes on Risk Diversification
2 The Fréchet–Höffding Bounds. Comonotonicity
2.1 Applications of Comonotonicity
3 Special Dependence Structures
3.1 The Multivariate Normal Distribution
3.2 Normal Mixtures
3.3 Spherical and Elliptical Distributions
3.4 Multivariate Regular Variation
4 Copulas
4.1 Archimedean Copulas
4.2 Extreme Value Copulas
4.3 Frailty Copulas
4.4 Further Examples
5 Pearson, Kendall and Spearman
5.1 Linear (Pearson) Correlation
5.2 Kendall's Tau and Spearman's Rho
5.3 Empirical Versions
6 Further Dependence Concepts
6.1 Association
6.2 Tail Dependence
7 Tails of Sums of Dependent Risks
7.1 Bounds
7.2 A Copula Representation
7.3 Asymptotics
8 Dependence Orderings
8.1 Orthant Dependencies and Orderings
8.2 The Supermodular Ordering
8.3 The Multivariate Normal Distribution
Chapter XI: Stochastic Control in Non-Life Insurance
1 Introduction
2 Minimizing the Ruin Probability
2.1 General Theory
2.2 Reinsurance Control
2.3 Investment Control
2.4 Premium Control
3 The Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman Equation
4 Optimal Dividends
5 Control Problems for the Cramér–Lundberg Model
5.1 The Generator and the HJB Equation
5.2 Ruin Probability Minimization
5.3 Optimal Investment
5.4 Optimal Dividends
6 Examples Involving Game Theory
6.1 An Optimality Property of Stop-Loss Reinsurance
6.2 Premiums Based on Customer Preferences
Chapter XII: Stochastic Control in Life Insurance
1 The Diffusion Approximation
2 Finite-State Markov Process Linear Regulation
3 The Consumption-Investment Problem
4 Uncertain Lifetime
5 The Consumption-Investment-Insurance Problem
6 The Multi-State Problem
6.1 The Survival Model
7 The Pension Fund's Problem
7.1 The Survival Model
Chapter XIII: Selected Further Topics
1 Claims Reserving
2 Multivariate Extreme Value Theory
3 Statistical Methods for Tails and Extreme Values
3.1 The Mean Excess Plot
3.2 The Hill Estimator
3.3 Peaks-over-Threshold
3.4 Block Maxima
4 Large Deviations Theory in Function Spaces
4.1 The Large Deviations Principle. One-Dimensional Cramér
4.2 Schilder and Mogulski
4.3 Implementation and Examples
4.4 LD Results for SDEs
5 Gaussian Maxima
5.1 Borell's Inequality
5.2 Slepian's Inequality
A.1 Integral Formulas
A.2 Differential Equations
A.2.1 The One-Dimensional Case
A.2.2 Systems of ODEs
A.3 Inhomogeneous Markov Processes
A.3.1 Feed-Forward Systems
A.4 Itô's Formula
A.5 Diffusion First Passage Probabilities
A.6 L2 Projections. Least Squares. Conditional Expectations
A.6.1 Least Squares
A.6.2 Conditional Expectations
A.7 Supplements on the Normal Distribution
A.7.1 Conditioning
A.7.2 Mill's Ratio
A.7.3 A PDE for the Multivariate Normal Density
A.8 Generalized Inverses
A.9 The Distributional Transform
A.10 Types of Distributions
A.11 Transforms