"Process Control Engineering" is a textbook for chemical, mechanical and electrical engineering students, providing the theoretic fundamentals of control systems, and highlighting modern control theory and practical aspects of industrial processes. The introductory nature of the text should appeal to undergraduate students, while later chapters on linear systems, optimal control, adaptive control and intelligent control are directed toward advanced students and practising engineers. The textbook has been extensively tested in both undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Alberta. Features of the book include: "Process Control Engineering Teachware" (PCET) on one 1.2 Mb IBM-compatible diskette; summary sections and tables to synopsize basic concepts and key information; coverage of intelligent control; and an instructor's manual.
Author(s): Ming Rao, Haiming Qiu
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 1993
Language: English
Pages: 421
City: Boca Raton
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Composition of Control Systems
1.2 Control System Development and Simulation
1.3 Classification of Control Systems
Chapter 2: Mathematical Models and Transfer Functions
2.1 Mathematical Models
2.2 Laplace Transforms and Transfer Functions
2.3 Transfer Functions of Elementary Systems
2.4 Block Diagrams
Chapter 3: Time Domain Analysis and Design
3.1 Test Signals
3.2 Steady State Errors
3.3 Transient Responses
3.4 PID Control
3.5 Effect of Controller Parameters on Closed Loop Response
3.6 Performance Criteria
Chapter 4: Stability and Root Locus Technique
4.1 Poles and Stability
4.2 Routh Criterion
4.3 Root Locus Technique
4.4 System Analysis and Design with Root Locus
Chapter 5: Frequency Domain Analysis and Design
5.1 Frequency Responses and Nyquist Plots
5.2 Bode Diagrams
5.3 Stability Analysis in Frequency Domain
5.4 Frequency Domain Analysis and Design for PID Controllers
5.5 Compensation with Phase Lead and Phase Lag Networks
Chapter 6: Discrete Time System Analysis and Design
6.1 Sampling and Signal Conversion
6.2 Z-Transform
6.3 Discrete Time System Responses
6.4 System Analysis and Design
Chapter 7: Process Control System Design
7.1 Selection of Controlled Variables and Manipulated Variables
7.2 Sensors, Transmitters and Transducers
7.3 Final Control Elements
7.4 Controller Selection and Tuning
7.5 Selection of a Controller's Action Direction
Chapter 8: Advanced Control Systems
8.1 Cascade Control
8.2 Ratio Control
8.3 Feedforward Control
8.4 Other Advanced Control Systems
Chapter 9: Linear State Space Analysis and Design
9.1 Matrix Algebra
9.2 State, State Space and State Space Representation
9.3 Solution to State Equation
9.4 Controllability and Observability
9.5 State Feedback and Pole Assignment
9.6 Stability and Lyapunov Criteria
Chapter 10: Optimal Control
10.1 Models, Constraints and Cost Function
10.2 Variational Method for Optimal Control
10.3 A Universal Variational Formula
10.4 Linear Regulator Problems
10.5 Pontryagin's Minimum Principle
Chapter 11: System Identification and Adaptive Control
11.1 Mathematical Background
11.2 Parameter Identification—Least Square Estimation
11.3 Kalman Filter
11.4 Adaptive Control Systems
Chapter 12: Intelligent Process Control
12.1 Next Generation of Process Automation
12.2 System Architecture for Intelligent Control
12.3 Integrated Distributed Intelligent System for Process Control
12.4 New Frontiers and Challenges in Intelligent Process Control
A. Laplace Transform Pairs
B. Proof of Time Delay Approximation Formula
C. Computer Simulation Laboratory