Pegswood Moor Farm lies on the Northumberland Coastal Plain in an area which until relatively recently was thought to have been sparsely occupied during later prehistory. However, as this publication clearly demonstrates, this area was as densely settled in these periods as any other part of the region. Sporadic visiting of the site occurred from the Mesolithic/early Neolithic into the Bronze Age, but significant habitation commenced at the site in the Later Iron Age when a small unenclosed farmstead was established. The site was succeeded by occupation on a much larger scale, with associated field systems, stock enclosures, smaller stockyards and a droveway were identified. The final phase of occupation recorded at the site was characterised by the construction of a rectilinear timber enclosure, and associated field system built over the remains of the preceding habitation area, in places directly through the middle of earlier dwellings. Occupation continued only until the 2nd century AD, however, when the area reverted to moorland. It remained as such into the post-medieval period when it came into agricultural use. This volume is the first of these recently excavated sites to be published in detail, presenting the archaeological, finds and environmental evidence, with a concluding chapter, which places the Pegswood settlement in a much broader regional context.
Author(s): Jennifer Proctor
Series: Pre-Construct Archaeology Monographs, 11
Publisher: Pre-Construct Archaeology
Year: 2009
Language: English
Pages: 128
City: London
Chapter 1. Introduction
Planning Background
Results of the Investigation
Geology and Topography
Archaeological and Historical Background
Chapter 2. The Archaeological Remains
Phase 1: Natural Sub-Stratum
Phase 2: Earlier Prehistoric
Phase 3: Unenclosed Later Iron Age Settlement
Phase 4: Enclosed Later Iron Age Settlement
Phase 5: 1st- to 2nd-Century AD Romano-British Activity
Chapter 3. Specialist Reports
Residues from Activities Involving Heat Quernstones and Other Stone Objects
Glass Objects
Palaeoenvironmental Remains
Animal Bone
Chapter 4. Discussion
Development and Form of the Settlement
The Social Landscape
Roundhouse Structures
The Economy of the Settlement
Manufacturing, Processing and Trade
Ritual Activity
The Settlement in its Regional and Wider Setting
Concluding Remarks
French and German Summaries