/homepage/sac/cam/na2000/index.html7-Volume Set now available at special set price !With the year 2000 being elected "The World Mathematical Year", the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics decided to publish a series of volumes dedicated to various disciplines of applied mathematics and numerical analysis. The series received the ambitious title Numerical Analysis in the 20th Century" and contains seven volumes of which the present one is devoted to "Linear Algebra". From the early days of scientific computing, numerical linear algebra has been driven by the necessity to be able to solve linear systems, to solve eigenproblems, and to understand the meaning of the results. Because many of these problems have to be solved repeatedly in other computational problems, the algorithms have to be robust and as fast as possible. This has led to much activity, and other than only developing algorithms on demand, the involved research has been equally intellectually challenging as in other sciences. The behavior of algorithms under rounding errors was a great source of inspiration for the further development of perturbation theory. The papers in this volume can be roughly subdivided into the following groups: 1. Eigenproblems (including SVD). 2. Linear Systems. 3. Miscellaneous problems and 4. Software.
Author(s): Claude Brezinski, Luc Wuytack, A. Hadjidimos, Henk A. van der Vorst, P.M. van Dooren
Year: 2001
Language: English
Pages: 544