Intelligent information technology has signi?cantly progressed along with the rapid growth of computer communication networks in the last decade. The - search in this domain became highly active under the worldwide growing en- ronment providing the objective study issues. The research situation in Japan is no exception in this trend. An enormous number of studies in intelligent - formation technology are presented every year in Japanese domestic conferences associated with this ?eld. Many of them are outstanding in terms of the tech- cal originality, quality and signi?cance. The annual conference of JSAI (Japan Society for Arti?cial Intelligence) is one of the key and representative domestic meetings in the ?eld of intelligent information technology. In particular, award papers in this conference have an excellent quality in international standards. TheannualconferenceofJSAIalsoorganizesco-locatedinternationalworkshops to provide excellent study reports for worldwide researchers. The objectives of this book are to present the award papers from the 19th annual conference of JSAI 2005 and the selected papers from the ?ve co-located international workshops and to promote the study exchange among worldwide researchers. Five papers received awards among more than 200 presentations in the conference, and 40 papers were selected from the workshops of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 2005 (LENLS 2005), Learning with Logics and Logics for Learning (LLLL 2005), Agent Network Dynamics and Intelligence (ANDI 2005), Conversational Informatics (CI 2005) and Risk Management Systems with Intelligent Data Analysis (RMSIDA 2005).
Author(s): Satoshi Tojo (auth.), Takashi Washio, Akito Sakurai, Katsuto Nakajima, Hideaki Takeda, Satoshi Tojo, Makoto Yokoo (eds.)
Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4012 : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Edition: 1
Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Year: 2006
Language: English
Pages: 486
Tags: Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Information Storage and Retrieval; Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet); User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction; Computers and Society
Front Matter....Pages -
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Overview of Awarded Papers: The 19th Annual Conference of JSAI....Pages 3-4
On Constructing Clusters from Non-Euclidean Dissimilarity Matrix by Using Rough Clustering....Pages 5-16
Towards Ontologies of Functionality and Semantic Annotation for Technical Knowledge Management....Pages 17-28
Support for Content Creation Using Conversation Quanta....Pages 29-40
Knowledge Level Design Support for Adaptive Learning Contents: Ontological Consideration of Knowledge Level Structure of SCORM2004 Contents....Pages 41-52
A New Solution Concept for Coalitional Games in Open Anonymous Environments....Pages 53-64
Front Matter....Pages 65-65
Overview of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS) 2005....Pages 67-68
A Note on Kripke’s Observation....Pages 69-76
Focus, Presupposition, and Propositional Attitude....Pages 77-84
Negative Polar Interrogatives and Bias....Pages 85-92
Representing Information Structure in a Formal Grammar of Danish....Pages 93-102
Processing of Information Structure and Floating Quantifiers in Japanese....Pages 103-110
An Information-Structural Analysis of the Readings for Nominal-Predicate Sentences in Japanese....Pages 111-117
Implicatures and Evidentiality of Because Complements at Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Interfaces....Pages 118-125
Model Generation in a Dynamic Environment....Pages 126-133
Modals and Anaphors in Korean....Pages 134-140
On the Meaning of Japanese Yo ....Pages 141-148
A Dynamic Semantics of Modal Subordination....Pages 149-156
Dynamic Discourse Semantics for Embedded Speech Acts....Pages 157-164
Front Matter....Pages 165-165
Workshop on Learning with Logics and Logics for Learning (LLLL)....Pages 167-168
Front Matter....Pages 165-165
Efficient Database Analysis Using VSOP Calculator Based on Zero-Suppressed BDDs....Pages 169-181
Enumerating Minimally Revised Specifications Using Dualization....Pages 182-189
Acquiring Configuration Rules of Form Elements from "Historic" Architectural Facade Employing Inductive Logic Programming....Pages 190-200
Learning Stochastic Logical Automaton....Pages 201-211
On Generalization and Subsumption for Ordered Clauses....Pages 212-223
Prediction of Recursive Real-Valued Functions from Finite Examples....Pages 224-234
Front Matter....Pages 235-235
Agent Network Dynamics and Intelligence (ANDI 2005)....Pages 237-238
A Counterexample for the Bullwhip Effect: Gaming and Multiagent Simulations....Pages 239-248
Development of a Multi-Agent Based Generic Traffic Simulator....Pages 249-260
Directed Network as a Chaotic Dynamical System....Pages 261-270
Behavior of Growing Scale-Free Networks in Complex Systems....Pages 271-279
Analysis of User’s Relation and Reading Activity in Weblogs....Pages 280-290
Grand Canonical Minority Games with Variable Strategy Spaces....Pages 291-301
Evaluation of Using Human Relationships on the Web as Information Navigation Paths....Pages 302-313
Network Topologies and Consumption Externalities....Pages 314-329
Information Sharing for Smooth Traffic in Road Networks....Pages 330-339
Analyzing Peer to Peer Communication Through Agent-Based Simulation....Pages 340-348
Front Matter....Pages 349-349
Introduction to Conversational Informatics....Pages 351-352
Probabilistic Inference of Gaze Patterns and Structure of Multiparty Conversations from Head Directions and Utterances....Pages 353-364
Conversational Inverse Information for Context-Based Retrieval of Personal Experiences....Pages 365-376
Front Matter....Pages 349-349
Detecting Microstructures of Conversations by Using Physical References: Case Study of Poster Presentations....Pages 377-388
Detection of Assessment Patterns in Ordinary Triadic Conversation....Pages 389-400
Automated Gesturing for Embodied Agents....Pages 401-410
Leader Qualification in Managing Nonprofit Organization....Pages 411-419
Front Matter....Pages 421-421
Risk Management Systems with Intelligent Data Analysis – Overview....Pages 423-424
Implementing an Integrated Time-Series Data Mining Environment Based on Temporal Pattern Extraction Methods: A Case Study of an Interferon Therapy Risk Mining for Chronic Hepatitis....Pages 425-435
Mutagenicity Risk Analysis by Using Class Association Rules....Pages 436-445
An Early Warning Support System for Food Safety Risks....Pages 446-457
Exploration of Researchers’ Social Network for Discovering Communities....Pages 458-469
Opinion Mining as Extraction of Attribute-Value Relations....Pages 470-481
Back Matter....Pages -