Mastering C++ Network Automation: Run Automation across Configuration Management, Container Orchestration, Kubernetes, and Cloud Networking

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This book is an in-depth guide for network administrators, cloud architects, and container and Kubernetes administrators who want to learn how to automate networking tasks in C++. From setting up a network automation environment to automating configuration management and working with containers and container orchestration tools such as Kubernetes, the book covers a wide range of topics. The first section of the book covers the fundamentals of automation scripting and testing. Readers will learn how to create successful automation scripts and test them to ensure they perform properly. The next section describes how to set up a network automation environment. This includes configuring network devices, servers, and other components required for automation. The readers will learn about the various protocols as well as how to use Ansible to automate the configuration management of these devices. It covers containerization and container orchestration systems such as Docker and Kubernetes. Readers will learn how to use tools such as Docker Compose and Kubernetes to automate workload management and deployment. The final section of the book focuses on cloud networking. The readers will learn how to handle network resources in cloud systems such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure. Readers get to work with tools and services available for cloud networking automation, best practices and how to use them in their regular cloud networking operations. One of the significant benefits of using C++ for network programming is its low-level access to the operating system. C++ provides direct access to system-level APIs, which allows developers to develop efficient and high-performance network applications. C++ supports low-level socket programming, which is essential for developing network applications that require high-performance and low latency. C++ is also a highly portable language that can be used on various platforms. This means that network applications developed in C++ can run on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. The portability of C++ is due to its compatibility with different operating systems and hardware architectures. This feature makes C++ an ideal choice for developing cross-platform network applications. C++ also provides robust support for multithreading, which is essential for developing high-performance network applications. Multithreading allows developers to write applications that can handle multiple connections simultaneously. This is important for network applications that require high throughput and low latency. C++ also provides libraries like std::thread that allow developers to write multithreaded applications quickly and easily. In addition to network programming, C++ is also a suitable language for network automation. Network automation involves automating repetitive network-related tasks, such as configuration management, monitoring, and testing. C++ provides a wide range of libraries and tools that can be used for network automation. For example, C++ provides libraries like Boost.PropertyTree that allow developers to read and write configuration files easily. C++ also provides tools like Boost.Test that allow developers to write automated tests for network applications. Key Learnings: Setting up GNS3, Eclipse IDE, cpp-netlib, Boost, OpenSSL, and zlib libraries Configure the ports, hosts, and servers using C++ scripting Writing, testing, and validating network automation scripts in both, test and production environment Building docker images, running containers, and managing container deployments Using Ansible for server provisioning, automated system identification and managing auto-updates Automating container scheduling, service discovery, and load balancing Setting up Kubernetes cluster, Nginx ingress, implementing service mesh, and automating firewall configuration Working with AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Networking Services for Cloud Automation

Author(s): Justin Barbara
Publisher: GitforGits
Year: 2023

Language: English
Pages: 299

Chapter 1: C++ Basics for Networks
Capability of C++ for Networks
Why C++ for Networks?
Data Types of C++
Boolean Data Type
Character Data Type
Integer Data Types
Floating-Point Data Types
Void Data Type
Enumeration Data Type
Pointer Data Type
Array Data Type
Structure Data Type
Union Data Type
C++ Loops
For Loop
While Loop
Do-While Loop
Loop Control Statements
Nested Loops
Functions in C++
Defining a Function
Calling a Function
Default Parameters
Function Overloading
Recursive Functions
Passing Arrays to Functions
Chapter 2: C++ Advanced for Networks
C++ File Handling
File I/O Operations
Opening File
Reading Data From File
Appending To File
Truncating a File
Error Handling
C++ Modules
What Are Modules?
Creating Module
Exporting Symbols
Importing Module
Compilation and Linking
Advantages of Modules
My First C++ Script
Chapter 3: Preparing Network Automation Setup
Elements of Network Automation Lab
Physical Infrastructure
Network Automation Software
Scripting Languages
Test and Monitoring Tools
Data Analysis and Visualization Tools
Setting Up GNS3 Network Simulator
Install Dependencies
Install GNS3
Install Dynamips
Install C++ Libraries
Configure GNS3
Create Network Topology
Configure C++ Support in Network Devices
Test Network Topologies
Installing and Configuring C++
Install C++ Compiler
Create C++ Program
Compile C++ Program
Run C++ Program
Incorporate C++ in Network Automation Lab
Installing Eclipse IDE
Download Eclipse IDE
Install Eclipse IDE
Run Eclipse IDE
Install Required Plugins
Create Project
Write and Run Code
Configure cpp-netlib, Boost, OpenSSL, and zlib
Install Required Libraries
Download cpp-netlib
Extract cpp-netlib
Build cpp-netlib
Test cpp-netlib
Configuring Ports
Import Libraries
Define Port Number and IP Address
Open Connection
Send Configuration Commands
Receive Response
Close Connection
Configuring Hosts (Multiple)
Import Libraries
Define Host IP Address
Open Connection
Send Configuration Commands
Receive Response
Close Connection
Configuring Servers
Import Libraries
Define Server IP Address and Port
Create Server Object
Accept Incoming Connections
Receive Configuration Commands
Process Command
Send Response
Close Connection
Configuring Encryption for Networks
Import Libraries
Initialize OpenSSL
Define SSL Context
Load SSL Certificates
Create SSL Socket
Accept SSL Connection
Receive Encrypted Data
Decrypt Data
Send Encrypted Data
Close SSL Connection
Testing Complete Automation Setup
Testing Simulator
Testing Installed Libraries
Testing Ports
Testing Hosts
Testing Servers
Chapter 4: Script, Test, and Validate Network Automation
Understanding Network Automation Scripts
Networking APIs and Libraries
Data Structures and Algorithms
Object-Oriented Programming
Error Handling
C++ Network Automation Scripting Process
Define Objective
Plan and Design Script
Choose Libraries and APIs
Write Script
Test Script
Validate Script
Document Script
Define C++ Variables for Automation
Open C++ IDE
Create New C++ Project
Define Variables
Assign Values to Variables
Use Variables in Script
Run Script
Writing C++ Automation Scripts
Include Necessary Libraries
Define Variables and Objects
Perform Network Automation Tasks
Handle Errors and Exceptions
Close Network Connection
Testing C++ Scripts in Test Environment
Set Up a Test Environment
Compile C++ Code
Execute C++ Code
Test Edge Cases
Integration Testing
Validation Testing
Debugging Errors and Issues
Reproduce Error
Use Debugging Tools
Analyze Error Messages
Use Print Statements
Modify Code
Test Modified Code
Repeat Process
Validating Automation Scripts in Production
Develop Validation Plan
Create Test Environment
Run Validation Test Cases
Monitor and Analyze Results
Troubleshoot any Issues
Document Validation Results
Deploy C++ Code
Chapter 5: Automating Configuration Management
Understanding Configuration Management
Benefits of Managing Configurations
New Server Provisioning with Ansible
Install Ansible
Create An Inventory File
Create Playbook
Run Playbook
Verify Results
Automate System Settings
Define System Settings to Automate
Import Necessary Libraries
Define Variables
Write Automation Code
Test and Validate Automation Code
Deploy Automation Code
Modify Base Configurations with C++
Include Necessary Headers
Define Configuration Files
Open Configuration Files for Editing
Write New Configurations to Files
Modify Base Configurations With Ansible
Install Ansible on Control Machine
Create Ansible Playbook to Modify Configurations
Run Ansible Playbook on Target Machine(S)
Test Base Configurations with Google Test
Automate System Identification
Identify Systems using C++
Identify Systems using Ansible
Automate System Patches and Updates
Install Ansible
Create Ansible Playbook
Execute Ansible Playbook
Automate Playbook with C++
Schedule C++ Script
Identify Unstable/Non-Compliant Configurations
Define Configuration Baseline
Use Ansible or Puppet to Collect Configuration Data
Parse Collected Data with C++
Generate Report
Remediate Non-Compliant Configurations
Sample Program
Chapter 6: Working with Docker and Containers
Exploring Docker and Containers
Role of C++ in Containerization
Benefits of C++ For Docker and Containers
Types of Docker Networks
Bridge Network
Host Network
Overlay Network
Macvlan Network
Install and Configure Docker
Install Docker
Test Docker Installation
Configure Docker for C++
Test Docker Container
Build Docker Images
Create Dockerfile
Build Docker Image
Run Docker Container
Run Containers
Automate Running Containers
Install Docker SDK for C++
Include Docker SDK in C++ Project
Write C++ Code to Start and Stop Containers
Build and Run C++ Project
Manage Container Networks
Default Network
Custom Network
External Network
Overlay Network
Docker Network Commands
How to Use Docker Commands
Chapter 7: Container Orchestration and Workload Automation
Understanding Container Scheduling
What is Service Discovery?
DNS-Based Service Discovery
Client-Side Service Discovery
Server-Side Service Discovery
Process of Service Discovery Automation
Install and Configure Consul
Create Service
Register Service
Discover Service
Communicate With Service
Using C++ to Automate Service Discovery
Install Consul
Register Services
Query Services
Sample Program to Query Registered Services using Boost.Asio
Define Environment Variables
Write Service Discovery Script
Build Project
Start Containers
Test Service Discovery
Clean Up
Necessity of Load Balancers
Working Principles
Benefits of Load Balancing
Automatng Load Balancing Management
Add or Remove Servers from Load Balancer
Install Necessary Libraries and Tools
Define Variables
Connect to Load Balancer API
Retrieve Server Information
Calculate Performance Metrics
Check Performance Metrics
Add or Remove Servers from Load Balancer
Repeat Process
Sample Program
Configure Load Balancing Algorithms
Automate Setting Up SSL Certificates
Include The Necessary Headers
Initialize Ssl Library
Putting Function into Action
Purpose of Container Storage
Manage Container Storage
Create Container with Data Volume
Start Container
Container Performance
Monitor Container Performance with Docker API
Automate Rolling Updates
Install Docker C++ SDK
Implement Automation Script
Step-By-Step Illustration of Program
Chapter 8: Kubernetes Automation
Importance of Kubernetes Cluster
Features of Kubernetes
Applications of Kubernetes
Procedure to Setup Kubernetes Cluster
Choose Platform
Install Kubernetes
Configure Cluster
Deploy Applications
Monitor and Manage Cluster
Using Kubectl to Setup Kubernetes Cluster
Install Required Packages
Initialize Kubernetes Master Node
Configure kubectl
Join Worker Nodes to Cluster
Verify Cluster Setup
Understanding Ingress Controllers
Deploy Ingress Controllers
Choose Ingress Controller
Deploy Ingress Controller
Create Service for Ingress Controller
Define Ingress Resource
Verify Ingress Resource
Deploy Ngnix on Kubernetes
Choose Nginx
Deploy Nginx
Create Service for Nginx
Define Nginx Resource
Verify Ngnix Resource
Understanding Service Mesh
Implement Service Mesh with C++
Install Istio
Deploy Microservices
Define Istio Gateway
Define Istio Virtual Service
Define Istio Destination Rule
Configure Sidecar Proxy
Test Service Mesh
Kubernetes Integration
Procedure to Integrate K8s with Existing Infrastructure
Sample Program to Integrate Kubernetes with C++
Chapter 9: Administering AWS Cloud Networking
Explore AWS Networking Services
Amazon VPC
AWS Direct Connect
Amazon Route 53
Elastic Load Balancing
AWS Transit Gateway
Amazon Elastic Network Interface
Amazon Elastic File System
Popularity of Amazon VPC
Create Amazon VPC
Sample Program to create VPC
Using IPv6 in VPC
Open Amazon VPC Console
Enable IPv6 for VPC
Configure Subnets
Configure Network Interfaces
Verify IPv6 Connectivity
AWS Network Interfaces (ENI, ENA, EFA)
Elastic Network Interface (ENI)
Elastic Network Adapter (ENA)
Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA)
Configure ENI for VPC
Navigate to Amazon VPC Console
Create a Subnet
Create a Security Group
Create ENI
Attach ENI to Instance
Configure ENI
Configure ENA for VPC
Configure EFA For VPC
Connect AWS Services with Private Addresses
Procedure Overview
Using Squid Proxy Server
Amazon Elastic Load Balancing
Types of AWS ELB
Putting AWS ELB into Use
Creating Application Load Balancer using AWS CLI
Setting Up the AWS CLI
Install Python
Install Pip
Install the AWS CLI
Verify the Installation
Configure AWS CLI
Using Amazon Cloudwatch
Setting Up Cloud Monitoring
Chapter 10: Administering Google Cloud Networking
Exploring GCP Networking Services
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Cloud Load Balancing
Cloud VPN
Cloud Interconnect
Network Security
Network Monitoring
Network Services
Network Connectivity
Setting Up VPC in Google Cloud
Create Virtual Machine in VPC
Create Load Balancer
Create Cloud Storage Bucket
Setting Up VPC Monitoring
Create Subnets
Subnets in Automate Mode
Subnets in Custom Mode
VPC Network Peering
Set Up Connectivity between Two VPC
Add Firewall Rules to VPC
Connect On-Premise Data with Google Cloud
Procedure Overview
Creating Cloud VPN Gateway
Creating Cloud VPN Tunnel
Performing Observability
Setting Up Stackdriver
Google Cloud Load Balancers
Setting Up Load Balancers
Sample Program to create HTTP Load Balancer
Chapter 11: Administering Azure Networking
Exploring Azure Networking Services
Virtual Network (VNet)
VPN Gateway
Load Balancer
Application Gateway
Azure Firewall
Network Security Groups (NSGs)
Azure Bastion
Azure DNS
Traffic Manager
Popularity of Azure Bastion
Setting Up Remote Desktop Protocol
Create VNet with Azure CLI
Create Public IP
Connect to VM using Azure CLI
Connect to VM using Azure Portal
Setting Up VPN Gateway
Step-By-Step Procedure to Establish VPN
Creating VPN using Azure CLI
Configure Load Balancers
Stages to Configure Azure Load Balancers
Managing Load Balancers
Create Load Balancers using Azure Portal
Azure Firewall Manager
Create an Azure Firewall Manager Instance
Create a Firewall Policy
Assign Policy to a Virtual Network
Monitor and Manage Firewall Policy
Azure Network Watcher for Network Issues