This Open-Access-book explores diversity in its ambivalence. On the one side, we love to describe diversity as a resource for personal, social, economic, and cultural growth. On the other side, categories of differences often lead to discrimination or serve as justifications for privileges. They can cause exclusion and, conversely, promote the self-constitution of discriminated subjects and groups.The book moves within this tension of exclusion and belonging. Case studies of young ethnicized people vividly depict the interwovenness of identity-building and diversity. Theoretically, the book examines the psychosocial and anthropological conditions for constructing the Other. Sharp divisions between We and the Other, between social and national groups, and between humans and nature have devastating, life-threatening consequences. Dichotomous split-offs divide people, nations and the whole world. So, how do we deal with diversity? The author does not provide simple recipes but engages in a phenomenology of diversity that does not press life and its manifestations into categories but keeps them in a limbo of attention by affirming and doubting differences.
Author(s): Hans Karl Peterlini
Publisher: Springer VS
Year: 2023
Language: English
Pages: 216
City: Wiesbaden
Preface: A Weak Pedagogy in a Rough World?
The (dis-)order of Culture—Facing Ethnicity and Identity Building
Heimat—Shelter or Cuckoo Nest? Exploration of a Concept Between Belonging and Exclusion
Myth, Magic Formula, Plastic Word—A Conceptual Approach
Only a German Issue—or a Universal Need?
A Seducative Concept for Etnic Minorities
Sketches of a Longing: Psychoanalysis as a Model of Understanding
From Inner Soul Questions to Social and Political Patterns
Who Am I? And Who Are You? Identity as a Construct Between Self-Invention and Straitjacket
The Presumed Unity of Person and Society—and its Fragility in Theory and Real Life
Beyond Gender, Skin Colour, Disability, Origin—Perception of Differences as Educational Challenge
“They Don’t Know Where They belong” Case Studies of Youthful Identity Formation
Theoretical Introduction: About Problems with and Persistence of Categories
Ambivalences Between I and We: Unity with Oneself and in the Collective We as a Result of Dichotomous Divisions
National and Ethnic Identity Creation: The Example of South Tyrol/Italy
The Project Study: Identity Pictures of Young Tyrolean Riflemen and Marketers 1997–2009
Sigmar Decarli
Molina is Down There
Trying to Get Along with Everyone
Ingo Hört
But You Don’t Need a Traditional Costume for That
Identity as a Creative Game with the Risk of Being
Dagmar Lafogler
Just Like Andreas Hofer, Sure, I Would Risk that for my Country
Between Angel and Skull
Johnny Ebner
Heimat … that is Texas
Healing Wounds also Means no Longer Having to be Hard
Knocking on the Door of Closed Traditions The Overlay of Autochthonous Ethnicization and Migration
Migrant, Black, & Tyrolean Rifleman: Story of Painful and Determined Integration
Leeways of Survival From Assimilation to Empowerment
Daring the Risk of Relation Heimat, Identity, Human Image: Perspectives of a Weak Pedagogy
The Difficult Renunciation of Secure Views of World and Man
A Phenomenological Exercise: Reading Traces on a Drawing Instead of Diagnostic Judgements
Enduring Ambivalences as Educational Challenge
Narration as Way of Exchange Experiences
The (dis-)order of Experience—Facing the Splitting of Learning and Living
The Split School. From Selective Normality Concepts to a Phenomenology of Diversity
Inclusive Openings and New Closings
Normality Assumptions as the Subject of a Conceptual “Polemic”
Phenomenological Receptivity as a Perspective for an Inclusive Understanding of Learning
Dialogue with Adorno. How to Deal with Right-Wing Populism, Racism and Institutional Cruelization
The Everlasting Auschwitz as Challenge for Education
Everyday Racism on Train: Have We Learned Something?
Pedagogy Cannot Replace Politics, Yes, but then What Can?
The Problem of Wanting to Educate for the Good
School can’t do it Alone, but it can’t be Left Alone Either
Expelling Aggression not as a Solution, but as a Problem
The Disintegration of Discourse in the Digital Network—or the Inactivation of Speaking
The Appreciation of Fear in Response to its Postponement
Deconstruction of Dichotomy as a Key Educational Task
The Lifeworld as a Space for Experience and Testing
Communication and Participation as Perspectives of Narrative and Participatory Pedagogy
Searching for the Lost Paradise
Consciousness as the Fall—The Dividing of Man in Myth
The Two Aspects of the Body—As Object to Control it, As Subject to Live with
The Duplicated Heads of the Hydra—How to Deal with Dichotomies?
Exploring Experiences: A Phenomenological Approach
Empathy as Path to the Lost Half—The Encounter of Rosa Luxemburg
On This Side of the Splitting Categories Lies the One World: Conclusions and Reflections for the Future of Education
The Significance of Ambivalence for Pedagogy
Diversity-Reflective Education as Working with the Inevitable
Dealing with Diversity—A Constant and Concrete Challenge
“The Good Earth is Dying”—Approaches to Global Citizenship Education
For Transformative Learning Education has to Transform Itself