Land Carbon Cycle Modeling: Matrix Approach, Data Assimilation, & Ecological Forecasting

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Carbon moves through the atmosphere, through the oceans, onto land, and into ecosystems. This cycling has a large effect on climate – changing geographic patterns of rainfall and the frequency of extreme weather – and is altered as the use of fossil fuels adds carbon to the cycle. The dynamics of this global carbon cycling are largely predicted over broad spatial scales and long periods of time by Earth system models. This book addresses the crucial question of how to assess, evaluate, and estimate the potential impact of the additional carbon to the land carbon cycle. The contributors describe a set of new approaches to land carbon cycle modeling for better exploring ecological questions regarding changes in carbon cycling; employing data assimilation techniques for model improvement; and doing real- or near-time ecological forecasting for decision support. This book strives to balance theoretical considerations, technical details, and applications of ecosystem modeling for research, assessment, and crucial decision making.

Key Features

    • Helps readers understand, implement, and criticize land carbon cycle models

    • Offers a new theoretical framework to understand transient dynamics of land carbon cycle

    • Describes a suite of modeling skills – matrix approach to represent land carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles; data assimilation and machine learning to improve parameterization; and workflow systems to facilitate ecological forecasting

    • Introduces a new set of techniques, such as semi-analytic spin-up (SASU), unified diagnostic system with a 1-3-5 scheme, traceability analysis, and benchmark analysis, for model evaluation and improvement

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    Author(s): Yiqi Luo, Benjamin Smith
    Publisher: CRC Press
    Year: 2022

    Language: English
    Pages: 398
    City: Boca Raton

    Half Title
    Title Page
    Copyright Page
    Table of Contents
    Notes on the Editors
    Unit I: Fundamentals of Carbon Cycle Modeling
    Chapter 1: Theoretical Foundation of the Land Carbon Cycle and Matrix Approach
    Convergence of the Land Carbon Cycle
    Donor Pool-Dominant Transfer and Other Properties That Govern the Land Carbon Cycle
    The Matrix Approach to Model Representation of the Land Carbon Cycle
    The Paradox of the Matrix Equation and Nonautonomous Systems
    Predictability of the Land Carbon Cycle
    Dynamic Disequilibrium of Land Carbon Cycle
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 2: Introduction to Modeling
    What is a Model?
    Models in Research
    Ways of Using Models
    System Dynamics
    Types of Land Carbon Cycle Models
    Modeling Workflow
    Specify the Question or Hypothesis and Identify How Modeling Can Help
    Choose a Model
    Verify that the Model Works
    Calibrate the Model
    Validate the Model
    Design the Model Experiment
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 3: Flow Diagrams and Balance Equations of Land Carbon Models
    Carbon Flow Diagram
    Carbon Balance Equations
    From Flow Diagram to Carbon Balance Equations
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 4: Practice 1: Carbon Flow Diagram and Carbon Balance Equations
    Unit II: Matrix Representation of Carbon Balance
    Chapter 5: Developing Matrix Models for Land Carbon Models
    What is the Matrix Version of the Carbon Balance Equation?
    How to Derive the Matrix Equation?
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 6: Coupled Carbon-Nitrogen Matrix Models
    Matrix Representation of C-N Coupling in Terrestrial Ecosystem (TECO) Model
    Application of Matrix Representation of C-N Coupled Model
    Matrix Representation of C-N Coupling in CLM5
    Global Validation of the CLM5 Matrix Model for C and N Simulations
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 7: Compartmental Dynamical Systems and Carbon Cycle Models
    Definition of Compartmental Systems
    Classification of Compartmental Systems
    Autonomous Versus Nonautonomous Systems
    Linear Versus Nonlinear Systems
    Properties and Long-Term Behavior of Autonomous Compartmental Systems
    Linear Systems
    Nonlinear Systems
    Stability Analysis Near Equilibria
    Linear Systems
    Nonlinear Systems
    Properties and Long-Term Behavior of nonautonomous Systems
    Linear Systems
    Nonlinear Systems
    Final Remarks
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 8: Practice 2: Matrix Representation of Carbon Balance Equations and Coding
    Unit III: Carbon Cycle Diagnostics for Uncertainty Analysis
    Chapter 9: Unified Diagnostic System for Uncertainty Analysis
    Uncertainty in Land Carbon Cycle Modeling
    One Formula to Represent Land Carbon Cycle Models
    A Three-dimensional (3D) Space to Describe Model Outputs
    Five Traceable Components for Traceability Analysis
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 10: Sensitivity Analysis with Matrix Equations: A Case Study with ORCHIDEE
    What is Sensitivity Analysis?
    Sobol Sensitivity Analysis
    One-at-a-time Sensitivity Analysis
    Spatial Pattern
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 11: Matrix Phosphorus Model and Data Assimilation
    A Brief Overview of Soil P Dynamics Models
    Matrix Approach to Soil P Modeling and Data Assimilation
    An Example of Applying a Matrix Model and Data Assimilation to Soil P
    Data Selection and Description
    Construction of the P Matrix Model
    Model Validation and Data Assimilation
    New Knowledge Emerging From Data Assimilation with the Matrix Model
    Soil P Dynamics Quantified by Data Assimilation
    Soil P Dynamics in Relation to Other Ecosystem Properties
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 12: Practice 3: Diagnostic Variables in Matrix Models
    Motivation of the Uncertainty Diagnostics
    The Mathematical Foundation of the Diagnostics of Land Carbon Cycle Models
    Carbon Storage Capacity and Carbon Storage Potential
    Residence Time and Carbon Input
    Suggested Reading
    Unit IV: Semi-Analytic Spin-Up (SASU)
    Chapter 13: Nonautonomous ODE System Solver and Stability Analysis
    Analytical Solution
    First Order Non-homogeneous Scalar Equation
    One-Pool Model
    Homogeneous Nonautonomous ODEs System
    Non-homogeneous Nonautonomous ODEs System
    N- Pool Model
    Mathematica Calculation For the Analytical Solution of a 3-pool Model
    Instantaneous Steady State
    Instantaneous Steady State for a 3-pool Model
    Global Attractor
    The Global Attractor of the N-Pool Model
    General Stability Statements
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 14: Semi-Analytic Spin-Up (SASU) of Coupled Carbon-Nitrogen Cycle Models
    What Is Spin-Up?
    Development of Spin-Up Approaches
    Semi-Analytic Spin-Up
    The Procedure of Semi-Analytic Spin-Up in CABLE
    Computational Efficiency
    Suggested Reading
    Select one option from the given answers
    Chapter 15: Time Characteristics of Compartmental Systems
    Age and Transit Time Distributions for Autonomous Systems in Equilibrium
    Age and Transit Time Distributions for Nonautonomous Systems
    Age Distributions
    Transit Time Distributions
    Final Remarks
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 16: Practice 4: Efficiency and Convergence of Semi-Analytic Spin-Up (SASU) in TECO
    SASU to Improve Computational Efficiency of Spin-up of Biogeochemical Models
    Spin-up in the Simplified TECO Model
    Spin-up with Different Model Parameters
    Spin-up in a Weak Nonlinear System
    Unit V: Traceability and Benchmark Analysis
    Chapter 17: Overview of Traceability Analysis
    A Key Challenge for Earth System Models: Identification of Uncertainty Sources
    Traceability Framework: Design and Key Components
    Benefits of Traceability Analysis for Identifying Model Uncertainty Sources
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 18: Applications of the Transient Traceability Framework
    A Traceability Framework for Transient Land Carbon Storage Dynamics
    Transient Traceability Analysis of Carbon Storage at Duke Forest and Harvard Forest
    Transient Traceability Analysis of Land Carbon Storage in Model Intercomparison Projects
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 19: Benchmark Analysis
    Aspects of Land Models to be Evaluated
    Reference Data Sets as Benchmarks
    Benchmarking Metrics
    Performance of Three CLM Versions and Future Improvements
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 20: Practice 5: Traceability Analysis for Evaluating Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Models
    Unit VI: Introduction to Data Assimilation
    Chapter 21: Data Assimilation: Introduction, Procedure, and Applications
    Introduction of Data Assimilation
    The Need for Data Assimilation
    SEVEN-STEP Procedure of Data Assimilation
    Scientific Values of Data Assimilation
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 22: Bayesian Statistics and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method in Data Assimilation
    Bayes’ Theorem
    Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method
    Convergence of MCMC Results
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 23: Application of Data Assimilation to Soil Incubation Data
    Soil Incubation Experiments
    Soil Carbon Models
    Application of Data Assimilation to Soil Incubation Data
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 24: Practice 6: The Seven-step Procedure for Data Assimilation
    Step 1: Defining an Objective
    Step 2: Preparing Data
    Step 3: Model
    Step 4: Cost Function
    Step 5: Optimization Method
    Step 6: Estimate Parameters
    Step 7: Prediction
    Exercises with CarboTrain Toolbox
    Suggested Reading
    Unit VII: Data Assimilation with Field Measurements and Satellite Data
    Chapter 25: Model-Data Integration at the SPRUCE Experiment
    Site Description
    Modeling for the SPRUCE Experiment
    Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 26: Application of Data Assimilation to a Peatland Methane Study
    Uncertainty in Methane Modeling
    Assimilation of Methane Emissions Data into the TECO Model
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 27: Global Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation Using Earth Observation: The CARDAMOM Approach
    Challenges for Modeling
    Model Complexity
    Model Error
    Data-Model Integration
    CARDAMOM and DALEC – An Example Framework for C Cycle Diagnostics
    The Data Assimilation Linked Ecosystem Carbon (DALEC) Model
    The Carbon Data Model Framework (CARDAMOM)
    Innovations in the CARDAMOM Approach
    An Example of CARDAMOM
    Key Challenges and Opportunities for Data Assimilation
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 28: Practice 7: Data Assimilation at the SPRUCE Site
    Practice design
    Unit VIII: Value of Data to Constrain Models and Their Predictions
    Chapter 29: Information Contents of Different Types of Data Sets to Constrain Parameters and Predictions
    An Overview of the Information Contents of Model and Data
    A Method to Quantify the Information Contents of Model and Data
    Short- and Long-term Information Contents of Model and Data
    The Information Contents of Data Depend on the Amount and Type of Data
    Model Equifinality
    Prediction of Land Carbon Dynamics After Data Assimilation
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 30: Using Data Assimilation to Identify Mechanisms Controlling Lake Carbon Dynamics
    Models and Data-Model Fusion
    Processes That May Control Epilimnetic C Dynamics
    Model Calibration and Selection
    Processes That Control Epilimnetic C Dynamics
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 31: Data-Constrained Uncertainty Analysis in Global Soil Carbon Models
    Alternative Model Structures
    Datasets and Data-Model Fusion
    Posterior Distribution of Model Parameters
    Uncertainties in Soil Carbon Projections Under RCP 8.5
    Sensitivity to Initial Conditions and Model Parameters
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 32: Practice 8: Information Contents of Land Carbon Pool and Flux Measurements to Constrain a Land Carbon Model
    Unit IX: Ecological Forecasting with EcoPAD
    Chapter 33: Introduction to Ecological Forecasting
    Weather Forecasting
    Models and Predictability of the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
    Data Availability to Constrain Forecast Via Data Assimilation
    Workflow System to Facilitate Ecological Forecasting
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 34: Ecological Platform for Assimilating Data (EcoPAD) for Ecological Forecasting
    Why Do We Need EcoPAD?
    General Structure of EcoPAD
    Applications of EcoPAD: The Example of SPRUCE
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 35: Practice 9: Ecological Forecasting at the SPRUCE Site
    Dataset Preparation for EcoPAD
    Accessing and Working With EcoPAD-SPRUCE
    Unit X: Process-based Machine Learning and Data-driven Modeling (PRODA)
    Chapter 36: Introduction to Machine Learning and Neural Networks
    Introduction and Applications of Machine Learning
    K-fold Cross-Validation For Evaluating Prediction/Test Accuracy
    Other Applications
    Avoiding Under/Overfitting in a Neural Network For Regression
    Comparing Neural Networks For Image Classification
    Cross-Validation For Evaluating Predictions of Earth System Model Parameters
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 37: PROcess-Guided Deep Learning and DAta-Driven Modelling (PRODA)
    The Need for Optimizing Parameterization of Earth System Models
    The Workflow of PRODA
    Model Representation of SOC Content Across Observation Sites
    Spatial Distribution of SOC Across the Conterminous U.S.
    Vertical Distribution of SOC Across the Conterminous U.S.
    Toward More Realistic Representations of SOC Distribution
    Suggested Reading
    Chapter 38: Practice 10: Deep Learning to Optimize Parameterization of CLM5
    Rationale of Estimating Parameter Values by a Deep Learning Model
    What Is a Neural Network?
    Hyperparameters in the Neural Network
    Tuning the Neural Network for Better Performance
    PRODA Versus Data Assimilation Alone for Optimized SOC Distributions in CLM5
    Appendix 1: Matrix Algebra in Land Carbon Cycle Modeling
    Matrix Operations
    Basic Operations
    Matrix Multiplication
    Quiz 1
    Matrix Equations
    Identity Matrix, Inverse Matrix
    Solving Matrix Equations
    Quiz 2
    Linear System
    Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
    Quiz 3
    Suggested Reading
    Appendix 2: Introduction to Programming in Python
    What is Python and How Does It Run?
    The First Python Program
    Variables and Operators
    Advanced Variables and Operators
    The List Variable
    The Function Operator
    The Class Operator
    The Module Operator
    Suggested Reading
    Appendix 3: CarboTrain User Guide
    Download CarboTrain
    Prerequisite Software
    Installation on Windows
    Install Python 3.7.9
    Fortran Complier
    Install R 3.6.3
    Installation on macOS
    Install Python 3.7.9
    Fortran Compiler
    Install R 4.0.5
    Uses of CarboTrain