The Monograph
Radar Techniques and Facilities for On-Line Remote Sensing of the Earth from Aerospace Carriers
The present book is a carefully arranged summary of engineering and scientific achievements resulting from the research efforts and practical applications associated with the development and testing of different radar systems for on-line remote sensing of the Earth's environment. These systems were installed both aboard the EOS "Cosmos-1500/Okean/Sich" and a number of aircrafts.
A special emphasis was placed upon physicotechnical specificities and data acquisition potentialities of these systems, particularly, their calibration characteristics and data processing techniques. Scientific and methodical problems associated with a real-time retrieval of data on the state of the World Ocean surface, ice and land have been widely discussed. A number of specific examples of thematic interpretation and practical use of radar data are cited.
The book is intended for these who are interested in exploring the natural resources from space, meteorology, environmental protection, geocryology radiophysics and electronics. It is also hoped that it will be of much benefit in terms of having appropriate qualifications for these particular businesses.
Academician of the NASU L.N. Litvinenko, Director of the Radioastronomical Institute of the NASU
Dr. O.P. Fedorov, Director of the Space Research Institute of the NASU and NSAU
Corresponding Member of the NASU V.I. Lyalko, Director of the Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth of the NASU
Dr. V.K. Volosyuk, Prof. of the N.Ye. Shukovsky National Aerospace University (NAU) "Kharkov Aviation Institute".
A.G. Boyev (§1.1, §1.2); V.B. Yefimov (§1.3); V.N. Tsymbal, S.Ye. Yatsevich (§1.4); I.A. Kalmykov, V.N. Tsymbal (§2); A.S. Kurekin, O.L. Yemelyanov, S.S. Kavelin, Yu.D. Saltykov, O.Yu. Kulilovsky, A.M. Popel (§2.1); A.Ya. Matveyev, V.N. Tsymbal, A.P. Yevdokimov, V.V. Kryzhanovsky, D.M. Bychkov (§2.2); O.V. Sytnik (§2.3); A.Ya. Matveyev, S.Ye. Yatsevich (§2.4); A.S. Gavrilenko (§2.5); V.N. Tsymbal (§§3.1-3.6); V.B. Yefimov (§§4.1-4.3); V.B. Yefimov, I.A. Kalmykov (§4.4); V.N. Tsymbal, I.A. Kalmykov (§§4.6, 4.7); A.G. Boyev, A.Ya. Matveyev, V.N. Tsymbal (§5.1); A.Ya. Matveyev (§5.2); A.Ya. Matveyev, V.N. Tsymbal (§5.3) S.E. Yatsevich, I.A. Kalmykov (§6.1); V.N. Tsymbal (§§6.2, 6.3); V.N. Tsymbal, A.S. Kurekin, A.S. Gavrilenko, A.Ya. Matveyev, D.M. Bychkov (§7.1); V.N. Tsymbal, A.S. Kurekin, A.S. Gavrilenko (§7.2); S.Ye. Yatsevich (Appendix 1); A.P. Yevdokimov, V.V. Kryzhanovsky (Appendix 2).
The authors who have readily consented to make valuable contributions to this book constitute an expert team of researchers and design engineers who are currently with the following institutions: Kalmykov Center for Radiophysical Sensing of the Earth of the NASU and NSAU, A.Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the NASU, Radioastronomical Institute of the NASU and the Design Office "Yuzhnoye".
UDC 621.396.96'06
R13 Radar Techniques and Facilities for On-Line Remote Sensing of the Earth from Aerospace Carriers / A.G. Boyev, V.B. Yefimov, V.N. Tsymbal at al.; edited by S.N. Konyukhov, V.I. Dranovsky, V.N. Tsymbal. – Kharkov (Ukraine): Publishing house Sheynina O.V. – 2010. – 428 p.
ISBN 978-966-1536-57-8
Author(s): Edited by Academician of the NASU S.N.
Language: English
Commentary: 585304
Tags: Приборостроение;Радиолокация