FRIDE, 2008. — 150 p. — ISBN 978-84-612-8013-1.
This book aims to enhance understanding of the EU’s role in promoting human rights and democratic norms. It does this through a detailed study of the full range of different EU.
instruments available to support human rights improvements and democratic reform in six.
countries. These case studies are designed to spur debate on how to incorporate democracy.
and human rights assistance into the mainstream of EU and member states’ foreign policy. Our.
case studies come from the EU’s immediate neighbourhood; our analysis relates in part to.
the specific instruments of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) but is also couched.
to have broader relevance.
The book offers detailed studies of the extent to which democracy and human rights.
commitments made under European Neighbourhood Policy action plans and the national.
bilateral assistance programmes of EU member states are being implemented in practice. It.
is hoped that these studies can help move debates on the ‘European model of human rights.
and democracy promotion’ beyond the general to country-specific operational challenges.
The case study authors identify lessons learned and offer concrete policy recommendations.
on how the EU can increase the effectiveness of its efforts to promote human rights and.
democracy in its Neighbourhood and beyond.
Contents.Overview: Assessing European Democracy Support in the Neighbourhood Richard Youngs.
Morocco. Kristina Kausch.
Jordan. Ana Echagüe.
Lebanon. Julia Choucair Vizoso.
Ukraine. Iryna Solonenko and Balazs Jarabik.
Belarus. Balazs Jarabik and Vitali Silitski.
Azerbaijan. Jos Boonstra.