Caspian Region Oil Pipelines April 2002
[Caspian Region] Oil and Gas Infrastructure in the Caspian Sea Region 2001
Ethnoreligious Distribution portion of Iran Country Profile 2004
Industry and Mining from U.S. Central Intelligence Agency map of Iran 1978
Kurdish Areas in the Middle East and the Soviet Union 1986
Kurdish Lands (location map) 1992
Light Industry and Agriculture from U.S. Central Intelligence Agency map of Iran 1973
Major Crops from U.S. Central Intelligence Agency map of Iran 1978
Major Muslim Ethnic Groups in Armenia, Iran, and the Islamic Commonwealth States 1992
Mining and Heavy Industry from U.S. Central Intelligence Agency map of Iran 1973
Peoples of Iran [Ethnolinguistic Groups] 1982
Petroleum - Key Petroleum Sector Facilites portion of Iran Country Profile 2004
Petroleum - Major Iranian Oilfields from U.S. Central Intelligence Agency map of Iran 1978
Population Density portion of Iran Country Profile 2004
Regional Physiography portion of Iran Country Profile 2004
Southern Caspian Energy Prospects portion of Iran Country Profile 2004
Strait of Hormuz portion of Iran Country Profile 2004
Language: English
Commentary: 798079
Tags: Науки о Земле;География;Атласы и карты;Карты отдельных стран и регионов