The promises and realities of digital innovation have come to suffuse everything from city regions to astronomy, government to finance, art to medicine, politics to warfare, and from genetics to reality itself. Digital systems augmenting physical space, buildings, and communities occupy a special place in the evolutionary discourse about advanced technology. The two Intelligent Environments books edited by Peter Droege span a quarter of a century across this genre. The second volume, Intelligent Environments: Advanced Systems for a Healthy Planet, asks: how does civilization approach thinking systems, intelligent spatial models, design methods, and support structures designed for sustainability, in ways that could counteract challenges to terrestrial habitability?
This book examines a range of baseline and benchmark practices but also unusual and even sublime endeavors across regions, currencies, infrastructure, architecture, transactive electricity, geodesign, net-positive planning, remote work, integrated transport, and artificial intelligence in understanding the most immediate spatial setting: the human body. The result of this quest is both highly informative and useful, but also critical. It opens windows on what must fast become a central and overarching existential focus in the face of anthropogenic planetary heating and other threats―and raises concomitant questions about direction, scope, and speed of that change.
Author(s): Peter Droege
Edition: 2
Publisher: Elsevier
Year: 2022
Language: English
Pages: 637
City: Amsterdam
INTELLIGENT ENVIRONMENTS: :Advanced Systems for a Healthy Planet
Contributor biographies
1 . Intelligent environments 2—Advanced systems for a healthy planet
1. Intelligent environments in transition
Intelligent regions
Intelligent cities
Intelligent energy
Intelligent money
Intelligent governance
Intelligent design collaboration
Intelligent work
Intelligently gendered space
Intelligent transport
Intelligent automobiles
Intelligent retrofits
Intelligent neighborhoods
Intelligent building design
Intelligent city models
Intelligent design tool
Intelligent scenario planning tool
Intelligent energy case project
Intelligent environment par excellence: the body
2. The rise of intelligent environments: early inklings
Japan and the information city
Liberation and empowerment
The digital construction of social reality
Digitalization takes command: control and surveillance
Renewable energy risk and redemption
Digital salvation
The slow and reluctant rise of “smart” responsibility
From the failure of modeling science: a call for action
Untact or intact?
3. The regenerative earth decade: intelligent environments for a habitable planet
3.1 Redefinition of emission targets: ubiquitous climate emergency gauges
3.2 Climate defense budgets
3.3 Climate peace diplomacy
3.4 Fossil fuel industry restructuring
3.5 Regenerative employment programs
3.6 Source taxation of fossil fuels and their regulatory phasing out
3.7 Biosequestration: the rapid development and regeneration of healthy, climate-active agricultural soils, wetlands, and forests
3.8 Industrial sequestration: transformation for carbon removal and uptake
3.9 Planning and utilizing regenerative economic boosts from migrant streams
3.10 A regenerative finance mechanism
4. The case for an intelligent planetary support environment
5. Conclusion
2 . The Ruhr innovation ecosystem—From inThe Ruhr Innovation Ecosystem – From industrial brownfields to smart regenerative envi ...
1. Climate change and urban infrastructure transformations
2. The Ruhr Metropolis innovation ecosystem
2.1 The structural phases of the Ruhr Metropolis innovation ecosystem
2.1.1 Integrated reindustrialization (1966–74)
2.1.2 Centralized neoindustrialization (1975–86)
2.1.3 Regionalized economic diversification (1987–99)
2.1.4 Environmental remediation, urban regeneration, and cultural development (since 1989) Environmental remediation Urban regeneration Cultural development
2.1.5 Fields of competence (since 1990)
2.1.6 Energy transition (since 2010)
2.2 City energy transition and smart specialization strategies
2.2.1 Smart city Dortmund
2.2.2 InnovationCity Bottrop
2.2.3 Solar City Gelsenkirchen
3. Innovation ecosystems for regional structural change
3.1 Industry clusters and sectoral diversification
3.2 Advanced education and transdisciplinary networks
3.3 Intelligent climate-resilient infrastructures
3.4 Socio-cultural considerations for cohesive smart environments
4. References
3 . Triangulum: the three point project—findings from one of the first EU smart city projects
1. European social cohesion, climate, urban innovation, and industrial development aims/H2020 and the green deal
2. The European Union (EU) initiatives on smart cities: innovation, resilience, climate change mitigation
3. The role of Triangulum
4. Aims and scope
5. Participating cities and their expectations
6. Leading technologies and their purpose
7. Expected outcomes and success measures
8. Case study: Eindhoven
9. Cooperation process and interaction
10. Outcomes and legacies of the project
11. Learning from Triangulum
Further reading
4 . Transactive electricity: how decentralized renewable power can support security, resilience and decarbonization
1. Introduction
2. The security and resilience challenge
3. The dispatchability deficit and transactive energy
3.1 Variable energy
3.2 Local energy markets
4. Decentralization of price—from FIT to transactive electricity storage
5. Decentralizing and distributing the grid: optimizing digital technology with a purpose
6. How does the distributed, transactive electricity grid work?
7. Market mechanisms for a distributed, transactive electricity grid
7.1 Feed in tariffs
7.2 Renewable energy certificates
7.3 Flexibility services
8. Emerging roles for entrepreneurs in the decentralized, transactive electricity grid
8.1 ekWateur
8.2 Swapping solar for products: loyalty peer to peer electricity trading
9. Deregulation and reregulation for a distributed, transactive electricity grid
9.1 Deregulation in the United States
9.2 EU deregulation
9.3 Indian deregulation
9.3.1 Uttar Pradesh: a case study
9.3.2 Tata power, Delhi: a case study
10. Conclusion
11. Short glossary of terms
Further reading
5 . Community inclusion currencies
1. Introduction
1.1 Currency primer
2. Real world applications
2.1 Regenerative agriculture
2.2 Humanitarian aid
2.3 Taxation
2.4 Municipal currencies and basic income
3. Currencies and blockchains
3.1 Claims and currencies
3.2 Cryptographically endorsing claims
3.3 Rewarding verified claims
3.4 Connecting currencies
4. Methodology
4.1 Learn by doing
4.1.1 Materials
4.1.2 Set-up
4.1.3 Exercise setup
4.1.4 Step 1: Resource mapping
4.1.5 Step 2. What can I offer?
4.1.6 Step 3. Barter credit
4.1.7 Step 4. Community trade audit
4.2 Currency creation memorandum
5. Pay it forward
6 . Managing uncertainty/making miracles: understanding and strategizing for unpredictable outcomes in the implementation of in ...
1. Introduction
2. The uncertainty principle
3. Case studies
3.1 Estonian digital democracy
3.2 U.S. department of motor vehicles
4. Lessons
7 . Geodesign to address global change
1. Introduction: the global challenge
2. Geodesign and sustainable development
3. Strategic planning for significant change
4. Organizing geodesign
5. Collaborative negotiation as a geodesign method
6. Technology in support of geodesign
7. Strategic planning for global change: the International Geodesign Collaboration
8. The IGC conventions: a common “language” for geodesign
9. Two IGC case studies
10. The CAMKOX corridor: rethinking the growth of the London region
11. The Minneapolis Green New Deal: the effect of policy on place
12. Early adopter scenario
13. Late adopter scenario
14. Nonadopter scenario
15. How IGC studies have applied geodesign globally
16. Conclusion: Geodesign in global public practice
Further reading
8 . Smart working and flexible work arrangements: opportunities and risks for sustainable communities
1. Introduction
2. Telework and smart work: definitions and main features
2.1 Telework and other TICTM forms
2.2 Smart work
3. Moving from tackling life-work balance toward a novel work organization
3.1 Telework
3.2 Smart work
4. Contribution of smart working to the quality of the urban environment
4.1 Smart working and mobility patterns
4.2 Smart working, urban environments, and territorial development
4.3 Energy consumption and remote working
4.4 Contribution of smart working to the quality of life
5. Smart-working in the context of pandemic and postpandemic scenarios
6. Perspectives on the transformative potential of smart working
9 . Intelligent spatial technologies for gender inclusive urban environments in today's smart cities
1. Introduction
1.1 Gender inclusive public spaces: concepts and state of the art
1.2 Relevance of women's perception in understanding “safety” and “fear” in public spaces
1.3 Understanding perception through spatial technologies
2. Methodological framework
2.1 Literature-based review: methodological selection of research on geospatial research on women's safety
2.2 Practice-based review: selection of geospatial practices focused on women's safety
3. Results: literature and practice-based
3.1 Literature based results
3.2 Practice-based results
4. Discussion
4.1 Deepening dimensions of gender-inclusive spaces
4.2 Integrating gender with geospatial technologies for an inclusive planning future
5. Conclusion
10 . Toward an intelligent mobility regime
1. Overview
2. Transport's sustainability challenge
3. Key structural trends behind travel behaviors
4. Realizing the potential of intelligent mobilities
5. A multi-level perspective analysis
6. Niche innovations and regime change in public transport
7. The four types of intelligent mobility innovation
8. Getting from A to B—a framework for systemic transformation
9. Think big, start small—niche seeds of a system redesign
10. Exploring and supporting transition paths
11 . Autonomous mobility in the built environment
1. Introduction
2. Overview of the autonomous vehicle sector
2.1 Understanding automation within the context of autonomous vehicles
2.2 Operation models for AVs
2.3 Business models for supporting AV operations
2.4 Commercial opportunities and availability of AVs
2.5 Customer insights
3. Autonomous vehicles and sustainability
3.1 Principles of sustainable transport
3.2 Are autonomous vehicles a sustainable mode of transport?
4. Four urban pillars for defining a sustainable future with autonomous vehicles
4.1 Infrastructure
4.2 Technology
4.3 Customer
4.4 Policy: standards, regulations, and liability
5. Conclusion
12 . Smart building and district retrofitting for intelligent urban environments
1. Current scope of smart retrofitting
1.1 Zooming-in on the building retrofit challenge
2. Will energy digitalization and data services foster smart renovation?
2.1 Algorithms for occupants: “knowing for doing”
2.2 Upscaling renovation: a new digital value chain prompted by industry 4.0
2.3 E-governance for e-renovation
2.4 Conclusions and caveats of digitalization
3. Building renovation impact on cities' sustainability and resilience: a step toward a healthier urban environment
3.1 Multiple benefits of building renovation and urban regeneration
3.2 The role of the built environment in health and well-being
3.2.1 Benefits of renovation at the building users' level
3.2.2 At the district or urban level
3.2.3 At the wider societal level
3.3 Assessment methods to account for the multiple benefits of building renovation
4. Perspectives and recommendations
Further reading
13 . Scale matters: exploiting cross-scale interactions for a smart and sustainable built environment
1. Introduction
2. Cross-scaling: exploiting the benefits of multiscale considerations in building renovations
3. Overcoming the cross-scale transition barriers: from theory to practice
4. Discussion and outlook: finding a scale to fit
14 . Ontologically streamlined data for building design and operation support
1. Introduction
2. Building performance data (BPD)
3. Building performance indicators
4. Ontological schema for building performance data
5. From data to application
5.1 Sources of data
5.2 Data preprocessing
5.3 Identification of categories and supplementation of attributes
5.4 Ontologized data deposition
6. BPD ontology implementation
7. Sustainably technology configuration support: an illustrative case study of ontologized data utilization
7.1 The first illustrative use case
7.2 The second illustrative use case
7.3 The third illustrative use case
8. Conclusions
15 . Digital City Science—a platform methodology for sustainable urban development
1. City science approaches in urban research
2. Principles, methods, and technologies
3. Convergence with urban sustainability
4. Sample studies and projects
5. Outlook: a new paradigm?
Further reading
16 . A software tool for net-positive urban design and architecture
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Problems and prospects
1.3 Positive development
2. How STARfish differs from rating tools
2.1 Complex systems and total impacts
2.2 Flexible tools and adaptable design
2.3 Visualization, communication, and transparency
2.4 Decision-making (reduction) versus design (multiplication)
2.5 Ecosystems and biodiversity issues
2.6 Social issues and community engagement
2.7 Transaction costs and omissions
3. How STARfish differs from lifecycle assessment
3.1 Problems with lifecycle assessment
3.2 Problems with simplified LCA-based tools
3.3 Benefits of radar diagrams
3.4 Problems with radar diagrams
4. Unique structure of STARfish
5. Discussion and outlook
5.1 From choosing options to expanding options
5.2 Future prospects
17 . Strategies to improve energy efficiency in residential buildings in Ambon, Indonesia
1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Results
3.1 Geography, population, and climate of Ambon Island
3.2 Residential area prototypes and building types on Ambon
3.3 Residential energy consumption and CO2 emissions on Ambon, 2019
3.4 Energy efficiency measures in the residential buildings
3.5 Future energy situation scenarios of the residential sector on Ambon
3.5.1 Population and residential area growth
3.5.2 Business-as-usual scenario
3.5.3 Innovative Scenario
3.6 GIS maps for residential energy demand and their CO2 emissions
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
18 . Transactive electricity markets: case study RENeW Nexus
1. Introduction
2. Research question
2.1 Can transactive electricity trading reduce stress on the grid?
2.2 What are the effects of transactive electricity trading on payback times for a battery?
3. Background
4. The project: RENeW Nexus—a study of localized transactive, electricity markets
5. Methodology
5.1 Freo 48
5.2 Loco 1
6. Results
6.1 Freo 48
6.1.1 Phase 1
6.1.2 Phase 2
6.1.3 Technical outcomes
6.1.4 Recruitment
6.1.5 Survey results
6.2 Participant motivations
6.3 Perception of pricing
6.4 Perception of P2P trading
6.5 Perceptions of energy use
6.6 Openness to DERs
7. Loco 1
8. Conclusions
Further reading
19 . The Insight Engine 2.0: the body and biomimetic systems as intelligent environments
1. The body as intelligent environment
2. The Neosentient model environment
3. The enacted, embodied, embedded, extended approach, abstracted via biomimetics
4. Embodied computation
5. The Insight Engine 2.0—focusing on the production of a model for neosentience
6. Bisociation and poly-association
7. Some visualization strategies in the Insight Engine 2.0
8. The World Generator 2.0—programming by Quran Karriem
9. Initial research areas for the Insight Engine 2.0
10. Two different approaches to Neosentience—one top down (Rössler), one bottom up (Seaman)
11. A new combinatorial n-dimensional bioalgorithm
12. Why n-dimensional?
13. Ethics and redefining notions of bias
14. The scope of the research
Sustainable AI and EI
15. Conclusion
Further reading