Designed to help ease novice Informix OnLine 5.0 database administrators comfortably into the job, this innovative guidebook pulls together information that is scattered across volumes of system documentation and that is based on first-hand experience in the workplace. It covers all aspects of day-to-day database administration -- both technical and political -- and includes everything from samples of helpful source code and tips on using utilities to monitor and tune the database, to suggestions on how to handle different types of people and deal with office politics. Covers DBA job functions, interfacing with peers; understanding the OnLine architecture, logging, archives, and utilities; specific tasks; common DBA tasks; tuning the database; and custom tools for the DBA. Features a collection of programs helpful to the DBA in managing the database -- programs for monitoring the status of the database, for monitoring logfile usage, for running archives in the background, and for monitoring the size and extent usage of database tables. An accompanying diskette contains the source code for all of the programs and scripts in the book. For novice Informix OnLine 5.0 database administrators.
Author(s): Joe Lumbley
Edition: Bk&Disk
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
Year: 1994
Language: English
Pages: 311