Author(s): James Gow and Henry Redwood
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2021
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
1. Introduction
The questions: impact in international affairs
Scope and methodology
The book
2. Impact -- concept and issues
Defining impact
Understanding impact: problems and issues
3. Impact -- towards a typology
What impact is not (?): news media 'impact' and public engagement
Process, research engagement and beyond
Towards a typology of impact: conceptual; instrumental; capacity building; procedural
4. International affairs
International research impact
UK research impact before 2014
Research impact 2014 -- Politics and International Studies
5. 4* Impact -- world leading
REF in the UK and approach
Discourse and high-scoring impact
6. The eight characteristics of world-leading, 4* impact: 1-5
Identifying world-leading impact
Long-term research and impact context
Quality/significant research funding
Clear engagement/an embedded role in implementation/researcher-practitioner unity
Resource/financial commitment to impact
Quotes as evidence and presentation
7. The eight characteristics of world-leading, 4* impact: 6-8
Breadth/range/multiplicity/cumulative effect
Creating something new/transformative for beneficiaries
News media engagement and public engagement
The characteristics of world-leading research, exceptions and limitations
8. Conclusion
Instrumental, conceptual, capacity-building and procedural impact, and the media issue
How to get 4*, world-leading impact
Why POLIS 'fails'
Annex 1
Selected bibliography