Author(s): Sharon Wynne
Series: XAM ICTS
Year: 2007
Language: English
Pages: 283
Table of Contents......Page 4
Study Tips......Page 16
Testing Tips......Page 19
Skill 1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of major theories of languagedevelopment, cognition, and learning......Page 21
Skill 1.4 Demonstrate an understanding of the phonemic, morphemic,semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic systems of language andtheir relation to the reading and writing processes......Page 26
Skill 2.1 Recognize the importance of literacy for personal and socialgrowth......Page 28
Skill 2.2 Demonstrate knowledge of the interrelation of language andliteracy acquisition......Page 29
Skill 2.3 Recognize that students need opportunities to integrate theiruse of literacy through reading, writing, listening, speaking,viewing, and representing visually......Page 31
Skill 2.4 Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of giving studentslearning opportunities in all aspects of literacy (e.g., asreaders, writers, thinkers, interpreters, reactors, orresponders).......Page 32
Skill 3.1 Demonstrate familiarity with research related to andphilosophies and theoretical models of reading education andtheir relevance to instruction......Page 34
Skill 3.2 Demonstrate knowledge of the history of reading educationand the contributions of past and present literacy leaders tocurrent theory and practice and the knowledge base......Page 35
Skill 3.4 Demonstrate knowledge of trends, controversies, and issuesin reading education......Page 39
Skill 3.5 Recognize reading skills and strategies and the role eachplays in reading development......Page 40
Skill 3.6 Recognize the scope and sequences for reading instruction atall developmental levels, pre-K through grade 12......Page 41
Skill 4.4 Demonstrate an understanding of the role of metacognition inreading and writing and in listening and speaking......Page 43
Skill 4.5 Recognize the importance of promoting the integration oflanguage arts into all content areas......Page 44
Skill 5.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of physical,perceptual, emotional, social, cultural, environmental, andintellectual factors on learning, language development, andreading acquisition......Page 45
Skill 5.4 Recognize the need to understand, respect, and value cultural,linguistic, and ethnic diversity......Page 48
Skill 6.1 Demonstrate an understanding of ways to create a literateenvironment that fosters interest and growth in all aspects ofliteracy......Page 50
Skill 6.2 Identify ways to use texts and trade books to stimulateinterest; promote reading growth; foster appreciation for thewritten word; and increase the motivation of students to readwidely and independently for information, pleasure, andpersonal growth......Page 55
Skill 6.4 Recognize the importance of modeling and discussing readingand writing as valuable, lifelong activities......Page 57
Skill 6.5 Identify strategies for using instructional and informationaltechnologies to support reading and writing instruction......Page 58
Skill 7.1 Identify strategies for teaching students to monitor their ownword identification through the use of syntactic, semantic, andgraphophonemic relations......Page 59
Skill 7.2 Demonstrate an understanding that spelling is developmentaland is based on students' knowledge of the phonologicalsystem and of the letter names, students' judgments ofphonetic similarities and differences, and students' ability toabstract phonetic information from letter names.......Page 60
Skill 7.3 Identify strategies for using phonics to teach students to usetheir knowledge of letter–sound correspondence to identifysounds as they construct meaning......Page 61
Skill 7.4 Identify methods for teaching students to use context toidentify and define unfamiliar words......Page 85
Skill 7.5 Identify methods for teaching students to recognize and usevarious spelling patterns in the English language as an aid toword identification and meaning......Page 92
Skill 7.6 Demonstrate knowledge of effective techniques and strategiesfor the ongoing development of independent vocabularyacquisition......Page 98
Skill 7.7 Demonstrate knowledge of effective techniques and strategiesfor the development of fluency......Page 111
Skill 8.1 Demonstrate an understanding of ways to provide explicitinstruction as well as ways to model when and how to usemultiple comprehension strategies......Page 112
Skill 8.2 Identify ways to model questioning strategies......Page 124
Skill 8.3 Demonstrate knowledge of ways to teach students to connectprior knowledge with new information.......Page 125
Skill 8.5 Identify methods for ensuring that students can use variousaspects of text (e.g., conventions of written English, textstructure and genres, intertextual connections) to gaincomprehension.......Page 127
Skill 8.6 Identify methods for ensuring that students gainunderstanding of the meaning and importance of theconventions of standard written English (e.g., pronunciation,usage) for comprehending text.......Page 132
Skill 9.1 Demonstrate familiarity with a wide range of classic andcontemporary children's and young adults' fictional andinformational literature at appropriate levels of interest andreadability......Page 133
Skill 9.2 Demonstrate knowledge of ways to locate, evaluate, and useliterature for readers of all abilities, ages, and backgrounds......Page 135
Skill 9.3 Demonstrate familiarity with various tools and methods usedto estimate the readability of texts......Page 137
Skill 10.1 Identify methods for developing students' strategies forlocating and using a variety of print, nonprint, and electronicsources......Page 139
Skill 10.2 Identify methods for teaching students to vary reading rateaccording to the reader's purpose(s) and the difficulty of thematerial......Page 140
Skill 10.4 Identify methods for teaching students strategies to organize,understand, and remember information from verbal andwritten sources......Page 141
Skill 10.5 Identify methods for teaching students test-taking strategies......Page 143
Skill 11.2 Demonstrate familiarity with methods for teaching students todraft, revise, edit, and publish their writing......Page 144
Skill 11.3 Demonstrate familiarity with methods for teaching studentsthe conventions of standard written English needed to edittheir writing......Page 145
Skill 12.3 Demonstrate an understanding that goals, instruction, andassessment should be aligned......Page 146
Skill 12.4 Demonstrate knowledge of the procedures for screeningclasses to identify students in need of more thorough readingdiagnoses......Page 147
Skill 13.1 Demonstrate an understanding of methods for assessingstrengths and needs of individual students in the areas ofreading, writing, and spelling and determining students'reading levels (e.g., independent, instructional, frustration......Page 148
Skill 13.2 Demonstrate an understanding of methods for developing andconducting assessments that involve multiple indicators oflearner progress......Page 151
Skill 13.3 Demonstrate an understanding of methods for administeringand using information from interest inventories, normreferencedtests, formal and informal inventories, constructedresponse measures, portfolio-based assessments, studentself-evaluations, work/performance samples, observations,anecdotal records, journals, and other indicators of studentprogress to inform instruction......Page 153
Skill 13.4 Demonstrate an understanding of the construction andinterpretation of classroom reading tests, including the stateassessment......Page 160
Skill 14.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the nature and multiple causes ofreading and writing difficulties......Page 161
Skill 14.2 Demonstrate knowledge of individualized and groupinstructional interventions targeted toward those students ingreatest need or at low proficiency levels......Page 162
Skill 14.3 Identify methods for designing, implementing, and evaluatingappropriate reading programs for small groups andindividuals......Page 163
Skill 14.4 Demonstrate knowledge of models and procedures forproviding reading diagnosis and educational services tostudents with reading difficulties......Page 165
Skill 14.5 Demonstrate familiarity with methods for developing a varietyof reports on and profiles of students with reading difficulties......Page 169
Skill 15.1 Demonstrate familiarity with the instructional implications ofresearch in reading, special education, psychology, and otherfields that deal with the treatment of students with reading andlearning difficulties......Page 170
Skill 15.3 Demonstrate familiarity with the process of developingindividual educational plans for students with severe learningproblems related to literacy......Page 171
Skill 16.1 Demonstrate an understanding of ways to communicate withstudents about their strengths, areas for improvement, andways to achieve improvement.......Page 174
Skill 16.3 Demonstrate familiarity with methods for implementingprograms designed to help students improve their reading andwriting, including those supported by federal, state, and localfunding......Page 175
Skill 17.2 Demonstrate familiarity with curriculum material andinstructional technology evaluation guidelines and withmethods for selecting and evaluating instructional materialsfor literacy, including those that are technology based......Page 176
Skill 17.3 Demonstrate an understanding of the importance ofparticipating in the development and implementation of schoolimprovement plans......Page 177
Skill 17.4 Demonstrate an understanding of strategies for participatingin and facilitating reading curriculum design, revision, andimplementation......Page 178
Skill 17.5 Demonstrate an understanding of strategies for participatingin the evaluation and selection of instructional materials,including textbooks, trade books, materials for students withspecial needs, and technology......Page 179
Skill 18.2 Identify strategies for communicating effectively about readingto the general public......Page 180
Skill 18.4 Identify strategies for communicating with allied professionalsand paraprofessionals in assessing student achievement andplanning instruction......Page 181
Skill 18.5 Identify ways to communicate information and data aboutliteracy to school personnel, parents/guardians, and thecommunity......Page 182
Skill 19.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the value of participating inprofessional development programs......Page 183
Skill 19.2 Recognize the importance of using multiple indicators to judgeprofessional growth......Page 184
Skill 19.3 Demonstrate familiarity with resources for gaining informationrelated to certification and recertification......Page 185
Skill 20.1 Demonstrate familiarity with methods for planning lessonsthat involve the participation of paraprofessionals......Page 186
Skill 20.3 Demonstrate familiarity with methods for guiding and trainingtutors and volunteers......Page 187
Skill 21.3 Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of conducting selfevaluationand reflecting on one's own teaching practices toimprove instruction and other services to students......Page 189
Skill 21.4 Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of being aware of,adhering to, and modeling ethical standards of professionalconduct in reading education......Page 193
GLOSSARY......Page 195
Directory of Theorists and Researchers......Page 206
Sample Test......Page 231
Answer Key......Page 263
Rationales for Sample Questions......Page 264
Constructed Response Questions......Page 273
Tips and Reflections for tackling the Constructed Response Questions:......Page 278
Additional Professional Citations......Page 279