This book provides practical guidance and awareness for a growing body of knowledge developing across a variety of disciplines. This initiative is a celebration of the Gavriel Salvendy International Symposium (GSIS) and provides a survey of topics and emerging areas of interest in human–automation interaction. This set of articles for the GSIS emphasizes a main thematic areas: mobile computing. Main areas of coverage include Section A: Health, Care and Assistive Technologies; Section B: Usability, User Experience and Design; Section C: Virtual Learning, Training and Collaboration; Section D: Ergonomics in Work, Automation and Production. In total, there are more than 600 pages emphasizing contributions from especially early career researchers that were featured as part of this (virtual) symposium and celebration. Gavriel Salvendy initiated the conferences that run annually as Human–Computer Interaction within LNCS of Springer and Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International (AHFE). The book is inclusive of human–computer interaction and human factors and ergonomics principles, yet is intended to serve a much wider audience that has interest in automation and human modeling. The emerging need for human–automation interaction expertise has developed from an ever-growing availability and presence of automation in our everyday lives. This initiative is intended to provide practical guidance and awareness for a growing body of knowledge developing across a variety of disciplines and many countries.
Author(s): Vincent G. Duffy, Martina Ziefle, Pei-Luen Patrick Rau, Mitchell M. Tseng
Series: Automation, Collaboration, & E-Services, 12
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2022
Language: English
Pages: 658
City: Cham
ACES Series Editor Foreword
Health, Care and Assistive Services
Don’t Stand so Close to Me: Acceptance of Delegating Intimate Health Care Tasks to Assistive Robots
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
2.1 Assistive Care Robots, Technologies, and Systems
2.2 Acceptance, User Diversity & Assistive Care Robots
2.3 Research Aim
3 Method
3.1 Survey Design
3.2 Data Analysis
3.3 Sample Description
4 Results
4.1 General Acceptance of Being Cared for by a Robot Versus a Human
4.2 The Role of User Diversity
4.3 Tasks Intimacy and Sensitivity and Its Influence on Acceptance
5 Discussion
5.1 General Acceptance of Assistive Care Robots and Task Dependency of Acceptance
5.2 User Diversity
5.3 Implications the Implementation of Assistive Technology in Real Care Contexts
5.4 Limitations and Future Research
6 Conclusion
Methods and Tools for the Development of Virtual Platforms for Motor Rehabilitation
1 Introduction
2 Scientific Background
3 Design and Development from Medical Needs
3.1 Acquisition of Medical Knowledge
3.2 Mocap System Set-Up and Planning of Acquisitions
3.3 Development of the Medical Application
4 Use Cases
4.1 SCI-App: Pushing Cycle Analysis of Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) Patients
4.2 Shoulder-Lab: Application to Measure the Abduction Movement of a Shoulder
4.3 GLab: Gait Analysis for Patients with a Lower Limb Prosthesis
5 Tests and Discussion
6 Conclusions
The Emergence of Wearable Technologies in Healthcare: A Systematic Review
1 Introduction and Background
1.1 Wearable Technologies and Healthcare
1.2 Overview of Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Review
2 Purpose of the Study
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Database Searches
3.2 Trend Analysis
3.3 Emergence Indicator
3.4 Engagement Measures
4 Results
4.1 Co-citation Analysis
4.2 Content Analysis
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
7 Scope for Future Work
A Systematic Literature Review of the Effect of SARS-CoV-2 Virus (COVID-19) on Workplace Environment Guidelines
1 Introduction and Background
2 Purpose of the Study
3 Methodologies
4 Results
4.1 Trend Analysis
4.2 Co-citation Analysis
4.3 Content Analysis
4.4 Content Analysis from MAXQDA
4.5 Cluster Analysis
4.6 Leading Table
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
7 Future Work
A Systematic Review of How Remote Work Affects Workplace Stress and Mental Health
1 Introduction
2 Purpose of Study
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Data Collection
3.2 Trend Analysis
4 Results
4.1 Co-occurrence Analysis
4.2 Co-citation Analysis
4.3 Co-author Analysis
4.4 Leading Tables and Diagrams
4.5 Content Analysis Results from MAXQDA
5 Discussion
6 Future Work
Human Factors Engineering and User-Centered Design for Mobile Health Technology: Enhancing Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Satisfaction
1 Introduction
2 Human Factors Engineering and User-Centered Design
3 Case Study 1: A Tablet-Based System for Type II Diabetes and Hypertension Self-Care
3.1 Background
3.2 Description of the Diabetes-Hypertension Self-Care System
3.3 Human Factors Engineering and User-Centered Design for the Self-Care System Development
3.4 Implications and Take-Home Messages
4 Case Study 2: A Mobile Health App for Family Caregivers of Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
4.1 Background
4.2 Description of the Brain CareNotes App
4.3 Human Factors Engineering and User-Centered Design for Brain CareNotes App Development
4.4 Implications and Take Home Messages
5 Conclusions
Implementation of Ergonomic Modeling Software to Predict and Decrease Incidence of Musculoskeletal Disorders
1 Introduction and Problem Statement—Forklift
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Problem Statement
2 RAMSIS Simulation Procedure
2.1 Software Introduction
2.2 Procedure
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Results
3.2 Discussion
4 Future Work
5 Introduction and Problem Statement—ATC
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Problem Statement
6 RAMSIS Simulation Procedure—ATC
6.1 Software Introduction
6.2 Procedure
7 Results and Discussion
7.1 Results
7.2 Discussion
8 Future Work
Usability, User Experience and Design
Designing a Voice Intelligent Agent: A Review and Appraisal
1 Introduction
2 Input
2.1 Input Modality
2.2 Input Content
3 Function
3.1 Roles and Tasks
3.2 Necessary and Unnecessary Functions
4 Output
4.1 Output Modality
4.2 Interface Display
5 Anthropomorphism
5.1 Social Cues
5.2 Communication and Personality
6 Intelligence Level
7 Conclusion
Cuteness Engineering and UX Design
1 Introduction
2 User-Interface, User-Experience, and User-Centered Design
2.1 Cross-Cultural UX Design
2.2 Cuteness Taxonomy
3 Examples of Cuteness in UX of Computer-Based Products/Services
4 Design Guidelines for Cuteness
5 Future Challenges
6 Discussion and Conclusions
Small Screen-Large Information Challenge for Older Adults: Navigating Through Big Pictures and Menus of Mobile Phones
1 Introduction
2 Navigation in the Digital World
2.1 Navigation a Within Single Page
2.2 Navigation Across Pages
3 Cognitive and Physiological Involvement in Navigation
3.1 Navigation Strategies
3.2 Related Cognitive Abilities
3.3 Neuropsychology of Spatial Cognition
4 Discussion
5 Conclusion
Homeodynamic Environments, Homeodynamic Products and Intelligent Biointerfaces: Affective and Pleasurable Design to Maintain and Restore Human Homeostasis
1 From Humanization to Humanized Ambiences
2 From Homeostasis to Homeodynamic Environments and Products
3 Main Contributions of Intelligent Biointerfaces to Affective and Pleasurable Design of Homeodynamic Environments and Products
4 Homeodynamic Environments and Products: Potential Contexts and Applications
5 Conclusions
Usability and User Experience in Human–Automation Interaction: A Systematic Review
1 Introduction and Background
2 Problem Statement
3 Procedure
3.1 Defining appropriate search terms and search results
3.2 Trend and Content Analysis
4 Results
4.1 Content Analysis Using VoS Viewer and MaxQDA
5 Discussions
5.1 Usability and Usability testing
5.2 User experience (UX) and User-Centered Design (UCD)
6 Conclusion
7 Future Work
The Use of Technological-Based Safety Solutions in People Emergency Evacuation
1 Introduction and Background
2 Current Situation of Indoor Emergency Evacuation
3 Technological Solutions for Indoor Emergency Evacuations
4 Development of New the Generation of Safety Information
5 Conclusion
How Older Adults Think About Narrator: A Qualitative Study on Video Training and Smart Home Technology
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
2.1 Research Design
2.2 Participants
2.3 Procedures
2.4 Data Analysis
3 Results
3.1 Attitudes and Perceptions of Older Adults Towards Smartphone Home System
3.2 Preferences of Older Adults on Narrators in the Observational Training
4 Discussion
5 Conclusion
Appendix: Interview questions
Virtual Learning, Training, and Collaboration
Agent Transparency for Human-Autonomy Teaming
1 Introduction
1.1 Situation Awareness-Based Agent Transparency
2 Implementations of Transparency in Complex Human-Agent Systems
2.1 Automated/Autonomous Driving
2.2 Human–Robot Interaction
2.3 Explainable AI
2.4 Individual and Cultural Differences
3 Challenges and Future Research
Evaluating Augmented Reality Based Remote Collaboration: A Contextualized Approach
1 Introduction
2 Background on AR-Based Remote Collaboration
2.1 Remote Collaboration Mediated by Augmented Reality
2.2 Current Trends for Evaluation of AR-Based Remote Collaboration
2.3 Challenges for Advancing Evaluation of AR-Based Remote Collaboration
3 Characteristics for Improved Data Collection and Analysis
4 Observations on the Research Context
5 Concluding Remarks and Future Work
Mobile Computing: The Role of Autonomous Features in Robot-Mediated Virtual Learning
1 Introduction and Background
1.1 Children Who are Medically Restricted to Their Homes (MRH)
1.2 Bioecological Systems Theory
2 Overview of Telerobots for Virtual Learning
2.1 Virtual Inclusion
2.2 Benefits of Telerobot Use
2.3 Commercially Available Telerobots
3 Overview of Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Features
3.1 Function in Existing Systems and What is Needed in Future Systems
3.2 Trust in Autonomous Features
4 Need for Interdisciplinary Approaches to Meet Human Needs
4.1 Presence and Social Connectedness (PASC) Framework
5 Conclusion
Virtual Environments for Training Windstorm Risk Engineers
1 Introduction
1.1 Interviews
2 Virtual Environment Development
2.1 Overview of the VR Environment Development Process
2.2 User Interaction Within the Environment
2.3 Decision Aids Used in the Study
3 Concept Testing and Iterative Refinement of the Virtual Environments
3.1 Methodology
3.2 Key Takeaways
4 Transfer of Training in Acquiring Windstorm Risk Inspection Skills
4.1 Methodology
4.2 Key Results
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
Analyzing Motivation Within Virtual Learning Environments: A Systematic Literature Review
1 Introduction and Background
2 Purpose of Study
3 Data Collection
3.1 Database Searches
3.2 Trend Analysis
3.3 Emergence Indicator
3.4 Engagement Measures
4 Results
4.1 Co-Authorship and Co-Citation Analyses
4.2 Content Analyses
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
7 Future Work
Transforming E-Learning Through the Use of Virtual and Augmented Reality: A Systematic Review
1 Introduction and Background
1.1 E-Learning
1.2 Virtual and Augmented Reality
1.3 Overview of Bibliometrics and Systematic Review
2 Purpose of Study
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Database Searches
3.2 Trend Analysis
3.3 Emergence and Persistence Indicator
3.4 Engagement Measures
4 Results
4.1 Co-Citation Analysis
4.2 Content Analysis
5 Discussion
5.1 Virtual and Augmented Reality in Job Design
5.2 Relevance to Human–Computer Interaction
6 Conclusion
7 Scope for Future Work
Integrating Cognitive Load Theory and Concepts in Silver Gaming: A Review and Directions for Future Research
1 Introduction
2 Cognitive Load Theory
3 Role of Intrinsic Load in Silver Gaming
4 Role of Extraneous Load in Silver Gaming
5 Summary of Chapter
Ergonomics in Work, Automation and Production
Job Crafting and Re-design in a Rapidly Changing World of Work: A Bibliometric Analysis and Review
1 Introduction
1.1 Employment Trends
1.2 Job Crafting and Re-design
2 Problem Statement
3 Procedures
3.1 Data Collection
3.2 Data Analysis
4 Results
5 Discussion
6 Future Work
Ergonomic Risk Assessment of an Industrial Workstation Applying Motion Capture System
1 Introduction
2 Background and Objectives of the Study
2.1 Collaborated Companies
2.2 Examined Workstation
2.3 Completed Tasks
3 Methods and Tools
3.1 Digital Human Modeling
3.2 Motion Capture
3.3 Assessment Tools Implemented in ViveLab
4 Evaluation of the Original Workstation
4.1 Methods
4.2 Results of the Original Workstation
5 Draft of the New Workstation
6 Remeasurement
6.1 Methods
6.2 Comparison of the Results of the Original and Redesigned Workstation
6.3 Limitations of Remeasurement
7 Conclusion and Discussion
A Bibliometric and Content Analysis of Cognitive Ergonomics and Automation in Mobile Computing
1 Introduction and Background
2 Methodology
3 Results
4 Discussion and Conclusions
4.1 Bibliometric Analysis
4.2 Network Map Analysis
4.3 Word Cloud Analysis
4.4 Limitations of the Process
5 Future Work
Moderating Stress in Task Design and Motivation: A Systematic Review
1 Introduction and Background
2 Purpose of Study
3 Data Collection
3.1 Database Searches
3.2 Trend Analysis
3.3 Emergence Indicator
3.4 Engagement Measures
4 Results
4.1 Co-Citation Analysis
4.2 Content Analyses
5 Discussion
5.1 Task Design
5.2 Motivation and Moderating Stress
6 Conclusion
7 Future Work
Systematic Literature Review on Human-Internet of Things (IoT) Interaction in the Era of Ambient Intelligence
1 Introduction and Background
1.1 What is IoT?
1.2 What Are Some Key Technologies Enabling IoT Systems?
1.3 How Can IoT Be Implemented?
1.4 Where Has IoT Been Implemented?
1.5 IoT Research Directions
1.6 Some Human Resistance Against Implementing IoT
1.7 What is AmI?
1.8 Nuances in the IoT Research
2 Problem Statement
3 Procedure
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Leading Global Themes
4.2 Content Analysis—REVISED
5 Conclusions and Future Work
Global Research Trends of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Robots, Intelligent and Automation Systems: A Bibliometric Analysis (2010–2020)
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Results
3.1 Co-Author’s Country/region and Agency Analysis
3.2 Co-Authorship Authors, Citations, and Journals
3.3 Co-Citation Analysis
3.4 Research Trends Analysis
4 Discussion and Conclusion
Monitoring and Reducing Workplace Stress with Smartphone Usage: A Systematic Literature Review
1 Introduction and Background
2 Purpose of Study
2.1 Justification of Safety Engineering Themes and Relevance to Human Automation Interaction
2.2 Relevance to Human Automation Interaction
3 Procedure
4 Results
4.1 Emergence Indicators Analysis
4.2 Content Analyses
4.3 Co-citation and Author Analysis
5 Discussion and Future Work
A Systematic Review of Ergonomics Training and Working from Home
1 Introduction
2 Purpose of Study
3 Methodology
3.1 Databases and Software
3.2 Database Output of Search Terms
3.3 Structure of Analysis
4 Results
4.1 Evaluating Engagement Measure Through Vicinitas
4.2 Web of Science Database Trend Diagram
4.3 Leading Tables Through Scopus, Dimensions, and SpringerLink
4.4 VOSViewer Co-Citation Analysis of Web of Science Articles
4.5 VOSViewer Content Analysis of Harzing’s Publish or Perish Articles
4.6 CiteSpace Analysis
4.7 Pivot Chart Analyzing Harzing’s Publish and Perish Data Using BibExcel
4.8 MAXQDA WordCloud
5 Discussion
5.1 Ergonomics Training Relation to Working from Home
5.2 WordCloud Content Analysis Through MAXQDA Software
6 Conclusion
7 Future Work
Interaction with Data and User Modeling in Special Applications
Interaction in Smart Cities
1 Introduction
2 Background Theory
2.1 Definitions of Smart Cities
2.2 Smart City Goals
2.3 Enabling Technologies
3 Interaction Within Smart Cities
3.1 Interaction Modalities
3.2 Explicit Interaction with the Smart City
3.3 Implicit Interaction & Proxemics Within a Smart City
3.4 Interaction in Public Spaces
3.5 Mobile Crowd Sourcing
3.6 Examples and Case Studies of Smart City Applications
4 Challenges
5 Summary
Drivers of the Adoption of Zero Carbon Emission in Buildings in South Africa
1 Introduction
2 Carbon Emissions in Buildings
2.1 Drivers of Zero Carbon Adoption
3 Research Methods
3.1 Drivers of the Adoption of Zero Carbon Emission in Buildings
4 Discussions
5 Conclusion and Recommendations
Integration of Autonomous Systems to Inspect Hazardous Facilities: A Systematic Literature Review
1 Introduction
2 Purpose of Study
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Data Collection
3.2 Trend Analysis
4 Results
4.1 Co-citation Analysis
4.2 Content Analysis
4.3 Content Analysis from MAXQDA
4.4 Author Analysis from BibExcel
4.5 Source Analysis from BibExcel
4.6 Extended Lexical Search
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
7 Future Work
A Systematic Review of Remote and Virtual Training for Safety Management
1 Introduction
2 Purpose of Study
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Data Collection
3.2 Trend Analysis
3.3 Emergence Analysis
4 Results
4.1 Co-citation Analysis
4.2 Content Analysis
4.3 Content Analysis via MAXQDA
5 Discussion
5.1 Selection of Articles
5.2 Detailed Review
5.3 Application to Safety Management
6 Conclusion
7 Future Work
Data-Based Systematic Review of Cross-Cultural Design and Intercultural Management
1 Introduction
1.1 Cross-Cultural Design
1.2 Bibliometric Analysis
2 Purpose of Study
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Trend Analysis
4 Results
4.1 Content Analysis from VOSviewer
4.2 Content Analysis from MAXQDA
4.3 Co-citation Analysis
4.4 Cluster Analysis
4.5 Further Analysis
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
7 Future Work
Overview of IoT Applications in Indoor Farming
1 Introduction and Background
1.1 Context—Indoor Farming
1.2 Trend Analysis of IoT in Indoor Farming
1.3 Content Analysis of IoT in Indoor Farming
1.4 Paper Selection for Critical Review
2 Applications of IoT in Indoor Farming
2.1 Physical Layer
2.2 Communication Layer
2.3 Service Layer
2.4 Application Layer
3 Proof of Concept
3.1 System Architecture—Hardware (Layer 1)
3.2 System Architecture—Software (Layers 2, 3, 4)
4 Lessons Learnt
4.1 Adding a New sensor to the System
4.2 Deciding About Data Protocols and Storage
4.3 Calibrating Sensors and Actuators
4.4 Hardware Challenges Faced in the Implementation
5 Conclusion and Future Work
Resilience Engineering and Safe Work Method Statements in Construction Projects
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Framework
3 Research Design
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 SWMS as Prescribed and RE
4.2 SWMS as Used and RE
4.3 SWMS, RE and Safety
5 Conclusion
Practical Challenges in Using Eye Trackers in the Field
1 Introduction and Background
1.1 A Subsection Sample
2 Methods
2.1 Subtopics Covered Within Report
3 Discussion About Field Studies
3.1 Field Studies Using Eye Trackers
3.2 Reflections Eye Trackers in Field Studies
4 Conclusion