Онлайн инструкция (в печатном варианте) по расчету аппаратов воздушного охлаждения (АВО) и экономайзеров в программе HTRI Xace
Инструкция на английском языке!Heat Transfer Research, Inc. 2006, 220 стр.150 Venture Drive, College Station, Texas 77845 USA
©Heat Transfer Research, Inc.
Xace - один из модулей пакета HTRI.
Xace OverviewXace, HTRI’s fully incremental software for designing, rating, and simulating air coolers and economizers, takes advantage of our proprietary research for its methods and calculations.
Краткий обзорXace, это программа из пакета HTRI созданная для проектирования, прикидочного расчета и моделирования аппаратов воздушного охлаждения и экономазеров, основанная на наших (Heat Transfer Research, Inc) собственных методах исследования и расчетах в этой области.
Heat Transfer Research, Inc. (HTRI), the global leader in process heat transfer and heat exchanger technology, was founded in 1962. Today our industrial research and development consortium serves the engineering needs of over 600 companies in more than 45 countries.
We conduct application-oriented research on pilot-scale equipment at our research facility. HTRI staff use this proprietary research data to develop methods and software for the thermal design and analysis of heat exchangers and fired heaters.
In addition to research data and software, we provide technical support and offer training, consulting, and contract services to both members and non-member companies.
Our expertise and dedication to excellence assure our customers of a distinct competitive advantage and a high level of operating confidence in equipment designed with our technology.