Health Policy: Applications for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals

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Author(s): Demetrius J. Porche
Edition: 3
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Year: 2021

Language: English

Title Page
Copyright Page
Brief Contents
Chapter 1 Policy Overview
Policy Defined
Policy and Political Theory
Types of Policy
Health Policy
Public Policy
Public Health Policy
Social Policy
Institutional Policy
Organizational Policy
Legal Policy
Regulatory Policy
Policy Intention
Civic Competence Model
Policy Decision Making: Influencing Factors
Agenda Setting
Policy Models
Hall Agenda-Setting Model
Policy Triangle Model
Politics, Policy, and Values Model
“Garbage Can” Model
Contextual Model
Schneider and Ingram Social Construction Model
Political Influence Model
6 Ps Model
Problem-Centered Public Policymaking Process Model
Punctuated Equilibrium (PE) Model
Integrated Community Policy Uptake Model
Policy Cycle–Process
Policy on Policy
Foundational Policy Concepts
Economics and Policy Setting
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 2 Governmental Structure
Governmental Structure
U.S. Constitution
Police Power
Parens Patriae Power
Taxation Power
Branches of Government
Federal Budget Process
State Constitutions
City Charters
International Governing Bodies
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 3 Executive Branch: Federal Governmental Agencies and Appointed Bodies
The Executive Branch Power Base
The Presidential Election
Electoral College
President of the United States (POTUS)
Executive Office of the President
The President’s Cabinet
Executive Branch Sub-Agencies
Executive Branch Independent Agencies
Order of Presidential Succession
The Vice President
Office of the First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS)
White House Fellows and Interns
Executive Offices: State and Local Governmental Level
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 4 Legislative Branch: Role in Policy
Legislative Structure: Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
Political Parties
Democratic Party
Republican Party
National Independent American Party
Libertarian Party
Tea Party
Role of Congressional Members
Congressional Election Process
Formation of Law
Legislative Committees
Legislative Floor Action
Executive Action
Senate Confirmation
Types of Law (Legal Policy)
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 5 Judicial Branch: The Court System
Structure of Judicial Branch
Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS)
Federal Court System
State Court System
Special Court Systems
Litigation Process
Pre-litigation Stage
Litigation Stage
Post-litigation Stage
Types of Policy Formulated
Nurses’ Role in Judicial System
Legal Nurse Consultant
Expert Witness
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 6 Healthcare Systems
Overview of United States Healthcare System
Models of Health Care
Four Basic Models
Healthcare Funding
Healthcare Reform
Affordable Care Act Overview
Population Health
Essentials of Public Health
Person-Centered Care
Social Determinants of Health as Policy Framework
Law as a Social Determinant of Health
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Interrelationship of Healthcare Systems and Policy
Informatics and Health Technology Policy Implications
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 7 Global, International, and Planetary Health Policy
International and Global Health Defined
Planetary Health Defined
Global Health Policy
Global Health Organizations
World Health Organization
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
United Nations
World Trade Organization
Pan American Health Organization
American Red Cross
World Neighbors
Global Policy Issues
Global Politics
Secretary of State
Global Policymaking Process
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 8 Public Health Policy
Public Health Law Defined
Foundation and Scope of Public Health Law
Constitutional Law
Public Health Laws
Individual Rights: Due Process
Compulsory Examination
Quarantine and Isolation
Licensing and Registration
Search and Inspection
Embargo and Seizure
Personal Health Law and Policy
Environmental Health Law
Occupational Health Law
Statutory Law
Administrative Law
Tort Law
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 9 Policy Formulation and Implementation
Policy Development Context
Public Policy Perspective: Pluralist and Elitist
Develop a Policy Case
Policy Formulation
Policy Formulation Approaches
Policymakers in the Governmental Branches
Drafting Policy Proposals
Legislative Oversight of Policy
Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals as Policymakers
Interprofessional Policymaking
Policy Models
Kingdon’s Policy Stream Model
Ambiguity and Multiple Streams Model
Stage-Sequential Model
Richmond-Kotelchuck Model
Local Public Health Policy Model
Advocacy Coalition Framework
Narrative Policy Framework
Policy Feedback Model
Institutional Analysis and Development Framework
Social Ecological Systems Framework
Analysis of Determinants of Policy Impact Model
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Policy Process Model
Executive Policymaking: Executive Orders and Memorandums
Incremental Policy Formulation
Policy Instruments
Transformative Policy Formulation
Policy Implementation Process
Policy Implementation Planning
Promulgation of Rules and Regulations
Diffusion of Innovation
Intervention Scalability Assessment Tool
Policy Intermediaries
Policy Modification
Policy Modification versus Policy Change
Policy Development: Expanding the Scope of Nursing Practice
Policy Termination
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 10 Policy Analysis
Policy Analysis Models
Process Model
Substantive Model
Eightfold Path
Logical-Positivist Model
Participatory Policy Analysis
Forecasting Model
Political Feasibility
Economic Viability
Value Analysis
Five “E” Model
Policy Analysis Process
Problem or Issue Analysis
Issue Analysis Process
Problem Analysis Process
Policy Analysis Methods
Bill or Law Analysis
A Summative Policy Analysis Process
Policy Analysis Templates
Structural Racism: Policy Analysis
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 11 Policy Research and Evaluation
Policy Research
Policy Research Process
Research Designs and Methods
Health Policy Case Study
Clinical Audit as Policy Data Source
Big Data Utilization
Policy Research Extramural Funding
Research Utilization
Research Utilization Models
Legal Research Process
The Internet as a Research Tool
Policy Evaluation
Policy Evaluation Models and Process
Structure, Process, and Outcome
Formative versus Summative
Impact versus Outcomes
Process versus Outcome
Efficiency Analysis
Utilization-Focused Evaluation
Logic Evaluation Model
Research and Evaluation Informing Policy Formulation and Modification
Policy Evaluation Dissemination
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 12 Evidence Informing Policymaking
Evidence-Based Practice Frameworks
Quality Improvement
Model for Improvement: PDCA/PDSA Quality Improvement
Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC)
Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify (DMADV)
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
Population Outcomes
Evidence-Based Practice Informing Policy Formulation and Modification
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 13 Board Governance and Policy Leadership
Governance Defined
Boards Defined
Board Structure
Board Responsibilities and Duties
Board Competency
Board Appointment
Board Governance Document: Bylaws
Board Assessment
Board Policymaking Process
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 14 Institutional and Organizational/Association Policy
Defining Institutional Policy
Defining Organizational/Association Policy
Health System Based Policy
Types of Institutional and Organizational/Association Policy
Organizational Politics
Diagnosis of Organizational Politics
Institutional Policymaking Process
Organizational/Association Policy Process
Policy and Procedure Manual
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 15 Politics: Theory and Practice
Politics Defined
Constituents and Stakeholders
Ten Tenets of Politics
Political Savvy and Astuteness
Political Power
Iron Triangles
Nurses’ Stages of Political Engagement
Political Participation
Political Decision-Making Models
Organizational Politics
Diagnosis of Organizational Politics
Communication: The Tool of Politics
Role of Social Media
Political Protocol
Political Theory and Philosophical Perspective Overview
Political System
Political Process
Seeking an Elected Office
Seeking an Appointed Office
Political Strategies
Political Action Groups
Interest Groups
Media Analysis
Policy Speeches
Policy Briefs
Position Papers
Coalition Building
Political Polls
Public Opinion
Conflict Resolution
Conflict Negotiation
Public Relation Principle and Press Release
Political Campaigns
Politics and Economics
Political Feasibility
Political Analysis
Conflicts of Interest
Lobbying and Government Employees
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 16 Policy, Law, and Politics: Ethical Perspective
Ethics Defined
Ethical Theories and Paradigms
Ethical Principles
Medical/Clinical Ethics
Values Clarification
Ethical Influence of Culture and Religion on Policy
Ethical Decision-Making Process
Codes of Ethics
Ethical Engagement in Political Process
Government Employees and Ethics
Conflict of Interest
Policy Research Ethical Principles
Summary Points
Policy Terminology
Chapter 17 Policy Institutes
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Public Policy Institute
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
Aspen Institute
Bipartisan Policy Center
Brookings Institution
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Cato Institute
Center for American Progress
Center for Immigration Studies
Center for New American Security
Center for Responsive Politics
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Claremont Institute for Economic Policy Studies
The Commonwealth Fund
Earth Institute
Economic Policy Institute
The Educational Policy Institute
Electronic Privacy Information Center
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
Guttmacher Institute
Heartland Institute
Heritage Foundation
Hoover Institution
Hudson Institute
Independent Institute
Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP)
Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy
Justice Policy Institute
Kaiser Family Foundation
Kettering Foundation
Lexington Institute
Mercatus Center at George Mason University
National Bureau of Economic Research
National Institute for Public Policy
New America Foundation
Rand Corporation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation
Schneider Institutes for Health Policy
Third Way
Urban Institute
Summary Points
Appendix A Presidential and Congressional Political Party Leadership
Appendix B List of Public Laws
Appendix C Policy Resources and Websites
Appendix D Policy and Politics Journals
Appendix E Executive Department Functions
Appendix F Policy Analysis Template
Appendix G Summary of Select Federal Legislation
Appendix H List of Executive Department Sub-Agencies