This is a physics reference book, including relevant mathematics, and consists of around 1500 pages containing the gist of physics as it was understood at the time it was written. It comprises everything that one might have wanted to know in the Fifties. In the first part of the book is all of the math necessary for the rest of it. The following sections contain everything from general mechanics and quantum mech, through fluid mech and the like to specialties such as magnetic resonance, metallurgy, and rheology, with everything in between.
Author(s): Edward Uhler Condon, Hugh Odishaw
Edition: 1
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 1958
Language: English
Pages: xxvi,1464
Chapter 1 Arithmetic by Franz L. Alt
1. Numbers and Arithmetic Operations.
2. Logical Foundation of Arithmetic.
3. Digital Computing Machines.
Chapter 2 Algebra by Olga Taussky
1. Polynomials.
2. Algebraic Equations in One Unknown, Complex Numbers.
3. Equations of Degree 2 (Quadratic Equations).
4. Equations of Degree 3 (Cubic Equations).
5. Equations of Degree 4 (Biquadratic Equations).
6. Equations of Degree n.
7. Discriminants and General Symmetric Functions.
8. Computational Methods for Obtaining Hoots of Algebraic Equations.
9. Matrices.
10. Determinants.
11. Systems of Linear Equations.
12. Numerical Methods for Finding the Inverse of a Matrix and for Solving Systems of Linear Equations.
13. Characteristic Roots of Matrices and Quadratic Forms.
14. Computation of Characteristic Roots of Matrices.
15. Functions of Matrices and Infinite Sequences.
16. Hypercomplex Systems or Algebras.
17. Theory of Groups.
Chapter 3 Analysis by John Todd
1. Real Numbers, Limits.
2. Real Functions.
3. Finite Differences.
4. Integration.
5. Integral Transforms.
6. Functions of Several Real Variables.
7. Complex Numbers.
8. Series of Functions.
9. Functions of a Complex Variable.
10. Conformal Mapping.
11. Orthogonality.
12. Special Functions.
Chapter 4 Ordinary Differential Equations by Olga Taussky
1. Introduction.
2. Simple Cases.
3. Existence Theorems.
4. Methods for Solution.
5. Examples of Well-known Equations.
6. Some General Theorems.
7. Nonhomogeneous Equations, Green’s Function.
8. Numerical Integration of Differential Equations.
9. Systems of Simultaneous Differential Equations.
Chapter 5 Partial Differential Equations by Fritz John
1. General Properties.
2. First-order Equations.
3. Elliptic Equations.
4. Parabolic; Equations of Second Order.
5. Hyperbolic Equations in Two Independent Variable's.
6. Hyperbolic; Equations with More than Two Independent Variables.
7. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations.
Chapter 6 Integral Equations by M. Abramowitz
1. Integral Equations of the Second Kind.
2. Symmetric Kernels.
3. Nonsymmetric Kernels.
4. Integral Equations of the First Kind.
5. Volterra’s Equation.
6. Nonlinear Integral Equation.
Chapter 7 Operators by Olga Taussky
1. Vector Spaces, Abstract Hilbert Spaces, Hilbert Space.
2. Definition of Operator or Transformation.
3. Spectrum of Bounded Operators, Eigenvalues, and Eigenfunctions.
Chapter 8 Geometry by A. J. Hoffman
1. Definition and Assumptions.
2. Projective Plane.
3. Projective Group.
4. Correlations, Polarities, and Conics.
5. Projective Line.
6. Subgroups of the Projective Group.
7. Affine Group and Plane.
8. Euclidean Group and Plane.
9. Conics.
10. Angles.
11. Triangles.
12. Polygons.
13. Hyperbolic Group and Plane.
l4. Elliptic Group and Plane.
Chapter 9 Vector Analysis by E. U. Condon
1. Addition of Vectors.
2. Scalar and Vector Products.
3. Vectors and Tensors in Oblique Coordinates.
4. Gradient of Scalar and Vector Fields.
5. Divergence of a Vector Field.
6. Curl of a Vector Field.
7. Expansion Formulas.
8. Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates.
9. Transformation of Curvilinear Coordinates.
Chapter 10 Tensor Calculus by C. Lanzcos
1. Scalars, Vectors, Tensors.
2. Analytic Operations with Vectors.
3. Unit Vectors; Components.
4. Adjoint Set of Axes.
5. Covariant and Contravariant Components of a Vector.
6. Transformation of the Basic Vectors Vi.
7. Transformation of Vector Components.
8. Radius Vector R.
9. Abstract Definition of a Vector.
10. Invariants and Covariants.
11. Abstract Definition of a Tensor.
12. Tensors of Second Order.
13. Einstein Sum Convention.
14. Tensor Algebra.
15. Determinant Tensor.
10. Dual Tensor.
17. Tensor Fields.
18. Differentiation of a Tensor.
19. Covariant Derivative of the Metrical Tensor.
20. Principles of Special and General Relativity.
21. Curvilinear Transformations.
22. Covariant Derivative of a Tensor.
23. Covariant Derivative of the Metrical Tensor.
24. Fundamental Differential Invariants and Covariants of Mathematical Physics.
25. Maxwell Electromagnetic Equations.
20. Curvature Tensor of Riemann.
27. Properties of Riemann Tensor.
28. Contracted Curvature Tensor.
20. The Matter Tensor of Einstein.
30. Einstein’s Theory of Gravity.
Chapter 11 Calculus of Variations by C. B. Tompkins
1. Maxima and Minima of a Function of a Single Variable.
2. Minima of a Function of Several Variables.
3. Minima of a Definite Integral—the Euler Equations.
4. Examples.
5. Other First Variations: Weierstrass Condition, Corner Conditions, One-side Variations.
6. Parametric Problems.
7. Problems with Variable End Points.
8. Isoperimetric Problems—the Problem of Bolza.
9. Second Variations.
10. Multiple-integral Problems.
11. Methods of Computation.
12. Conclusion.
Chapter 12 Elements of Probability by Churchill Eisenhart and Marvin Zelen
1. Probability.
2. Random Variables and Distribution Functions.
3. Distributions in n Dimensions.
4. Expected Values, Moments, Correlation, Covariance, and Inequalities on Distributions.
5. Measures of Location, Dispersion, Skewness, and Kurtosis.
6. Characteristic Functions and Generating Functions.
7. Limit Theorems.
8. The Normal Distribution.
9. Discrete Distributions.
10. Sampling Distributions.
Chapter 13 Statistical Design of Experiments by W. J. Youden
Chapter 1 Kinematics by E. U. Condon
1. Velocity and Acceleration.
2. Kinematics of a Rigid Body.
3. Euler’s Angles.
4. Relativistic Kinematics.
5. Vector Algebra of Space-Time.
Chapter 2 Dynamical Principles by E. U. Condon
1. Mass.
2. Momentum.
3. Force.
4. Impulse,
5. Work and Energy: Power.
6. Potential Energy.
7. Central Force: Collision Problems.
8. System of Particles.
9. Lagrange’s Equations.
10. Ignorable Coordinates.
11. Hamilton’s Equations.
12. Relativistic Particle Mechanics.
13. Variation Principles.
Chapter 3 Theory of Vibrations by E. U. Condon
1. Simple Harmonic Motion.
2. Damped Harmonic Motion.
3. Forced Harmonic Motion.
4. Mechanical Impedance,
5. Two Coupled Oscillators.
6. Small Oscillations about Equilibrium.
7. Oscillations with Dissipation.
8. Forced Oscillations of Coupled Systems.
9. General Driving Force.
10. Physical Pendulum.
11. Nonharmonic Vibrations.
Chapter 4 Orbital Motion by E. U. Condon
1. Motion under Constant Gravity.
2. Effect of Earth’s Rotation.
3. General Integrals of Central-force Problem.
4. Differential Equation for Orbit.
5. Motion under Inverse-square-law Attraction.
6. Motion in Elliptic Orbit.
Chapter 5 Dynamics of Rigid Bodies by E. U. Condon
1. Angular Momentum.
2. Kinetic Energy.
3. Equations of Motion.
4. Rotation about a Fixed Axis.
5. Rotation about a Fixed Point with No External Forces.
6. Asymmetrical Top.
Chapter 6 Quantum Dynamics by E. U. Condon
1. Particle Waves.
2. The Schroedingcr Wave Equation.
3. Matrix Representations.
4 The Harmonic Oscillator.
5. Angular Momentum.
6. Central-force Problems.
7. The Dynamical Equation.
8. Perturbation Theory for Discrete States.
9. Variation Method.
10. Identical Particles.
11. Collision Problems.
Chapter 7 Gravitation by Hugh C. Wolfe
1. Inverse-square Law.
2. Gravitational Constant, G.
3. Acceleration of Gravity g and Geophysical Prospecting.
Chapter 8 Dynamics of the Solar System by G. M. Clemence
1. Introduction.
2. Equations of Motion.
3. Method of Solution.
4. Form of Solution.
5. Precession and Nutation.
6. Frames of Reference.
7. Determination of the Precession.
8. Perturbations of Planets and Satellites.
9. Determination of Time.
10. Relativity.
11. National Ephemerides.
12. Celestial Navigation.
13. Astronomical Constants.
Chapter 9 Control Mechanisms by Harold K. Skramstad and Gerald L. Landsman
1. Introduction.
2. Differential Equation Analysis.
3. Frequency-response Analysis.
4. System Improvement by Compensation.
5. Steady-state Error.
6. Other Methods of Analysis.
Chapter 1 Kinematics and Dynamics by E. U. Condon
1. Kinematics of Continuous Media.
2. Stress.
3. Equations of Motion.
4. Molecular Standpoint.
5. Energy Relations for Fluid.
6. Strain.
7. Hooke’s Law.
8. Viscosity.
Chapter 2 Fluid Mechanics by R. J. Seeger
1. Statics of Fluids.
2. Inviscid-fluid Dynamics.
3. Irrotational, Continuous Flows of In viscid Fluids.
4. Discontinuous Flows of Inviscid Fluids.
3. Vortex Flows of Inviscid Fluids.
6. Flows of Compressible, Inviscid Fluids.
7. Flows of Viscous Fluids.
8. Turbulence.
9. Fluids with Heat.
10. Flows in Electric and Magnetic Fields.
Chapter 3 Rheology by M. Reiner
1. Introduction.
2. Second-order Effects in Elasticity and Viscosity.
3. Rheological Properties.
4. Complex Bodies.
5. Volume Change's.
6. Strength.
7. Microrheological Aspects.
8. Rheometry.
Chapter 4 Wave Propagation in Fluids by A. H. Taub
1. Conservation Laws.
2. Small Disturbances.
3. Interactions of Waves of Small Amplitude.
4. Small Disturbances in Shallow Water.
5. Plane Waves of Finite Amplitude.
6. Formation and Decay of Shocks in One Dimension.
7. Spherical Waves of Finite Amplitude.
8. Effect of Viscosity and Heat Conduction.
Chapter 5 Statics of Elastic Bodies by Richard A. Beth
1. Elastic Bodies and Structures.
2. The Elastic Moduli.
3. Beams
4. Columns.
3. Torsion.
Chapter 6 Experimental Stress Analysis by M. M. Frocht
1. Two-dimensional Stresses and Strains.
2. Bonded Wire-resistance Strain Gauges.
3. Photoelasticity.
4. Two-dimensional Photoelasticity,
5. Three-dimensional Photoelasticity.
6. Photoplasticity.
7. Dynamic Photoelasticity.
8. Brittle Coatings.
9. X Rays.
Chapter 7 Vibrations of Elastic Bodies; Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids by Philip M. Morse
1. Equation of Motion; Energy and Intensity.
2. Plane Waves in Homogeneous Media.
3. Spherical Waves, Green's Tensor for Isotropic Media.
4. Reflection from a Plane Interface, Surface» Waves.
5. Waves in a Plate.
6. Waves along a Cylindrical Rod.
7. Standing Waves.
8. Transverse Oscillations of Rods and Plates.
9. Scattering of Elastic Waves.
Chapter 8 Acoustics by Uno Ingard
1. Limits of Frequency and Sound Pressure.
2. General Linear Equations of Sound Propagation.
3. Kirchhoff’s Formula in a Moving Medium.
4. Boundary Conditions. Impedance and Absorption Coefficients.
5. Second-order Quantities.
6. Electromechanical Analogues.
7. The “Natural� Sources of Sound.
8. Generation of Sound by Turbulent Flow.
9. Radiation from a Simple Source in a Moving Medium.
10. Radiation from a Moving Sound Source.
11. The Doppler Effect.
12. Radiation and Scattering.
13. Technical Aspects of Sound Generation.
14. The Human Voice and Speech Mechanism.
15. Propagation of Sound in the Atmosphere.
16. Propagation in Tubes.
17. Propagation of Large-amplitude Waves.
18. Acoustic Streaming.
19. Absorption Materials.
20. Unavoidable Sound Absorption.
21. Microphones.
22. Microphone Calibration.
23. Other Measurements.
24. The Ear and Hearing.
25. Room Acoustics.
26. Transmission of Sound in Building Structures.
27. Generation.
28. Measurements.
29. Applications.
Chapter 1 Basic Electromagnetic Phenomena by E. U. Condon
1. Electrostatic Charge and Coulomb’s Law.
2. Electric Field and Potential.
3. Conductors and Dielectrics.
4. Forces and Energy in the Electric Field.
5. Ohm’s Law and Electromotive Force.
6. Magnetic Fields Due to Permanent Magnets.
7. Magnetic Fields Due to Electric Currents.
8. Magnetization and Molecular Currents.
9. Electromagnetic Induction.
10. Relativistic Formulation.
Chapter 2 Static Electric and Magnetic Fields by E. U. Condon
1. Field Due to Given Charge Distribution.
2. Force on a Rigid Charge Distribution.
3. Interaction of Two Rigid Charge Distributions.
4. Conductor in a Given Field.
5. System of Conductors.
6. Magnetic Field Due to a Given Current Distribution.
7. Force on a Rigid Current Distribution.
8. Mutual Inductance and Self-inductance.
9. Magnetic Interaction of Conductors.
Chapter 3 Electric Circuits by Louis A. Pipes
1. General Considerations.
2. Fundamental Electric-circuit Parameters.
3. Kirchhoff’s Laws.
4. Laws of Combination of Circuit Parameters,
5. Applications of the Fundamental Laws.
6. Energy Relations.
7. The Mesh Equations of a General Network.
8. Energy Relations in a Network.
9. General Solution of the Mesh Equations: Transient Phenomena.
10. Examples of Simple Transients.
11. Nodal Equations of the General Network: Duality.
12. Alternating Currents.
13. Power, Effective, or Root-mean-square Values; Series Resonance.
14. Impedances in Series and Parallel: Parallel Resonance.
15. Transmission of Power.
16. General A-C Network: Network Theorems.
17. Two-terminal Networks; Foster’s Reaction Theorem.
18. Four-terminal Networks in the A-C Steady State.
19. Wave Propagation along a Cascade of Symmetric Structures.
20. Filters.
21. Nonlinear Problems in Electric-circuit Theory.
Chapter 4 Electronic Circuits by Chester H. Page
1. General Considerations.
2. Nonlinear-positive-resistance Elements.
3. Negative Resistance.
4. Nonlinear Reactance.
5. Active Circuits.
Chapter 5 Electrical Measurements by Walter C. Michels
1. Standards.
2. Deflection instruments; the D’Arsonval Galvanometer.
3. Direct-current Ammeters and Voltmeters.
4. Alternating-current Meters; Electrodynamic Instruments.
5. Null Detectors.
6. Potentiometers.
7. Bridges; the Four-arm Bridge.
8. Measurements Using Resonant Circuits.
9. Measurements at Ultrahigh Frequencies; Distributed Parameters.
Chapter 6 Conduction: Metals and Semiconductors by John Bardeen
1. General Relations.
2. Semiconductors.
3. Thermoelectric and Transverse Effects.
4. Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation.
5. Scattering Mechanisms.
6. Temperature Variation.
Chapter 7 Dielectrics by A. von Hippel
1. Introduction.
2. Complex Permittivity and Permeability.
3. Polarization and Magnetization.
4. Macroscopic Description of Dielectrics by Various Sets of Parameters.
5. Molecular Mechanisms of Polarization.
6. Resonance Polarization.
7. Relaxation Polarization.
8. Piezoelectricity and Ferroelectricity.
9. Polarization by Migrating Charge Carriers.
10. Electric Breakdown.
Chapter 8 Magnetic Materials by William Fuller Brown, Jr.
1. Basic Concepts.
2. Macroscopic Theory.
3. Classical Microscopic Theory.
4. Quantum-mechanical Concepts.
5. Diamagnetism.
6. Paramagnetism.
7. Saturation in Paramagnetics and Spontaneous Magnetization in Ferromagnetics.
8. Ferromagnetic Domains and the Magnetization Curve.
9. Magnetomechanical Phenomena in Ferromagnetics.
10. Dynamic Phenomena.
Chapter 9 Electrolytic Conductivity and Electrode Processes by Walter J. Hamer and Reuben E. Wood
1. Electrolytic and Electronic Conduction.
2. Electrolytic Conductors.
3. Ionization.
4. Degree of Ionization.
5. Ionic Charge and the Faraday.
6. Electrolytic Conductivity.
7. Equivalent and Molar Conductance.
8. Measurements of Electrolytic Conductivity.
9. Significance of Equivalent Conductance.
10. Ionic Conductances and Transference Numbers.
11. Ionic Mobilities.
12. Interionic Attraction and Electrolytic Conductivity.
13. High-Field Effects in Conductance.
14. Conductance at High Frequencies.
15. Electrochemical Thermodynamics.
16. Galvanic Cells at Equilibrium.
17. Galvanic Cells Not at Equilibrium.
18. Batteries.
Chapter 10 Conduction of Electricity in Gases by Sanborn C. Brown
1. Probability of Collision.
2. Diffusion.
3. Electron Mobility.
4. Ionic Mobility.
5. The Ratio D/mu for Electrons.
6. Ambi-polar Diffusion.
7. Electron Attachment.
8. Ion Recombination.
9. Electron-Ion Recombination.
10. Neutral Atoms and Molecules.
11. Ionization by Collision.
12. High-frequency Breakdown.
13. Low-pressure D-C Breakdown.
14. Atmospheric-pressure Spark.
15. Low-pressure Glow Discharge.
16. Arc Discharges.
17. Plasma Oscillations.
Chapter 1 Principles of Thermodynamics by E. U. Condon 5-3
1. The Nature of Heat.
2. First Law of Thermodynamics.
3. Second Law of Thermodynamics.
4. Absolute Temperature Scale.
5. Third Law of Thermodynamics.
6. Equilibrium Conditions.
7. Relations between Thermodynamic Functions.
8. Phase Equilibria of Single-component Systems.
9. Systems of Several Components.
10. Chemical Equilibrium.
Chapter 2 Principles of Statistical Mechanics and Kinetic Theory of Gases by E. W. Montroll
1. Scope of Statistical Mechanics.
2. Identification of Temperature with Molecular Motion and the Maxwell Velocity Distribution.
3. Mean Free Path and Elementary Theory of Transport Processes.
4. The Boltzmann Equation and the Systematic Kinetic Theory of Gases.
5. The Boltzmann H Theorem.
6. Averages in Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and the Liouville Equation.
7. The Microcanonical and Canonical Ensembles.
8. The Partition Function and the Statistical Basis of Thermodynamics.
9. Some Simple Examples.
10. Molecular Distribution Functions.
11. Calculation of Thermodynamic Quantities from Molecular Distribution Functions.
12. The Integrodifferential Equations for the Distribution Functions.
13. Theory of Fluctuations and the Grand Canonical Ensemble.
Chapter 3 Thermometry and Pyrometry by R. E. Wilson and R. D. Arnold
1. Thermodynamic Temperature Scale.
2. The International Temperature Scale.
3. Calibration of Temperature Measuring Instruments.
4. Temperature Scales below the Oxygen Point.
Chapter 4 The Equation of State and Transport Properties of Gases and Liquids by R. B. Bird, J. O. Hirschfelder, and C. F. Curtiss
1. The Potential Energy of Interaction between Two Molecules.
2. The Equation of State of Dilute and Moderately Dense Gases.
3. The Equation of State of Dense Gases and Liquids.
4. The Transport Coefficients of Dilute Gases.
5. The Transport Coefficients of Dense Gases and Liquids.
6. Some Applications of the Principle of Corresponding States.
Chapter 5 Heat Transfer by E. U. Condon
1. Heat Conductivity.
2. Equation of Heat Conduction.
3. Simple Boundary Value Problems.
4. Cooling of Simple Bodies.
5. Point Source Solutions.
6. Periodic Temperature Change.
7. Natural Heat Convection.
8. Forced Heat Convection.
9. Condensation and Evaporation.
10. Radiative Heat Transfer.
Chapter 6 Vacuum Technique by Andrew Guthrie
1. The Vacuum Circuit—Conductance.
2. Flow of Gases through Tubes.
3. Pumping Speed and Evacuation Rate.
4. Vacuum Pumps,
5. Vacuum Gauges.
6. Components and Materials.
7. Leak-detection Instruments and Techniques.
Chapter 7 Surface Tension, Adsorption by Stephen Brunauer and L. E. Copeland
1. The Thermodynamic Theory of Capillarity.
2. The Surface Tension and Total Surface Energy of Liquids and Solids.
3. Adsorption on Liquid Surfaces.
4. Adsorption on Solid Surfaces. Physical Adsorption of Gases and Vapors.
5. Chemical Adsorption of Gases on Solids.
6. Adsorption on Solids from Solutions.
Chapter 8 Chemical Thermodynamics by Frederick D. Rossini
1. Introduction.
2. Useful Energy; Free Energy; Criteria of Equilibrium.
3. Equilibrium Constant and Change in Free Energy for Reactions of Ideal Gases.
4. Fugacity; Standard States.
5. Solutions: Apparent and Partial Molal Properties.
6. The Ideal Solution.
7. The Dilute Heal Solution.
8. Equilibrium Constant and the Standard Change in Free Energy.
9. Thermodynamic Calculations.
Chapter 9 Chemical Kinetics by Richard AL Noyes
Results of Kinetic Observations.
1. Introduction.
2. Experimental Techniques.
3. Orders of Chemical Reactions.
4. Consecutive Reactions.
5. Reversible Reactions,
6. Effect of Temperature.
Theoretical Interpretation of Chemical Kinetics.
7. Introduction.
8. Collision Theory of Bimolecular Gas Reactions.
9. Collision Theory of Unimolecular Gas Reactions.
10. Statistical-Thermodynamic Theory of Reaction Kinetics.
11. Theoretical Estimation of Energies of Activation.
12. Consecutive Reactions.
13. Reactions in Solution. Elucidation ok Chemical Mechanism.
Elucidation of Chemical Mechanism
14. Criteria for a Satisfactory Mechanism.
15. Reactions Involving Nonrepetitive, Steps.
16. Chain Reactions.
17. Branching Chains.
18. Photochemistry.
19. Heterogeneous Reactions.
Chapter 10 Vibrations of Crystal Lattices and Thermodynamic Properties of Solids by E. W. Montroll
1. Introduction.
2. Debye Theory of Heat Capacities.
3. Theory of Born and von Karman.
4. Equation of State of Crystals.
Chapter 11 Superfluids by K. K. Atkins
1. Liquid Helium.
2. Superconductivity.
Chapter 1 Electromagnetic Waves by E. U. Condon
1. Nature of Light.
2. States of Polarization.
3. Maxwell Field Equations.
4. Poynting Theorem.
5. Plane Waves in Isotropic Media.
6. Reflection and Refraction at a Plane Boundary.
7. Plane Waves in Anisotropic Media.
8. Optical Activity.
9. Waveguides and Transmission Lines.
10. Black-body Radiation.
11. Radiation from Oscillating Charge Distribution.
12. Quantization of the Radiation Field.
Chapter 2 Geometrical Optics by Max Herzberger
1. Introduction.
2. Optical Form of the General Variation Problem.
3. General Problem of Geometrical Optics.
4. Characteristic Function of Hamilton. Laws of Fermat and of Malus-Dupin. Descartes’ Law of Refraction. Lagrange Bracket.
II. ANATOMY. Ray Tracing.
5. The Refraction Law.
6. Tracing a Ray through a Surface of Rotation.
7. Special Surfaces.
8. Transfer Formulas.
9. General Formulas. Diapoint Computation.
Basic Tools of Optics
10. The Characteristic Functions.
11. The Direct Method.
Laws of Image Formation.
12. Image of a Point. Caustic.
13. Image of the Points of a Plane.
14. The Image of the Points of Space.
15. The Characteristic Function W for a Single Surface.
10. The Direct Method and the Addition of Systems.
Gaussian Optics.
17. Introduction.
13. General Laws.
19. Focal Points and Nodal Points.
20. Viewing through an Instrument.
21. Distance of Conjugated Points from the Origins and Their Magnification.
22. Gaussian Brackets.
23. Expression of Basic Data of Gaussian Optics with the Help of Gaussian Brackets.
24. Vignetting.
Analysis of a Given Optical System.
25. Introduction.
26. Seidel Aberrations.
27. Extension of Seidel Theory to Finite Aperture and Field.
28. The Spot-diagram Analysis and the Diapoint Plot.
20. Correction of an Optical System.
30. Introduction.
31. Dispersion of Glass.
32. Color-corrected System of Thin Lenses.
33. Intensity Considerations.
34. Some Historical Remarks.
Chapter 3 Photometry and Illumination by E. S. Steeb, Jr., and W. E. Forsythe
1. Visual Photometry.
2. Physical Photometry: The Spherical Integrator.
3. Photometry Spectral Response vs. Luminosity Curve.
4. Production of Light,
5. Radiant Energy.
6. Light Sources.
Chapter 4 Color Vision and Colorimetry by Deane B. Judd
1. Definition of Color.
2. Types of Color Vision.
3. Tristimulus Values.
4. Theories of Color Vision.
5. Chromaticity Diagrams.
6. Photoelectric Colorimeters.
7. Colorimetry by Difference.
Chapter 5 Diffraction and Interference by C. B. Burnett, J. G. Hirschberg, and J. E. Mack
1. Geometrical Optics as an Approximation.
2. General Aspects of Diffraction and Interference.
3. Diffraction.
4. Resolution and Fringe Shape,
5. Two-beam Interference.
6. Equal-amplitude Multibeam Interference.
7. Geometrically Degraded Amplitude Multibeam Interference.
Chapter 6 Molecular Optics by E. U. Condon
1. Molecular Refractivity.
2. Dispersion.
3. Absorption and Selective Reflection.
4. Crystalline Double Refraction.
5. Faraday Effect; Cotton-Mouton Effect.
6. Kerr Effect.
7. Optical Rotatory Power.
8. Photoelasticity.
9. Flow Birefringence: Maxwell Effect.
10. Pleochroism.
11. Light Scattering.
Chapter 7 Fluorescence and Phosphorescence by J. G. Winans and E. J. Seldin
1. Introduction.
2. Fluorescence of Gases and Vapors.
3. General Theory of Quenching of Fluorescence.
4. Polarization of Resonance Radiation.
5. Stepwise Excitation of Fluorescence in Gases.
6. Optical Orientation of Nuclei.
7. Sensitized Fluorescence.
8. Selective Reflection.
9. Reemission.
10. Fluorescence in Liquids.
11. Thermoluminescence.
12. Phosphorescence.
Chapter 8 Optics and Relativity Theory by E. L. Hill
1. Introduction.
2. The Special Theory of Relativity.
3. The Transformation Formulas of Special Relativity.
4. The Transformation Equations for Plain; Waves.
5. The Dynamical Properties of Photons.
6. Aberration of Light.
7. Doppler Effect.
8. The Experiment, of Ives and Stilwell.
9. The Michelson-Morley Experiment.
10. The Kennedy-Thorndike Experiment.
11. Generalizations of the Lorentz Transformation Group.
12. Electromagnetic Phenomena in Moving Media.
13. The Special Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.
14. The General Theory of Relativity.
15. Cosmological Problems.
16. Recent Developments.
Chapter 1 Atomic Structure by E. U. Condon
1. Nuclear Atom Model.
2. Atomic Weights.
3. Periodic Table.
4. Atomic Units.
5. Theory of Atomic Energy Levels.
6. Series. Isoelectronic Sequences.
7. Magnetic Spin-orbit Interaction.
8. Two-electron Spectra.
9. Ionization Potentials.
10. Zeeman Effect.
Chapter 2 Atomic Spectra, Including Zeeman and Stark Effects by J. Rand McNally, Jr.
1. Introduction.
2. Spectroscopic Nomenclature.
3. Space Quantization.
4. Classical Theory of Spectra.
5. Wave Mechanics.
6. Interaction Energy and Fine Structure.
7. Zeeman Effect.
8. Intensity of Zeeman Components.
9. The Stark Effect.
10. Intensity of Stark Lines.
Chapter 3 Atomic Line Strengths by Lawrence Aller
1. Atomic Radiation Processes.
2. Formulas and Tables for Line Strengths.
3. Continuous Atomic Absorption Coefficients.
4. Forbidden Lines.
5. The Atomic Line Absorption Coefficient.
6. Experimental Determination of f Values.
7. Tests and Applications of the Theory.
Chapter 4 Hyperfine Structure and Atomic Beam Methods by Norman F. Ramsey
1. Introduction.
2. Multipole Interactions.
3. Magnetic Dipole Interactions.
4. Electric Quadrupole Interaction.
5. Magnetic Octupole Interaction.
6. Optical Studies of Hyperfine Structure.
7. Atomic Beam-deflection Experiments.
8. Atomic Beam Magnetic Resonance Experiments.
9. Hydrogen Fine Structure. The Lamb Shift.
Chapter 5 The Infrared Spectra of Molecules by Harald H. Nielsen
1. Introduction.
2. The Energies of a Molecule.
3. The Vibration of a Molecule.
4. The Rotational Energies of Molecules.
5. The Energy of Interaction, Ei.
6. The Selection Rules for the Rotator.
7. The Interpretation of Band Spectra.
8. The Raman Spectroscopy of Molecules.
9. Resonance Interactions of Levels.
Chapter 6 Microwave Spectroscopy by Walter Gordy
1. Introduction.
2. The Microwave Spectroscope.
3. Microwave Spectra of Free Atoms.
4. Pure Rotational Spectra.
5. Inversion Spectra.
6. Electronic Effects in Molecular Spectra.
7. Nuclear Effects in Molecular Spectra.
8. Stark and Zeeman Effects in Rotational Spectra.
9. Shapes and Intensities of Microwave Absorption Lincs.
10. Electronic Magnetic Resonance in Solids.
Chapter 7 Electronic Structure of Molecules by E. U. Condon
1. Energy Levels of Diatomic Molecules.
2. Electronic Band Spectra, of Diatomic Molecules.
3. Franck-Condon Principle.
4. Dissociation Energy.
5. Continuous and Diffuse Spectra. Pre-dissociation.
6. Hydrogen Molecule.
7. Sketch of Chemical Bond Theory.
8. Bond Energies, Lengths, and Force Constants.
9. Ionic Bonds and Dipole Moments.
Chapter 8 X Rays by E. U. Condon
1. Main Phenomena.
2. Emission: Continuous Spectrum.
3. Emission: Characteristic Line Spectrum.
4. Absorption.
5. Angular Distribution of Photoelectrons.
6. Intensity Measurement.
7. Internal Conversion: Auger Effect.
8. Pair Production.
9. Coherent Scattering.
10. Incoherent Scattering: Compton Effect..
Chapter 9 Mass Spectroscopy and Ionization Processes by John A. Hipple
1. Introduction.
2. Study of Ionization Processes.
3. Ionization of Atoms by Electron Impart.
4. Diatomic Molecules.
5. Polyatomic Molecules.
6. Analysis.
Chapter 10 Fundamental Constants of Atomic Physics by Jesse W. M. DuMond and E. Richard Cohen
1. The Group Known as the Atomic Constants.
2. The Pioneer Work and Methods of R. T. Birge and Others Prior to 1949.
3. Data of Greatly Increased Accuracy Subsequent to 1949.
4. Consistency Diagrams and Graphic Methods: The Ellipsoid of Error.
5. The Method of Least Squares.
6. Calculation of Standard Errors and Correlation Coefficients.
7. Rejection of Certain Input Data in the Present Least-squares Adjustment.
8. Choice of the Unknowns and the Primitive Observational Equations.
9. The Auxiliary Constants and Equations.
10. Formation of the Linearized Equations of Observation in Five Variables.
11. The Least-squares Solution.
12. Illustrative Example of Computation of the Standard Deviation of a Function of Tabular Values Obtained in the Present Least-squares Analysis.
13. Discussion of the Results.
14. Variance' Analysis. 1955 Adjustments.
15. Recent Developments (1958).
Chapter 1 Crystallography and X-ray Diffraction by R. Pepinsky and V. Vand
1. Classical Crystallography.
2. X-ray Diffraction: Experimental.
3. Theory of X-ray Scattering.
4. Fourier Transforms.
5. The Phase Problem.
Chapter 2 The Energy-band Theory of Solids by Herbert. B Callen
1. The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation.
2. Determinantal Wave Functions and the Hartree-Fock Equations.
3. The Fermi Hole and the Exchange Term.
4. The Consequences of Symmetry.
5. Properties of Bloch Functions.
6. Some Qualitative Comments.
7. Momentum Eigenfunctions.
S. The Wannier Function.
9. Perturbations of Periodicity.
10. Techniques of Calculation.
Chapter 3 Ionic Crystals by R. W. Gurney
1. The Perfect Ionic Lattice. The Cohesive Energy.
2. The Born-Haber Cycle.
3. Dielectric Constant.
4. Electronic Energy Levels.
5. Positive Holes.
6. Excited Electronic States of a Crystal.
7. Lattice Imperfections. Schottky Defects.
8. Frenkel Defects.
9. Ionic Conductivity.
10. Mobility of Lattice Defects.
11. Crystals with Nonstoichiometric Composition.
12. Trapped Electrons and Positive Holes.
13. The F band and the V hand.
14. Photoconductivity.
15. Crystals Containing F Centers.
16. Dielectric Breakdown in Ionic Crystals.
17. Ionic Crystals in Photographic Emulsions.
Chapter 4 Flow of Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors by John Bardeen
1. Introduction.
2. Basic Equations.
3. Examples of Flow.
4-Space-charge Layers and Metal-Semiconductor Contacts.
Chapter 5 Photoelectric Effect by R. J. Maurer
1. General Considerations.
2. The Spectral Distribution Function.
3. The Energy Distribution Function.
4. Semiconductors and Insulators.
Chapter 6 Thermionic Emission by Lloyd P. Smith
1. Uniform Pure Metal Crystals.
2. Polycrystalline Metals.
3. Metals with Adsorbed Monolayers.
Chapter 7 Glass by H. R. Lillie
1. Definition.
2. Glass Types.
3. Glass Melting.
4. Equilibrium Phases.
5. Attainment of the Vitreous State.
6. Rates of Crystal Growth.
7. The Transformation.
8. Viscosity-Temperature Relations.
9. Equations for Viscosity Variations.
10. Stress Release and Annealing.
11. Optical Properties.
12. Electrical Properties.
13. Thermal Properties.
14. Mechanical Properties.
15. Radiation Absorption.
16. Glass Sealing.
Chapter 8 Phase Transformations in Solids by R. Smoluchowski
1. Classical Phase Transformations.
2. Transformations of Higher Order.
3. Order-disorder Theory.
4. Orientational Transitions.
5. Nucleation and Growth.
6. Shear Transformations.
7. Rate of Ordering.
8. Crystallographic Factors Affecting Transformation Rate.
Chapter 1 General Principles of Nuclear Structure by Leonard Eisenbud and Eugene P. Wigner
1. Nuclear Composition.
2. Nuclear Masses: Binding Energies.
3. Types of Nuclear Instability. Spontaneous and Induced Transformations.
II. SYSTEMATICS OF STABLE NUCLEI. Details of Binding-energy Surfaces.
1. The Size of the Nuclei.
1. Types of Reaction, Cross Sections, Excitation Functions.
2. Resonance Processes.
3. Direct Processes.
4. Table of Most Important Reactions.
V. TWO-BODY SYSTEMS: Interactions between Nucleons.
1. Inter-nucleon Forces.
2. Saturation Properties and Internucleon Forces.
3. Charge Independence of Nuclear Forces: The Isotopic or Iso-baric Spin. Quantum Number.
VI. NUCLEAR MODELS. I. The Uniform Model.
1. General Remarks.
2. Powder and Shell Models.
3. Supermultiplet Theory.
VII. NUCLEAR MODELS. II. Independent Particle Models.
1. General Features of the Independent Particle or Shell Models.
2. The L-S Coupling Shell Model.
3. Comparison of the L-S and j-j Shell Models.
4. The j-j Coupling Shell Model.
5. Coupling Rules for the j-j Model.
6. Normal States and Low Excited States.
7. Magnetic and Quadrupole Moments.
8. Problems of the j-j Model.
VIII. NUCLEAR MODELS. III. Many-particle Models.
1. The a-particle Model.
2. Collective Model.
3. Comparison of the j-j and the Collective Models.
IX. NUCLEAR REACTIONS. I. Close Collisions.
1. The Collision Matrix.
2. Qualitative Discussion of Resonance Phenomena.
3. Derivation of the Resonance Formula.
4. Dependence of the Parameters on the Size of the Internal Region.
5. Radioactivity.
6. The Clouded Crystal-ball Model.
7. The Intermediate Coupling or Giant Resonance Model.
X. NUCLEAR REACTIONS. II. Surface Reactions.
1. Angular Distribution in Stripping Reactions.
2. Electric Excitation.
1. Theory of Beta Decay.
2. Allowed and Forbidden Transitions.
3. Shape of the Spectrum.
4. Total Transition Probability.
1. Introduction.
2. Radiative Transitions.
3. Single-particle Matrix Elements.
Chapter 2 Measurement of Nuclear Masses by Walter H. Johnson, Jr., Karl S. Quisenberry, and A. O. Nier
1. Nuclear Transformations and Atomic Masses.
2. Atomic Masses from Mass Spectroscopy.
3. Calculations of Atomic Masses.
4. The Atomic Mass Table.
5. Nucleon Binding-energy Systematics.
Chapter 3 Nuclear Moments by Norman V. Ramsey
1. Introduction.
2. Optical Spectroscopy.
3. Molecular Beam Experiments.
4. Nuclear Paramagnetic Resonance Experiments.
5. Microwave Spectroscopy and Paramagnetic Resonance Experiments.
6. Results of Nuclear Moment Measurements.
Chapter 4 Alpha Particles and Alpha Radioactivity by William W. Stephens and Theodor Hurlimann
1. Alpha Particles.
2. Passage of Alpha Particles through Matter.
3. Scattering of Alpha Particles.
4. Alpha-particle Radioactivity.
Chapter 5 Beta Radioactivity by M. E. Rose
1. Decay Processes.
2. Formulation of the Beta Interaction (Classical).
3. Selection Rules and Transition Probabilities.
4. Energy Spectra and Angular Correlation.
5. Symmetry Operations in Beta Decay.
6. Breakdown of the Conservation of Symmetry in Beta Decay.
7. Evaluation of the Coupling Constants.
8. Recent Theoretical Developments.
9. Meson Decay.
Chapter 6 Nuclear Electromagnetic Radiations by R. W. Hayward
1. Introduction.
2. Direct Nuclear Transitions.
3. Other Phenomena Involving the Nuclear Electromagnetic Field.
4. Interaction of Gamma Rays with Matter.
5. Experimental Detection of Nuclear Gamma Rays.
Chapter 7 Neutron Physics by C. O. Muehlhause
1. Fundamental Properties.
2. Interactions with Individual Nuclei.
3. Interactions with Unordered Matter.
4. Interactions with Ordered Matter.
5. Interactions with Fundamental Particles.
Chapter 8 Nuclear Reactions by David Halliday
1. Introduction.
2. Energetics.
3. Experimental Determination of Q.
4. Center-of-mass Coordinates.
5. Cross Section.
6. Method of Partial Waves.
7. Elastic Scattering Cross Sections.
8. The Reaction Cross Section.
9. The Compound Nucleus.
10. Nuclear Resonances.
11. Nuclear Resonances—Theory.
12. The Statistical Model.
13. The Optical Model.
Chapter 9 Acceleration of Charged Particles to High Energies by John P. Blewett
1. Introduction.
2. The Cockcroft-Walton Accelerator.
3. The Van De Graaff Electrostatic Generator.
4. The Betatron.
5. Principles of Synchronous Accelerators.
6. The Linear Accelerator.
7. The Cyclotron and the Synchrocyclotron.
8. The Electron Synchrotron.
9. The Proton Synchrotron.
10. Strong Focusing Principle.
11. Application of Strong Focusing to Accelerators.
12. Conclusion.
Chapter 10 Cloud-chamber and Emulsion Technique by Robert R. Brown and Lawrence S. Germain
A. Cloud-chamber Technique.
1. Drop Formation.
2. Sensitive Time.
3. Construction and Operation.
4. Illumination and Photographic Arrangements.
5. Measurements.
B. Emulsion Technique.
6. Types of Emulsion.
7. Processing the Emulsions.
8. Protecting the Emulsion.
9. Examining the Emulsion.
10. Measurements Made in the Emulsion.
Chapter 11 Fission by John Archibald Wheeler
1. Survey of Fission.
2. The Compound Nucleus and Models of Nuclear Structure.
3. Fission and the Unified Nuclear Model.
4. The Fission Chain Reaction.
Chapter 12 Cosmic Rays by B. Peters
1. Brief History of Cosmic-ray Research.
2. Schematic Outline of the Principal Cosmic-ray Phenomena Occurring in the Atmosphere.
Primary Cosmic-ray Particles.
3. The Relative Abundance of Various Primary Nuclei.
4. The Influence of the Earth’s Magnetic Field. Geomagnetic Theory.
5. Primary Intensity and Energy Spectrum.
Secondary Cosmic-ray Particles.
6. The mu Meson.
7. The Charged pi Meson.
8. The Neutral pi Meson.
9. Heavy Mesons and Hyperons.
Nuclear Collisions.
10. The Process of Star Formation.
11. Identification of Secondary Particles and Their Production Spectrum.
12. Multiplicity and Angular Distribution of Mesons Produced in Nuclear Collisions.
13. The Interaction Mean Free Path for Nucleons.
14. The Interaction Cross Section of Heavy Primary Nuclei.
Development of the Nucleonic Cascade in the Atmosphere.
15. High-energy Protons and Neutrons in the Atmosphere.
16. Low-energy Nucleons.
17. The Slow-neutron Component.
The Electronic Component.
18. The Development of Electronic Cascades.
Altitude Variation.
19. Intensity Variation of Various Cosmic-ray Components with Atmospheric Depth.
Cosmic Radiation below Ground.
20. Composition of Underground Radiation.
21. The Energy Spectrum of mu Mesons Below Ground.
22. Meson Showers Underground.
23. Extensive Air Showers.
Variations of Cosmic-ray Intensity in Time.
24. Periodic Variations.
25. Nonperiodic Variations.
26. Problems Connected with the Origin of Cosmic Rays.
Chapter 13 Meson Physics by Alan M. Thorndike
1. Introduction.
Types of Mesons and Hyperons and Their Decay Schemes.
2. mu Mesons.
3. pi Mesons.
4. K Mesons.
5. Hyperons.
6. Antiprotons.
Production of Mesons.
7. Production of pi Mesons.
8. Production of Heavy Mesons and Hyperons.
Nuclear Interactions of Mesons.
9. Nuclear Absorption of Stopped Mesons.
10. Nuclear Interactions in Flight.
Units and Conversion Factors