This book provides the first comprehensive collection of studies dealing with the hot topic of digital face manipulation such as DeepFakes, Face Morphing, or Reenactment. It combines the research fields of biometrics and media forensics including contributions from academia and industry. Appealing to a broad readership, introductory chapters provide a comprehensive overview of the topic, which address readers wishing to gain a brief overview of the state-of-the-art. Subsequent chapters, which delve deeper into various research challenges, are oriented towards advanced readers. Moreover, the book provides a good starting point for young researchers as well as a reference guide pointing at further literature. Hence, the primary readership is academic institutions and industry currently involved in digital face manipulation and detection. The book could easily be used as a recommended text for courses in image processing, machine learning, media forensics, biometrics, and the general security area.
Author(s): Christian Rathgeb, Ruben Tolosana, Ruben Vera-Rodriguez, Christoph Busch
Series: Advances In Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition
Edition: 1
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2022
Language: English
Commentary: TruePDF
Pages: 481
Tags: Biometrics; Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition And Graphics; Systems And Data Security; Signal, Image And Speech Processing
Part I Introduction
1 An Introduction to Digital Face Manipulation
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Types of Digital Face Manipulations
1.2.1 Entire Face Synthesis
1.2.2 Identity Swap
1.2.3 Face Morphing
1.2.4 Attribute Manipulation
1.2.5 Expression Swap
1.2.6 Audio-to-Video and Text-to-Video
1.3 Conclusions
2 Digital Face Manipulation in Biometric Systems
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Biometric Systems
2.2.1 Processes
2.2.2 Face Recognition
2.3 Digital Face Manipulation in Biometric Systems
2.3.1 Impact on Biometric Performance
2.3.2 Manipulation Detection Scenarios
2.4 Experiments
2.4.1 Experimental Setup
2.4.2 Performance Evaluation
2.5 Summary and Outlook
3 Multimedia Forensics Before the Deep Learning Era
3.1 Introduction
3.2 PRNU-Based Approach
3.2.1 PRNU Estimation
3.2.2 Noise Residual Computation
3.2.3 Forgery Detection Test
3.2.4 Estimation Through Guided Filtering
3.3 Blind Methods
3.3.1 Noise Patterns
3.3.2 Compression Artifacts
3.3.3 Editing Artifacts
3.4 Learning-Based Methods with Handcrafted Features
3.5 Conclusions
Part II Digital Face Manipulation and Security Implications
4 Toward the Creation and Obstruction of DeepFakes
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Backgrounds
4.2.1 DeepFake Video Generation
4.2.2 DeepFake Detection Methods
4.2.3 Existing DeepFake Datasets
4.3 Celeb-DF: the Creation of DeepFakes
4.3.1 Synthesis Method
4.3.2 Visual Quality
4.3.3 Evaluations
4.4 Landmark Breaker: the Obstruction of DeepFakes
4.4.1 Facial Landmark Extractors
4.4.2 Adversarial Perturbations
4.4.3 Notation and Formulation
4.4.4 Optimization
4.4.5 Experimental Settings
4.4.6 Results
4.4.7 Robustness Analysis
4.4.8 Ablation Study
4.5 Conclusion
5 The Threat of Deepfakes to Computer and Human Visions
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Related Work
5.3 Databases and Methods
5.3.1 DeepfakeTIMIT
5.3.2 DF-Mobio
5.3.3 Google and Jigsaw
5.3.4 Facebook
5.3.5 Celeb-DF
5.4 Evaluation Protocols
5.4.1 Measuring Vulnerability
5.4.2 Measuring Detection
5.5 Vulnerability of Face Recognition
5.6 Subjective Assessment of Human Vision
5.6.1 Subjective Evaluation Results
5.7 Evaluation of Deepfake Detection Algorithms
5.8 Conclusion
6 Morph Creation and Vulnerability of Face Recognition Systems to Morphing
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Face Morphing Generation
6.2.1 Landmark Based Morphing
6.2.2 Deep Learning-Based Face Morph Generation
6.3 Vulnerability of Face Recognition Systems to Face Morphing
6.3.1 Data Sets
6.3.2 Results
6.3.3 Deep Learning-Based Morphing Results
6.4 Conclusions
7 Adversarial Attacks on Face Recognition Systems
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Taxonomy of Attacks on FRS
7.2.1 Threat Model
7.3 Poisoning Attacks on FRS
7.3.1 Fast Gradient Sign Method
7.3.2 Projected Gradient Descent
7.4 Carlini and Wagner (CW) Attacks
7.5 ArcFace FRS Model
7.6 Experiments and Analysis
7.6.1 Clean Dataset
7.6.2 Attack Dataset
7.6.3 FRS Model for Baseline Verification
7.6.4 FRS Baseline Performance Evaluation
7.6.5 FRS Performance on Probe Data Poisoning
7.6.6 FRS Performance on Enrolment Data Poisoning
7.7 Impact of Adversarial Training with FGSM Attacks
7.8 Discussion
7.9 Conclusions and Future Directions
8 Talking Faces: Audio-to-Video Face Generation
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Related Work
8.2.1 Audio Representation
8.2.2 Face Modeling
8.2.3 Audio-to-Face Animation
8.2.4 Post-processing
8.3 Datasets and Metrics
8.3.1 Dataset
8.3.2 Metrics
8.4 Discussion
8.4.1 Fine-Grained Facial Control
8.4.2 Generalization
8.5 Conclusion
8.6 Further Reading
Part III Digital Face Manipulation Detection
9 Detection of AI-Generated Synthetic Faces
9.1 Introduction
9.2 AI Face Generation
9.3 GAN Fingerprints
9.4 Detection Methods in the Spatial Domain
9.4.1 Handcrafted Features
9.4.2 Data-Driven Features
9.5 Detection Methods in the Frequency Domain
9.6 Learning Features that Generalize
9.7 Generalization Analysis
9.8 Robustness Analysis
9.9 Further Analyses on GAN Detection
9.10 Open Challenges
10 3D CNN Architectures and Attention Mechanisms for Deepfake Detection
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Related Work
10.2.1 Deepfake Detection
10.2.2 Attention Mechanisms
10.3 Dataset
10.4 Algorithms
10.5 Experiments
10.5.1 All Manipulation Techniques
10.5.2 Single Manipulation Techniques
10.5.3 Cross-Manipulation Techniques
10.5.4 Effect of Attention in 3D ResNets
10.5.5 Visualization of Pertinent Features in Deepfake Detection
10.6 Conclusions
11 Deepfake Detection Using Multiple Data Modalities
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Deepfake Detection via Video Spatiotemporal Features
11.2.1 Overview
11.2.2 Model Component
11.2.3 Training Details
11.2.4 Boosting Network
11.2.5 Test Time Augmentation
11.2.6 Result Analysis
11.3 Deepfake Detection via Audio Spectrogram Analysis
11.3.1 Overview
11.3.2 Dataset
11.3.3 Spectrogram Generation
11.3.4 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
11.3.5 Experimental Results
11.4 Deepfake Detection via Audio-Video Inconsistency Analysis
11.4.1 Finding Audio-Video Inconsistency via Phoneme-Viseme Mismatching
11.4.2 Deepfake Detection Using Affective Cues
11.5 Conclusion
12 DeepFakes Detection Based on Heart Rate Estimation: Single- and Multi-frame
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Related Works
12.3 DeepFakesON-Phys
12.4 Databases
12.4.1 Celeb-DF v2 Database
12.4.2 DFDC Preview
12.5 Experimental Protocol
12.6 Fake Detection Results: DeepFakesON-Phys
12.6.1 DeepFakes Detection at Frame Level
12.6.2 DeepFakes Detection at Short-Term Video Level
12.7 Conclusions
13 Capsule-Forensics Networks for Deepfake Detection
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Related Work
13.2.1 Deepfake Generation
13.2.2 Deepfake Detection
13.2.3 Challenges in Deepfake Detection
13.2.4 Capsule Networks
13.3 Capsule-Forensics
13.3.1 Why Capsule-Forensics?
13.3.2 Overview
13.3.3 Architecture
13.3.4 Dynamic Routing Algorithm
13.3.5 Visualization
13.4 Evaluation
13.4.1 Datasets
13.4.2 Metrics
13.4.3 Effect of Improvements
13.4.4 Feature Extractor Comparison
13.4.5 Effect of Statistical Pooling Layers
13.4.6 Capsule-Forensics Network Versus CNNs: Seen Attacks
13.4.7 Capsule-Forensics Network Versus CNNs: Unseen Attacks
13.5 Conclusion and Future Work
13.6 Appendix
14 DeepFakes Detection: the DeeperForensics Dataset and Challenge
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Related Work
14.2.1 DeepFakes Generation Methods
14.2.2 DeepFakes Detection Methods
14.2.3 DeepFakes Detection Datasets
14.2.4 DeepFakes Detection Benchmarks
14.3 DeeperForensics-1.0 Dataset
14.3.1 Data Collection
14.3.2 DeepFake Variational Auto-Encoder
14.3.3 Scale and Diversity
14.3.4 Hidden Test Set
14.4 DeeperForensics Challenge 2020
14.4.1 Platform
14.4.2 Challenge Dataset
14.4.3 Evaluation Metric
14.4.4 Timeline
14.4.5 Results and Solutions
14.5 Discussion
14.6 Further Reading
15 Face Morphing Attack Detection Methods
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Related Works
15.3 Morphing Attack Detection Pipeline
15.3.1 Data Preparation and Feature Extraction
15.3.2 Feature Preparation and Classifier Training
15.4 Database
15.4.1 Image Morphing
15.4.2 Image Post-Processing
15.5 Morphing Attack Detection Methods
15.5.1 Pre-Processing
15.5.2 Feature Extraction
15.5.3 Classification
15.6 Experiments
15.6.1 Generalisability
15.6.2 Detection Performance
15.6.3 Post-Processing
15.7 Summary
16 Practical Evaluation of Face Morphing Attack Detection Methods
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Related Work
16.3 Creation of Morphing Datasets
16.3.1 Creating Morphs
16.3.2 Datasets
16.4 Texture-Based Face Morphing Attack Detection
16.5 Morphing Disguising
16.6 Experiments and Results
16.6.1 Within Dataset Performance
16.6.2 Cross Dataset Performance
16.6.3 Mixed Dataset Performance
16.6.4 Robustness Against Additive Gaussian Noise
16.6.5 Robustness Against Scaling
16.6.6 Selection of Similar Subjects
16.7 The SOTAMD Benchmark
16.8 Conclusion
17 Facial Retouching and Alteration Detection
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Retouching and Alteration Detection—Review
17.2.1 Digital Retouching Detection
17.2.2 Digital Alteration Detection
17.2.3 Publicly Available Databases
17.3 Experimental Evaluation and Observations
17.3.1 Cross-Domain Alteration Detection
17.3.2 Cross Manipulation Alteration Detection
17.3.3 Cross Ethnicity Alteration Detection
17.4 Open Challenges
17.5 Conclusion
Part IV Further Topics, Trends, and Challenges
18 Detecting Soft-Biometric Privacy Enhancement
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Background and Related Work
18.2.1 Problem Formulation and Existing Solutions
18.2.2 Soft-Biometric Privacy Models
18.2.3 Detecting Privacy Enhancement
18.3 Tampering Detection Through Prediction Mismatch (PREM)
18.3.1 PREM Overview
18.3.2 Super-Resolution for Attribute Recovery
18.3.3 Measuring the Prediction Mismatch
18.3.4 PREM Summary and Characteristics
18.4 Experiments and Results
18.4.1 Datasets and Experimental Setup
18.4.2 Utilized Privacy Models
18.4.3 Implementation Details
18.4.4 Results and Discussions
18.5 Conclusion
19 Face Manipulation Detection in Remote Operational Systems
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Remote Identity Document Onboarding
19.3 Face Manipulation Algorithms
19.3.1 Categories of Attacks
19.3.2 Common Face Manipulation Algorithms
19.4 Detecting Face Manipulation
19.4.1 Face Specific Methods
19.4.2 Face Agnostic Methods
19.4.3 Datasets
19.5 Counter-Forensics and Countermeasures
19.5.1 Counter-Forensics
19.5.2 Countermeasures
19.6 Reference Framework, Standardisation and Legal Aspects
19.7 Conclusions
20 Promises, Social, and Ethical Challenges with Biometrics in Remote Identity Onboarding
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Identity Theft and the Emerging Need for Remote Identity Verification
20.2.1 Risks and Societal Implications of Identity Theft
20.2.2 The Need for Remote Biometric Identity Verification
20.3 Remote Biometric Identity Onboarding Technologies
20.3.1 Emergence of Biometric Remote Identity Onboarding
20.3.2 Biometric Remote Identity Onboarding Technologies
20.4 Ethics, Privacy and Societal Acceptability of Biometric Identity
20.4.1 Risks and Main Ethical Issues
20.4.2 Integrity of Practical Identity
20.4.3 Privacy and Function Creep
20.4.4 Ethical Issues Raising from Algorithmically Driven Actions and Decisions
20.4.5 Public Acceptance of Technology
20.5 Discussion and Conclusions
21 Future Trends in Digital Face Manipulation and Detection
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Realism of Face Manipulation and Databases
21.2.1 State of the Art
21.2.2 Missing Resources
21.3 Limitations of Face Manipulation Detection
21.3.1 Generalizability
21.3.2 Interpretability
21.3.3 Vulnerabilities
21.3.4 Human Capabilities
21.3.5 Further Limitations
21.4 Face Manipulation and Detection: The Path Forward
21.4.1 Application Areas for Face Manipulation
21.4.2 Promising Approaches
21.5 Societal and Legal Aspects of Face Manipulation and Detection
21.6 Summary