NOSB TAP Materials Database Compiled by OMRI. - 2002. - August 26 - 1-16 p.
Summary. Glucono delta-lactone (GDL) was petitioned to be added to the National List as a tofu coagulant. It is produced by the oxidation of gluconic acid by a number of various methods. In addition to coagulation, GDL is used as an acidulant, leavening agent, and sequestrant. The NOSB was petitioned for this substance in 1995, and declined to refer it to the Technical Advisory Panel. The reviewers all considered it possible to make GDL from non-synthetic sources, although one considered certain sources and processes synthetic. All considered it to be non-agricultural. Two recommended that it be added to the National List with an annotation; one recommended that it remain off the National List. All three recommended that it be allowed for use in a made with organic (specified ingredients) claim. Of these, two supported with annotations, and one recommended no annotations for this use. Further investigation may be required to determine if sources are produced by the use of genetic engineering.
Summary of Advised Recommendation.
OFPA 2119(m) Criteria.
Criteria from the February 10, 1999 NOSB Meeting.
TAP Reviewer Discussion.