Digital technologies is a major emerging area to invest and research in new models of health management. Future health scenarios are constituted by technologies in health and clinical decision-making systems. This book provides a unique multidisciplinary approach for exploring the potential contribution of AI and digital technologies in enabling global healthcare systems to respond to urgent twenty-first-century challenges. Deep analysis has been made regarding telemedicine using Big Data, Deep Learning, robotics, mobile and remote applications.
Focuses on prospective scenarios in health to predict possible futures.
Addresses the urgent needs of the key population, socio-technical and health themes.
Covers health innovative practices as 3D models for surgeries, big data to treat rare diseases, and AI robot for heart treatments.
Explores telemedicine using Big Data, Deep Learning, robotics, mobile and remote applications.
Reviews public health based on predictive analytics and disease trends.
This book is aimed at researchers, professionals, and graduate students in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, decision support, healthcare technology management, biomedical engineering, and robotics.
Author(s): Maria Jose Sousa, Francisco Guilherme Nunes, Generosa do Nascimento, Chinmay Chakraborty
Series: Advances in Smart Healthcare Technologies
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2023
Language: English
Commentary: true
Pages: 291
Half Title
Series Information
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
About the Editors
1 Scenarios for the Future of Healthcare: Moving Towards Smart Hospitals
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Conceptualization of Smart Hospitals
1.3 Methodological Considerations
1.4 Interdisciplinary Approach of Smart Hospitals
1.5 International Health Innovation Activities
1.6 Future Scenarios
1.7 Contributions of the Research
1.8 Final Considerations
2 People Management in Healthcare: The Challenges in the Era of Digital Disruption
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Technological Evolution and Digital Disruption in Healthcare Organizations
2.2.1 Perspectives of Human Resources Management
2.2.2 Challenges to the Integration of the Digital HRM in Healthcare Organizations
2.3 Proposal for an Integrated People Management Model
2.4 Conclusion
3 Managing Acute Patient Flows in Hospitals
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Healthcare Challenges: Managing Acute Patient Flows
3.2 Process and Flow Management
3.2.1 Principles and Challenges
3.3 Processes and Flow: A Theoretical Overview
3.3.1 Process Versus Flow
3.3.2 Frameworks On Flow Dynamics
3.4 Process and Flow: A Technical Management View
3.4.1 Process Principles and Practices
3.4.2 Flow Management Principles and Practices
3.5 Process and Flow: A Social Management View
3.6 Context: The Hospital
3.6.1 An Overview of the Case
3.6.2 Acute Patient Flows: Challenges
3.6.3 Some Words About the Method
3.7 Lessons Learned
3.7.1 Clear Functions and Roles in Patient Flows
3.7.2 Apply Production and Capacity Planning to Level Out Flows
3.7.3 Evaluate Acute Flows
3.7.4 Improve Collaboration Between Professional Groups
3.7.5 Manage and Support Coordination and Integration
3.7.6 Involve Professional Groups in Managerial Decisions
3.8 Conclusions
4 Influence of Commercial Excellence and Digital in Healthcare Professionals Relationships Management: A Pharmaceutical Focus Group Study
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Literature Review
4.2.1 Pharma Commercial Excellence
4.2.2 Digital in Commercial Pharmaceuticals
4.3 Methodological Approach
4.3.1 Focus Group Questions
4.3.2 Focus Group Key Takeaways and Raised Points
4.3.3 Key Observations From the Focus Group Interviews
4.4 Conclusions
4.4.1 Limitations and Future Recommendations
4.4.2 Conclusions
5 Psychology On the Edge of Health Tech Challenges
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Psychology/Psychotherapy and the Paradigm of Relationship
5.3 Psychology and Online Intervention
5.4 Clinical and Health Psychology
6 Perceptions of Clients On Quality of Health Services
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Theoretical Reference
6.2.1 Knowledge Transition
6.2.2 Quality Services
6.2.3 Quality Management in Health Care Services
6.3 Methodology
6.4 Results and Discussion
6.4.1 Effects On Customers’ Reliability
6.5 Final Considerations
7 Innovation Management Applied to Primary Care: An Integrative Review
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Methodology
7.3 Analysis and Discussion of Results
7.3.1 Analysis of Article 1
7.3.2 Analysis of Article 2
7.3.3 Analysis of Article 3
7.3.4 Analysis of Article 4
7.3.5 Analysis of Article 5
7.4 Innovation Management and Primary Health Care
7.5 Final Conclusion
8 The Spinner Innovation and Knowledge Flow for Future Health Scenarios Applications
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Methodology
8.3 Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
8.3.1 Systematic Review
8.3.2 Meta-Analysis
8.4 How Can Spinner Innovation and Knowledge Flow Help Human Resources (HR) to Become Digital Human Resource Management?
8.5 Conclusion and Discussion
8.6 Implications
8.7 Future Research Directions
9 Reshaping Flows in Healthcare Systems?: Digital Technologies Are the Perfect Ally
9.1 Introduction: Understanding Flows Within Healthcare Systems
9.1.1 Logistics, Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Concepts – How Do These Apply When Considering Both Goods and Patient Flows?
9.2 Tangible and Intangible Logistics in Healthcare Settings
9.2.1 Tangible Logistics in Healthcare
9.2.2 Intangible Logistics in Healthcare
9.3 Use and Impact of Digital Technologies in Healthcare Settings
9.3.1 Artificial Intelligence (AI)
9.3.2 Machine Learning as an Artificial Intelligence Technique
9.3.3 AI Potential and Applications in Healthcare Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Internet of Things (IoT) 3D Printing Big Data Cloud Services Blockchain
9.4 Conclusion
10 Work With Me, Don’t Just Talk at Me: When “Explainable” Is Not Enough
10.1 Introduction
10.2 The Disruptive Introduction of Technology
10.3 The Ethics of Medical Care
10.4 “Big Data” in Data-Driven Advanced Technologies
10.5 Explainable AI
10.6 A Note On Clinicians and Work
10.7 The Likelihood of Advanced Technology Acceptance
10.8 Recommendations
10.9 Conclusions
11 Application of Mobile Technologies in Healthcare During Coronavirus Pandemic Lockdown
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Conceptual Framework
11.2.1 Mobile Technology
11.2.2 Mobile Technology in Healthcare – Mhealth
11.3 Material and Method
11.4 Results
11.4.1 Profile of Participants Do You Own a Mobile Technology Device?
11.4.2 Are You Permitted to Use Your Mobile Devices at Workplace During Clinical Practice?
11.4.3 To What Extent Do Participants Use Mobile Technologies for Health Purposes During the COVID-19 Lockdown?
11.4.4 Barriers to the Use of Mobile Technologies in Health Setting
11.5 Discussion of Findings
11.6 Conclusion
11.7 Future Work
Competing Interest
12 Application of Pattern Recognition in Taste Perception for Healthcare: An Exploratory Study
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Motivation
12.3 Contribution
12.4 Related Works
12.5 Pattern Recognition Models Used in Taste Perception Analysis
12.5.1 Supervised Algorithm Logistic Regression Linear Discriminant Analysis Soft Independent Modelling of Class Analogy
12.5.2 Unsupervised Algorithm Hierarchical Clustering Principal Component Analysis
12.6 Application Areas
12.6.1 Application in Healthcare
12.6.2 Application in Culture
12.6.3 Application in Agriculture
12.6.4 Application in Food Science
12.7 Sensors Used to Acquire Taste Perception
12.7.1 Introduction to Electroencephalogram
12.7.2 Introduction to Electronic Tongue
12.7.3 Introduction to Glassy Carbon Electrode (GCE)
12.7.4 Multichannel Sensor
12.7.5 Smart Chemical Sensor
12.7.6 Introduction to Electrogustometry
12.7.7 Introduction to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI)
12.8 Conclusion and Future Scope
13 New Perspectives for Knowledge Management in Telemedicine: Preliminary Findings From a Case Study in the COVID-19 Era
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Literature Review
13.3 Methodology
13.4 Findings
13.5 Discussions and Conclusions
14 Prioritization of Quality of Public Health Services in the Sector of Graphic Methods: University Hospital
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Theoretical Framework
14.2.1 Hospital Management With an Emphasis On the Quality of Public Health Services
14.3 Methodological Procedures
14.3.1 Data Collection Procedures
14.3.2 Data Analysis Procedures
14.4 Discussion of Results
14.4.1 Profile of Professionals
14.4.2 AHP Method Prioritizing the Actions of the Investigated Sector
14.5 Final Considerations
15 Telework and Conflict (Work–Family and Work–Family): What Is the Effect On Occupational Stress?
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Literature Review
15.2.1 Work–Family Conflict, Family–Work Conflict and Performance
15.2.2 Work–Family Conflict, Family–Work Conflict and Occupational Stress
15.2.3 Occupational Stress and Performance
15.2.4 Mediating Effect of Occupational Stress
15.3 Method
15.3.1 Data Collection Procedure
15.3.2 Participants
15.3.3 Data Analysis Procedure
15.3.4 Measures
15.4 Results
15.5 Discussion and Conclusions
15.6 Final Considerations