Journal Progress in Nuclear Energy (Elsevier), 2002, vol. 40, Issue 1, pp. 3-159.
In discrete-ordinates (SN) simulations of large problems involving linear interactions between radiation and matter, the underlying linear Boltzmann problem is discretized and the resulting system of algebraic equations is solved iteratively. If the physical system contains subregions that are optically thick with low absorption, the simplest iterative process, Source Iteration, is inefficient and costly. During the past 40 years, significant progress has been made in the development of acceleration methods that speed up the iterative convergence of these problems. This progress consists of (i) a theory to derive the acceleration strategies, (ii) a theory to predict the convergence properties of the new strategies, and (iii) the implementation of these concepts in production computer codes. In this review we discuss the theoretical foundations of this work, the important results that have been achieved, and remaining open questions.
Iterationschemes for continuous transport problems in planar geometry.
The effect of spatial and angular discretizations in planar geometry.
Other differencing schemes and geometries.
Other iterative methods.
Algebraic iterative methods.
Acceleration of other scattering iterations.
Acceleration of k-eigenvalue problems.
Acknowledgements & references.