NAS Press, 2006. - 409 р. ISBN: 0309101786 Committee on Disaster Research in the Social Sciences: Future Challenges and Opportunities, National Research Council
Social science research conducted since the late 1970s has contributed greatly to society's ability to mitigate and adapt to natural, technological, and willful disasters. However, as evidenced by Hurricane Katrina, the Indian Ocean tsunami, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, and other recent events, hazards and disaster research and its application could be improved greatly. In particular, more studies should be pursued that compare how the characteristics of different types of events - including predictability, forewarning, magnitude, and duration of impact - affect societal vulnerability and response.
Societal Changes Influencing the Context of Research
Social Science Research on Hazard Mitigation. Emergency Preparedness, and Recovery Preparedness
Research on Disaster Response and Recovery
Interdisciplinary Hazards and Disaster Research
International Research: Confronting the Challenges of Disaster Risk Reduction and Development
The Role of State-of-the-Art Technologies and Methods for Enhancing Studies of Hazards and Disasters
Knowledge Dissemination and Application
The Present and Future Hazards and Disaster Research Workforce
Committee Biographies