Report of committee on gun tube erosion. AD-A01 7-
104. National Materials Advisory Board (NAS-NAE). Washington, D.C. 1975. -38 p.
The erosion of gun tubes is a very complex interdisciplinary problem involving several branches of engineering and science. Several mechanisms are responsible for this limitation to gun tube life, some of which are of thermal origin, some are mechanical and some chemical. The exact combination of these mechanisms will depend upon the following components of the gun system.
1. The gun barrel system;
2. The projectile system;
3. The charge assembly;
4. Wear reducing additives In the propellant;
5. Firing conditions.
After reviewing the history of gun barrel erosion from these several points of view, possible mechanisms are discussed. Several other fields of engineering endeavors that are limited by severe wear problems are reviewed for possible sources of technology transfer. The report concludes by suggesting long and short range programs, including a number of specific ideas that should be evaluated.
Discussion and recommendations.
Concluding remarks.
Description of gun system.
Mechanisms of gun barrel erosion.
Transfer of technology from other fields to the erosion of gun barrels.