It makes no difference whether global warming is or is not a “human-caused” condition, because it is only human-caused action that will mediate its effects. This book shows why wind and solar alone are not enough. To get a handle on this, we need a backup plan, that is, an energy miracle.
This is the book that gives concerned folks an understanding of exactly how to tackle global warming. At the same time, it gives students and scientists the tools to jump-start the search for energy miracles. The politicians and administrators who need a low-cost solution that comes to grips with the coming debacle will be happy to know that this book provides that as well. In this century, over one billion people living in low-lying coastal areas will be inundated by rising seas. It’s time to get moving. Read this book and then pass it on to a friend or an associate.
Author(s): H. B. Glushakow
Publisher: Jenny Stanford Publishing
Year: 2022
Language: English
Pages: 351
City: Singapore
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
What Is an Energy Miracle?
Part I
Preface to Part I
Chapter 1: Climate Change
Climate: What Is It?
Al Gore: Climate Guru
Short History of Climate Change
U.S. Citizens Only
Chapter 2: Fossil Fuels’ Double Duty: Warming and Poisoning
Warming the Land and the Sea: How Much Warming Is Too Much?
Poisoning the Water, the Air, and the Global Social Environment
The Earth’s air
The Earth’s water: drought is the new normal
How fossil fuels are directly robbing us of needed water
Global warming and the Earth’s social stability
Persian Gulf miracle
Chapter 3: The Valiant Effort to Replace Fossil Fuels
Transition to Renewables: Some Tough Truths
A caution on renewable energy ratings
Wind energy disappointments
Solar energy disappointments
India: a people crying out for more energy
Irish disappointments
Germany: alternate energy’s poster child
More Energy Needed, Not Less: Some Consequences of Energy Scarcity
Worldwide blackouts
Failure of fossil fuels to meet the planet’s minimum energy needs
The cost of energy makes it harder to survive
Is BP the answer to Global Warming?
The Seas Are Rising. Do Something!
Chapter 4: Roadblocks to an Energy Revolution
Existing Global Energy Sources
Is the Answer to Economize?
2020 Global Renewable Outlook and Initiatives
Redundancy: 21st Century Energy Innovation to Back up Wind and Solar
Chapter 5: The Energy Epoch Starts Now
Electricity: How You Get It and What You Do with It Once Got
Turning the Crank: Planet Earth’s Obsession with 19th-Century Power Generation
Electrical engineers: they lost the E in EE
A Lucky observation
Putting some electricity back into electrical engineering
Greatest Discoveries in Electricity
What happened after 1938?
Thinking outside the electrical box
Chapter 6: Five Keys to the Energy Miracles
Key #1. Energy: What Is It?
The elusive definition
The actual definition
Energy and its conservation
Key #2. Dichotomy: The Condition That Gives
Energy Its Impetus
Key #3. Structure Required before Energy Can
Key #4. Medium Needed for Energy Propagation
Key #5. Mechanism by Which Energy Propagates
through the Medium
Chapter 7: The Energy Miracle Challenge: Solution to Global Warming
The Glory Days of Electrification
Strengthening the Paris Climate Accords
Dealing with the most serious consequence of climate change
Electricity from Fossil Fuels: Primary Source of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The Energy Miracle Challenge
Why this game is needed
Who can play?
The rules
The rewards
The secrets
Part II
Preface to Part II
Chapter 8: Quantum Quagmire: Dead End for Energy Miracles
A Little Quantum Background
Quantum Claims and Exaggerations
Quantum’s most audacious claim
Quantum Mechanics Contribution in the Fight Against Global Warming
Science before the Quantum
Quantum Mechanics: A Mystery in a Monastery
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: A Grim Fairy Tale
Quantum Energy and Planck’s Constant
Major Crack in the Quantum Mechanics Foundation
Quantum End of the World: Entropy
Cause and effect and the action cycle
Energy, the Speed of Light, and Albert Einstein’s House of Cards
Speed of light in a vacuum and Einstein’s relativity theories
Initial impulse and interference create variations in lightspeed
Gravity creates variations in lightspeed
The absolute cold in outer space creates variations in lightspeed
Earth’s atmospheric layers influence lightspeed
Mapping the heavens
Lightning does not travel at the speed of light
Accuracy of currently averaged speed of light
The Aether
Aether before Einstein
Measuring the aether
The Michelson interferometers
Modern GPS technology detects the aether
Double-Slit Experiment. Is Light a Particle or a Wave?
Double-slit explained
To synthesize or not to synthesize? The wave/particle question
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and Its Opposite
The opposite of uncertainty is knowledge
Introducing Werner Heisenberg
An ode to Heisenberg
Uncertainty: the predictable and the unpredictable
Measurement and Uncertainty
Schrödinger’s Uncertain Cat
Clarification by the cat, herself
Standard Model of Particle Physics
TOE (Theory of Everything) or TON (Theory of Nothing)?
Spacetime and Fourth Dimension
n-dimensional space
Quantum Mechanics’ Uncertain Zero
Quantum Favorite Sport: Shoot the Observer
Real Experiments versus Thought Experiments
Science and experiments
Thought experiments: abstractions about abstractions
The Observer: Lost Somewhere within the Three Universes
Insanity and the Quest for an Energy Miracle
Chapter 9: Scientific Serendipity
Mathematics Miasma
The Biggest Tiger in Energy Science: The Attack on Cause and Effect
Number 1 Energy Miracle Obstacle: Energy Can Never Be Created
Observation and Energy Research
Energy Two × Two
Power of Simplicity in Energy Miracles
A Scientific Datum Should Embrace Other Data
The Misunderstood Word and Energy Miracles
The Art of Demonstration
Science and Understanding
Getting Started on the Path to the Energy Miracles: A Study Guide
The Basics of Energy, Space, and Time
Statics and kinetics
Rarefaction and condensation
Final tip to those who wish to discover an
Energy Miracle
Chapter 10: Paths to the Energy Miracles
Ocean Thermo-Energy Conversion
Superconductivity and the Electron Generator
Nikola Tesla’s Free Energy
Re-tasking Hydropower
Nuclear Fission and Fusion
Alternative Fuels
Solar and Other Zero-Carbon Fuels
Carbon Management
Energy Storage
Rescue the Terrified Geniuses Hiding in Caves
Annexure Lightning’s Downward Explosive Discharge:
A New Mode
Current Lightning Model
The Return Stroke
When lightning was turned upside down
Up or down? The power of optics
Karl Berger: what did he say about return strokes?
The actual origin of return stroke: Third Earl of Stanhope
Some real explanations for return strokes
Lightning’s Downward Explosive Discharge (DED)
But what about the explosion?
Polarities of Lightning
The Stepped-Leader
Problems with Existing Models of the Stepped-Leader
Malan and Schonland Tips
Lightning is Electromagnetic Radiation
Propagation of Electromagnetic Radiation: Classical View
Lightning Propagation
Virgin Air
The Condensation/Rarefaction Process
Mathematics Postscript: Proofs for the Energy Miracle Keys
Proofs for Key 1: Energy Consists of Postulated Particles in Space
Proofs for Key 2: Energy Requires a Dichotomy
Proof for Key 3: Energy Generation Requires a Base
Proof for Key 4: Energy Requires a Medium through Which to Propagate
The Author
Review Quotes