This book presents emerging perspectives on disaster resilience and human settlements in the larger context of the Anthropocene. The chapters explore urban and rural perspectives focusing on the current and emerging perspectives on disaster resilience through a holistic approach, involving scientists, humanists, planners, policymakers, and professionals in the global debate.
Author(s): Bharat Dahiya, Francesco de Pascale, Orlando De Pietro, Piero Farabollini, Francesca Romana Lugeri, Leonardo Mercatanti
Series: Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2023
Language: English
Pages: 325
City: Singapore
Foreword by Prof. Michele Cometa
Foreword by Asst. Prof. Dr. Prapaporn Tivayanond Mongkhonvanit
Editors and Contributors
Disaster Resilience and Human Settlements in the Anthropocene
1 The Current Context
2 Disaster Resilience, Human Settlements, and Global Agendas
2.1 Global Agendas and Policy Responses
2.2 Understanding the Current Challenges and Responses
3 Collection of Essays
3.1 Thematic Focus
3.2 Structure of the Book
Flood Risk in Urban Areas: Disaster Resilience Assessment and Governance
Leaving Nothing to Chance: Reducing Flood Risk by Evaluating Simulation Exercises in Urban Contexts
1 Introduction
2 The Flood Simulations Exercises
3 Simulation Exercises in the Emilia-Romagna Region
4 Simulation Exercises in the Marche Region
5 Simulation Exercise in the Abruzzo Region
6 Methodology
7 Results and Discussion
7.1 Structures
7.2 Relations
7.3 Sensemaking
8 Conclusions
Annex 1
Urban Growth and Increasing Flood Impact in the City of Palma: A Loss of Resilience Capacity
1 Introduction
2 Research Area
3 Historical Flood Impacts and Adaptative Measures
3.1 Urban Area
3.2 Rural Area
4 Twentieth-Century Growth: New Areas, New Risks
5 Conclusions
Addressing the Impacts of Inland Floods on Informal Housing in Honiara, Solomon Islands
1 Introduction
2 Disasters and Informal Housing
3 Institutional Approaches to Addressing Informal Housing Challenges
3.1 Upgrading
3.2 Relocation Versus In-Situ Upgrading
4 Methodology
4.1 Identifying a Research Agenda
4.2 Methodological Approach
5 Floods and Informal Housing in Honiara, Solomon Islands
5.1 Honiara Urban Profile
5.2 Honiara Flood Risk Profile
5.3 Flood Impacts on Housing
6 Challenges to and Opportunities for Building Flood Resilience of Informal Housing in Honiara
6.1 Key Challenges
6.2 Potential Opportunities
7 Potential Framework for Informal Housing Improvement
8 Conclusion
Adaptive Capacity Analysis of Flood Prone Regions in Bihar, India
1 Introduction
2 Approaching Adaptive Capacity—Literature Review
2.1 Conceptualizing Adaptive Capacity
3 Methodology
3.1 Indicators and Data Sources for Calculating Adaptive Capacity
3.2 Calculating Adaptive Capacity Index (ACI)
3.3 Ranking of Adaptive Capacity Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
3.4 Case Area Selection
4 Assessing and Calculating Adaptive Capacity Index (ACI)
4.1 Educational Commitment
4.2 Economic Autonomy
4.3 Infrastructure Development
4.4 Access to Technological Advancement
4.5 Livelihood Diversity
4.6 Institutional Setups
5 Ranking of Adaptive Capacity Using Analytical Heirarchy Process (AHP)
6 Conclusions and Recommendations
Perceptions and Representations of Disasters and Climate Change in the Anthropocene
Cruise Tourism, Risk Perception and Public Narratives in Syracuse, Italy
1 Introduction
2 Cruise Tourism in the Mediterranean Sea and in Syracuse, Italy
3 The “Ships of Discord”: The Public Narratives of Newspapers
4 Conclusions
Social Media in Risk Perception and Disaster Management: A Geographical Perspective
1 Disaster Geography, Communication and Social Media
2 Geography and the ICTs
2.1 Geography and Social Media Communication for Risk Management
3 A Review of Experiences of Web-Based Disaster Communication
3.1 Web-Based Tools and Social Media Disaster Communication in Italy
4 Discussion and Conclusions
Environment as a Weapon: History, and the Hazards of War
1 Introduction
2 Environment and War
2.1 Poisons, Plagues, Pestilence and Sieges
2.2 Terrain, Wood, Weather and Water
2.3 Eighteenth Century Resource Battles and Wars
3 The Anthropocene and Ecological Warfare
3.1 Global Scales
4 Gaia at War: The Nuclear Age and Global Warming
5 Conclusion
Living on Mount Etna Between Risk, Beauty and Need: A Field Survey on Villages Struck by 2018 Earthquake
1 Introduction
2 Demographics of the Etna Area
3 Discussion
3.1 The 2018 Publication on the Collapse of the Eastern Flank of Etna
3.2 The Earthquake of 2018
3.3 The Paroxysmal Events of 2021
4 Survey
5 Conclusions
Post-disaster Management and Recovery: Urban Landscape, Pandemic and Community Resilience
Narratives of Urban Resilience and Sustainability in Southern Italy: The Case Studies of Matera (Basilicata) and Filadelfia (Calabria)
1 Introduction
2 Matera: From “National Shame” to European Capital of Culture 2019
3 The Urban Resilience of Matera: The Underground Architecture Model
3.1 Matera: Example of Urban Sustainable Mobility
4 The Innovative and Resilient Urban Scheme of Filadelfia (Calabria, Southern Italy) After the Earthquakes of 1783
4.1 The History Related to the City Foundation
4.2 The Urban Planning Idea
5 Discussion and Conclusions
Disaster Resilience Assessment for Drainage Network and Urban Landscape After Heavy Meteorological Events: Examples from the Middle Adriatic Coastal Area (Abruzzo Region, Central Italy)
1 Introduction
2 Study Area
2.1 Geological and Geomorphological Setting
2.2 Climatic Features
3 Methods
4 Heavy Rainfall Events and Affected Areas
4.1 2007 Event (6–7 October)
4.2 2011 Event (1–2 March)
4.3 2012 Event (5–6 and 13–14 September)
4.4 2018 Event (12 January)
4.5 2019 Event (10 July)
5 Linking Disaster Resilience and Urban Areas: A Geomorphological Approach
6 Discussions and Conclusions
Revitalizing the Wounded Territory: The “Geo-Hiking’s” Potential
1 Introduction
2 Central Italy Earthquake
3 Knowledge, Consciousness, Communication
4 New Proposals: Geosites and Geo-Hiking
5 Tools
6 Case Study: The Geosites of the Fiastrone River Valley
7 Geological and Hydrographic Context
8 The Project
9 The Geosite of Camporotondo Di Fiastrone
10 Interventions
11 Case Study: The Frasassi Caves
12 Cultural Landscape as a Function of Natural Landscape
13 Final Remarks: Territorial Enhancement, and Social Involvement for Resilience and Restart
Sense of Belonging and Response to Climate Change: How the Relation with Local Territories Influences Climate Resilience
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
2.1 Study Area
2.2 Data Analysis
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 The Influence of Age in Shaping the Sense of Place and Perception of Climate Change
3.2 The Influence of the Integration in the Community in Shaping the Sense of Place and Perception of Climate Change
3.3 The Influence of the Proximity to the Coast in Shaping the Sense of Place and Perception of Climate Change
3.4 The Influence of the Geographic Position in Shaping the Sense of Place and Perception of Climate Change
4 Conclusions
From Disasters to the Pandemic. A Study on the EU Solidarity Fund
1 Introduction
2 The EU Solidarity Fund
3 Conclusions