Author(s): John P. Comaromi; Julianne Beall; Winton E. Matthews, Jr.; Gregory R. New; Melvil Dewey
Edition: 20
Publisher: Forest Press
Year: 1989
Language: English
Pages: 514
City: Albany
Tags: DDC20
Publisher’s Foreword xi
Preface by the Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee xiii
Acknowledgments xvii
New Features in Edition 20 xix
Introduction to the Dewey Decimal Classification xxv
About the Introduction xxv
Classification: What It Is and What It Does xxv
History and Current Use of the Dewey Decimal Classification xxvi
Overview of the Dewey Decimal Classification xxvi
Conceptual Framework xxvi
Notation xxvii
Principle of Hierarchy xxviii
Classifying with the DDC xxix
Determining the Subject of a Work xxix
Determining the Discipline for a Work Xxxi
More Than One Subject xxxi
More Than One Discipline xxxi
When All Else Fails xxxii
How DDC 20 Is Arranged xxxiii
Key Features of the Schedules and Tables xxxiii
Summaries xxxiii
Entries xxxiv
Notes xxxv
Number Building xl
Number Building: Citation and Precedence Order xliii
Citation Order xliii
Precedence Order xliii
The Relative Index xliv
How to Use the Relative Index xlv
Format and Arrangement of the Relative Index xlv
Order in Which Numbers Are Displayed xlvi
Interdisciplinary Numbers xlvi
Terms Included in the Relative Index xlviii
Terms Not Included in the Relative Index xlviii
Options xIviii
Close and Broad Classification xlix
Book Numbers xlix
Selected Bibliography li
Glossary li
Index to the Introduction and Glossary lix
Publishing History of the Dewey Decimal Classification lxi
Tables 1
Use of the Tables 2
Table 1. Standard Subdivisions 3
Table 2. Geographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons 25
Table 3. Subdivisions for Individual Literatures, for Specific Literary Forms 389
Table 3-A. Subdivisions for Works by or about Individual Authors 389
Table 3-B. Subdivisions for Works by or about More than One Author 394
Table 3-C. Notation to Be Added Where Instructed in Table 3-B and in 808-809 409
Table 4. Subdivisions of Individual Languages 415
Table 5. Racial, Ethnic, National Groups 421
Table 6. Languages 438
Table 7. Groups of Persons 457
Relocations and Reductions 479
Comparative Tables 496
Music 496
British Columbia 505
Equivalence Tables 506
Music 306
British Columbia 514