The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) has established itself as a major event in this exciting and very active field of research. This two-volume proceedings collects the 115 papers accepted for presentation at the 3rd ECCV, held in Stockholm in May 1994. The papers were selected from over 300 submissions and together give a well balanced reflection of the state of the art in computer vision. The papers in Volume II are grouped under the following headings: Active vision, Motion and structure, Matching and registration, Segmentation and restoration, Illumination, Shading and colour, Motion segmentation, Feature-extraction, Registration and reconstruction, and Geometry and invariants.
Author(s): Sven J. Dickinson, Henrik I. Christensen, John Tsotsos (auth.), Jan-Olof Eklundh (eds.)
Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 801
Edition: 1
Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Year: 1994
Language: English
Pages: 488
Tags: Image Processing and Computer Vision; Pattern Recognition; Computer Graphics; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Electromagnetism, Optics and Lasers
Active object recognition integrating attention and viewpoint control....Pages 2-14
Active 3D object recognition using 3D affine invariants....Pages 15-24
Grasping the apparent contour....Pages 25-34
Visual tracking of high DOF articulated structures: An application to human hand tracking....Pages 35-46
Integration and control of reactive visual processes....Pages 47-58
Motion estimation on the essential manifold....Pages 60-72
Motion from point matches using affine epipolar geometry....Pages 73-84
Navigation using affine structure from motion....Pages 85-96
A paraperspective factorization method for shape and motion recovery....Pages 97-108
Active camera self-orientation using dynamic image parameters....Pages 110-116
Planning the optimal set of views using the Max-Min principle....Pages 117-122
On perceptual advantages of eye-head active control....Pages 123-128
Improving registration of 3-D medical images using a mechanical based method....Pages 130-136
Non-iterative contextual correspondence matching....Pages 137-142
A registration method for rigid objects without point matching....Pages 143-150
Non-parametric local transforms for computing visual correspondence....Pages 151-158
Measuring the affine transform using gaussian filters....Pages 159-164
Extracting the affine transformation from texture moments....Pages 165-172
Lack-of-fit detection using the run-distribution test....Pages 173-178
Disparity-space images and large occlusion stereo....Pages 179-186
Registration of a curve on a surface using differential properties....Pages 187-192
Genetic algorithms applied to binocular stereovision....Pages 193-198
Segmentation of echocardiographic images with Markov random fields....Pages 200-206
Unsupervised regions segmentation: Real time control of an upkeep machine of natural spaces....Pages 207-212
Synchronous image restoration....Pages 213-217
Parameterfree information-preserving surface restoration....Pages 218-224
Spatially varying illumination: A computational model of converging and diverging sources....Pages 226-232
Recovery of illuminant and surface colors from images based on the CIE daylight....Pages 234-246
3-D stereo using photometric ratios....Pages 247-258
Shape from shading: Provably convergent algorithms and uniqueness results....Pages 259-268
Seeing beyond Lambert's law....Pages 269-280
Using 3-dimensional meshes to combine image-based and geometry-based constraints....Pages 281-291
Determination of optical flow and its discontinuities using non-linear diffusion....Pages 294-304
Motion boundary detection in image sequences by local stochastic tests....Pages 305-315
Segmentation of moving objects by robust motion parameter estimation over multiple frames....Pages 316-327
Stochastic motion clustering....Pages 328-337
Association of motion verbs with vehicle movements extracted from dense optical flow fields....Pages 338-347
Comparisons of probabilistic and non-probabilistic hough transforms....Pages 350-360
Markov random field models in computer vision....Pages 361-370
The role of key-points in finding contours....Pages 371-382
A framework for low level feature extraction....Pages 383-394
Rigid and affine registration of smooth surfaces using differential properties....Pages 396-406
The quadric reference surface: Applications in registering views of complex 3D objects....Pages 407-416
Relative 3D regularized B-spline surface reconstruction through image sequences....Pages 417-426
Intrinsic stabilizers of planar curves....Pages 427-436
Affine and projective normalization of planar curves and regions....Pages 438-448
Area and length preserving geometric invariant scale-spaces....Pages 449-458
Invariants of 6 points from 3 uncalibrated images....Pages 459-470
A common framework for kinetic depth, reconstruction and motion for deformable objects....Pages 471-482