This book provides a basic introduction to twenty-five commonly occurring families of flowering plants, chosen for their economic, ornamental and ecological importance. It is designed to enable students of botany and related disciplines to gain some knowledge of the general characteristics of each family and also the relationships among them. An introductory section provides basic botanical information essential for a proper consideration of the families themselves. For each family, information on its distribution, classification, general features and economic importance precedes a detailed description of a typical representative species that will be useful to botanists and botany students. Illustrated throughout with clear and accurate line diagrams and accompanied by an extensive glossary.
Author(s): Michael Hickey
Year: 1997
Language: English
Commentary: illustrated with labelled line drawings, bookmarked
Pages: 223
Tags: Botany;Botanist;Naturalist;Plants;Plant identification;illustrated authoratative field guide;handbook
Flowering Plants
Common families of flowering plants
General botany
1 RANUNCULACEAE Juss. Buttercup family
58 genera and 1750 species
1.1 Ranunculus repens L.
Creeping Buttercup
1.2 Consolida ajacis (L.) Schur (Delphinium ajacis L.) Larkspur
1.3 Helleborus foetidus L. Stinking Hellebore
2 CARYOPHYLLACEAE Juss. Pink family
89 genera and 2070 species
2.1 Cerastium tomentosum L.
2.2 Silene dioica (L.) Clairv.
3 MALVACEAE Juss. Mallow family
121 genera and 1550 species
3.1 Malva sylvestris L. Common Mallow
4 SALICACEAE Mirbel Willow family
2 genera and 335 species
4.1 Salix caprea L. Goat Willow
5 CRUCIFERAE Juss. (Brassicaceae Burnett)
390 genera and 3000 species Mustard family
5.1 Arabis caucasica Schlecht.
Garden Arabis
6 ERICACEAE Juss. Heath family
103 genera and 3350 species
6.1 Erica herbaceaL. (E. carnea L.) Winter Heath
6.2 Rhododendron ponticum L.
22 genera and 800 species
7.1 Primula vulgaris Huds. Primrose
8 ROSACEAE Juss. Rose family
107 genera and 3100 species
8.1 Spiraea x arguta Zab.
8.2 Rosa canina L. Dog Rose
8.3 Prunus spinosa L. Blackthorn, Sloe
8.4 Malus x domestica Borkh. Cultivated Apple
9 LEGUMINOSAE Juss. (Fabaceae Lindl.)
657 genera and 16400 species Pea family
9.1 Acacia paradoxa DC. (A. armata R.Br.) Kangaroo Thorn
9.2 Cercis siliquastrum L. Judas-tree
9.3 Vicia faba L. Broad Bean
10 EUPHORBIACEAE Juss. Spurge family
326 genera and 7750 species
10.1 Ricinus communis L. Castor-oil Plant
10.2 Euphorbia helioscopia L. Sun Spurge
11 GERANIACEAE Juss. Geranium family
5 genera and 679 species
11.1 Geranium pratense L. Meadow Crane’s-bill
12 UMBELLIFERAE Juss. (Apiaceae Lindl.)
420 genera and 3100 species Carrot family
12.1 Heracleum sphondylium L. Hogweed, Cow Parsnip
13 SOLANACEAE Juss. Nightshade family
90 genera and 2600 species
14 BORAGINACEAE Juss. Borage family
156 genera and 2500 species
14.1 Symphytum officinale L. Common Comfrey
15 LABIATAE Juss. (Lamiaceae Lindl.)
224 genera and 5600 species Mint family
15.1 Lamium album L. White Dead-nettle
15.2 Ajuga reptans L. Bugle
16 SCROPHULARIACEAE Juss. Foxglove family
222 genera and 4500 species
16.1 Verbascum thapsus L. Aaron’s Rod, Great Mullein
16.2 Antirrhinum majus L. Snapdragon
16.3 Veronica persica Poir. Common Field Speedwell
17 CAMPANULACEAE Juss. Bellflower family
87 genera and 1950 species
17.1 Campanula rotundifolia L. Harebell (Bluebell in Scotland)
18 CAPRIFOLIACEAE Juss. Honeysuckle family
18.1 Viburnum opulus L. Guelder-r
18.2 Lonicera periclymenum L. Honeysuckle
19 COMPOSITAE Giseke (Asteraceae Dumort.)
19.1 Taraxacum officinale Weber Dandelion
19.2 Doronicum x excelsum (N. E. Br.) Stace
20 GRAMINEAE Juss. (Poaceae Barnhart)
20.1 Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J. & C. Presl False Oat-grass
20.2 Zea mays L. Maize, Sweet Com, Indian Com, Com
21 ARACEAE Juss. Arum family
106 genera and 2950 species
21.1 Arum maculatum L. Lords-and-Ladies, Cuckoo-pint
22 LILIACEAE JUSS. Lily family
220 genera and 3500 species
22.1 Lilium martagon L. Martagon Lily, Turk's-cap Lily
22.2 Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Rothm. Bluebell (Endymion non-scriptus (L.) Garcke)
23.1 Galanthus nivalis L. Snowdrop
24.1 Iris pseudacorus L. Yellow Flag
24.2 Crocus tommasinianus Herbert
23 AMARYLLIDACEAE Jaume St-Hil. Daffodil family
23.1 Galanthus nivalis L. Snowdrop
24 IRIDACEAE Juss. Iris family
24.1 Iris pseudacorus L. Yellow Flag
24.2 Crocus tommasinianus Herbert
25 ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Orchid family
25.1 Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce)
Soo Common Spotted Orchid
Comparative tables
Selected bibliography
Index of families and genera