Author(s): Giovanni Gallavotti, Wolfgang L. Reiter, and Jakob Yngvason
Year: 2007
Language: English
Pages: 284
Foreword......Page 5
Contents......Page 7
Introduction by Giovanni Gallavotti......Page 9
Boltzmann and the end of the mechanistic worldview by Jürgen Renn......Page 15
What if Boltzmann had known about quantum mechanics by Elliott H. Lieb......Page 35
Entropy, nonequilibrium, chaos and infinitesimals by Giovanni Gallavotti......Page 47
From time-symmetric microscopic dynamics to time-asymmetric macroscopic behavior: an overview by Joel L. Lebowitz......Page 71
What physical quantities make sense in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics? by David Ruelle......Page 97
Boltzmann, ergodic theory, and chaos by Donald S. Ornstein......Page 107
134 years of Boltzmann equation
by Carlo Cercignani......Page 115
H-theorem and beyond: Boltzmann’s entropy in today’s mathematics by Cédric Villani......Page 137
On the Boltzmann equation for weakly nonlinear wave equations by Herbert Spohn......Page 153
Entropy, probability and dynamics by E. G. D. Cohen......Page 169
Realizing Boltzmann’s dream: computer simulations in modern statistical mechanics by Christoph Dellago and Harald A. Posch......Page 179
Statistical properties of the cluster dynamics of the systems of statistical mechanics by A. Gabrielov, V. Keilis-Borok,Ya. Sinai, and I. Zaliapin......Page 211
Boltzmann and evolution: some basic questions of biology seen with atomistic glasses
by Peter Schuster......Page 225
Ludwig Boltzmann – the restless prophet by Wolfgang L. Reiter......Page 251
Chronology......Page 269
List of contributors......Page 273
Name index......Page 275
Subject index......Page 279