- Manage user accounts
- Monitor filesystems and processes
- Work with configuration files in important formats such as XML and YAML
- Administer databases, including MySQL, MS-SQL, and Oracle with DBI
- Work with directory services like LDAP and Active Directory
- Script email protocols and spam control
- Effectively create, handle, and analyze log files Administer network name and configuration services, including NIS, DNS and DHCP
- Maintain, monitor, and map network services, using technologies and tools such as SNMP, nmap, libpcap, GraphViz and RRDtool
- Improve filesystem, process, and network security
This edition includes additional appendixes to get you up to speed on technologies such as XML/XPath, LDAP, SNMP, and SQL. With this book in hand and Perl in your toolbox, you can do more with less--fewer resources, less effort, and far less hassle.