New South Wales Department of Education and Training, 2006. — 44 с.
Учебное пособие содержит материал для подготовки к письменным экзаменам по английскому языку.
What is a text?Grammar
A literary text: narrative
A factual text: explanation
Activity one: considering student responses
What are the elements of a sentence?Subject, verb, object
How do writers enhance meaning in a sentence?
Nouns, noun groups and pronouns
Activity two: nouns and noun groups
Activity three: pronoun errors
Solutions to Activity two and Activity three
Verbs, verb groups, tense, adverbs and adverbial phrases
Activity four: verb groups, finite and non-finite verbs
Activity five: verb errors
Solutions to Activity four and Activity five
Clauses and phrases
Activity six: clauses
Activity seven: adverbial and adjectival phrases
Solutions to Activity six and Activity seven
How are sentences structured?Simple, compound and complex sentences
Activity eight: correct and incorrect sentences
Activity nine: sentence types
Solutions to Activity eight and Activity nine
How are whole texts structured?
Whole text organisation Paragraphs
Activity ten: paragraphs
Solution to Activity ten
Activity eleven: mixed errors
Solutions to Activity eleven
[b]Other relevant conceptsStylistic devices
Rhetorical devices