University of Twente, 2013. — 256 p.
This tutorial introduces the R environment for statistical computing and visualisation and its dialect of the S language. It is organized as a systematic analysis of a simple dataset: the Mercer & Hall wheat yield uniformity trial (Appendix A). After completing the tutorial you should:
know the basics of the R environment;
be able to use R at a beginning to intermediate level;
follow a systematic approach to analyze a simple dataset.
The tutorial is organized as a set of tasks followed by questions to check your understanding; answers are at the end of each section. If you are ambitious, there are also some challenges: tasks and questions with no solution provided, that require the integration of skills learned in the section.
IntroductionR basics
Leaving R
Loading and examining a data setReading a CSV _le into an R object
Examining a dataset
Saving a dataset in R format
Exploratory graphicsUnivariate exploratory graphics
Bivariate exploratory graphics
Descriptive statisticsOther descriptive statistics*
Attaching a data frame to the search path
A closer look at the distribution
Editing a data frameAnswers
Univariate modellingAnswers
Bivariate modelling: two continuous variablesCorrelation
Univariate linear regression
Structural Analysis*
No-intercept model*
Bivariate modelling: continuous response, classi_ed predictorExploratory data analysis
Two-sample t-test
One-way ANOVA
Bootstrapping*Example: 1% quantile of grain yield
Example: structural relation between grain and straw
Robust methods*A contaminated dataset
Robust univariate modelling
Robust bivariate modelling
Robust regression
Multivariate modellingAdditive model: parallel regression
Comparing models
Interaction model
Regression diagnostics
Analysis of covariance: a nested model*
Principal Components AnalysisAnswers
Model validationSplitting the dataset
Developing the model
Predicting at the validation observations
Measures of model quality*
An inappropriate model form*
Spatial analysisGeographic visualisation
Setting up a co ordinate system
Loading add-in packages
Creating a spatially-explicit object
More geographic visualisation
Spatial structureSpatial structure: trend
Spatial structure: local
Absence of spatial structure*
Spatial structure of _eld halves*
Generalized least squares regression*A detour into Maximum Likelihood*
Residual Maximum Likelihood
Geographically-weighted regression*Answers
Periodicity*Visualizing periodicity
Spectral analysis
The e_ect of plot size*Answers
ReferencesIndex of R concepts
A Example Data Set
B Colours