This set of proceedings volumes provides a broad coverage of basic and applied research projects dealing with the application of engineering principles to both food production and processing. The set consists of the following four volumes: Land and water use, Agricultural buildings, Agricultural mechanisation and Power, processing and systems. Includes about 450 papers from over 50 countries worldwide, drawn from the Eleventh International Congress on Agricultural Engineering, Dublin, 4-8 September 1989.
Author(s): Vincent A. Dodd, Patrick M. Grace
Publisher: CRC Press/Balkema
Year: 1989
Language: English
Pages: 712
City: Boca Raton
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
2: Agricultural Buildings
2.1 Modem and Future Design for Animal Production
Keynote Paper: Anforderungen an Zeitgemäße Landwirtschaftliche Gebäude Für Die Tierhaltung
Automation in Group Housing of Sows
Das Verhalten Von Sauen Bei Abruffütterung
Design of Houses for Pregnant Sows Using Computerised Feeding Systems
From a Study of Health and Behavioural Problems of Pigs to a Design of an Improved House Concept
Evaluation of Swine Housing Under Tropical Climate
Rechnergestützte Flüssigfütterung Von Mastschweinen
An Economic Approach to Determining the Optimum Floor Space for Breeding Fattening Pigs in Collective Boxes
New Types of Buildings for Dairy Cows with Ad-Lib Supply of Forage
Stalltechnische Verbesserungsansätze Zur Erhöhung Von Leistung Und Gesundheit Bei Kühen
The Automatic Feeder Influence on Milking Cows’ Shelters Design
Ergebnisse Zur Computergesteuerten, Leistungsabhängigen Gruppen- Und Einzeltierfütterung in Der Milchviehhaltung
Möglichkeiten Zur Überwachung Der Prozeßsteuerung in Der Milchviehhaltung
A First Approach to Computer Aided Design of Housing for Livestock
A Sloped Floor System for the Intensive Housing of Beef Cattle
Modem Housing of Cattle and Their Welfare
Modem Dairy Fanning with Automatic Milking System
Experience with Application of Microelectronic and Computer Equipment in Tie-up Cow House Systems in Czechoslovakia
Conception Et Aménagement De Bâtiments D’Ievage Pour Troupeaux De Grande Taille De Chèvres Laitières
Computergesteuerte Kontrolle Von Melkparametem
Linerless Milking – A Tailor Made Technique for Automatic Cluster Attachment
Adaptation Des Aménagements Et Des Équipements De Chèvrerie Aux Contraintes Dues Au Comportement Alimentaire De La Chèvre Laitière
Developments in the Technology of Small Ruminant Milking
Definition De Quelques Indices De Rendement Des Principaux Systèmes Programmée Par Ordinateur De Concentrés Aux Vaches Laitieres
Analysis of Operation and Assessment of Use of Mobile Milking Equipment
A Comparison of the Pattern of Vacuum in Milking Machines with Synchronous and Asynchronous Pulsation
Portable Electronic Device for Automatic Measuring of the Milking Characteristics of Cows: Results of Field Tests
Automatic Cluster Remover with and Without Follow-Up Milking
Désodorisation De I’Air Des Poulaillers Par Filtration Biologique
Efficiency of the Tiered Wire Floor (TWF) Aviary as a Housing System for Laying Hens, Compared to Cages
New Housing Methods of Horse Husbandry in the Italian Appennines
Computerized Design of Buildings for Animal Systems for Defining Specific Performance
Landwirtschaftliches Bauen Zwischen Wachsenden Anforderungen Aus Ökonomie, Ökologie Und Humanisierung Des Arbeitsplatzes Sowie Neuen Wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen Und Technischen Entwicklungen
2.2 Design Considerations of Agricultural Buildings
Keynote Paper: Farmbuilding Architecture – Design Considerations
Modular Planning and Industrial Production of Component Parts for Farm Buildings
Floor Plans for Cubicle Housing of Dairy Cattle
Gravity Handling for Dairy Manure
Zur Entwicklung Von Gebäuden Für Die Tierproduktion in Der DDR
Umweltschutz Mit Hilfe Eines Niederländischen Qualitätssicherungssystems Für Gülleaniagen (Bautechnische Richtlinien Gülleanlagen)
Pens with Slatted Floors for Fattening Bulls
A Microprocessor Based Cattle Weighing System
The Effect of Different Types of Slatted Floors on the Behaviour of Lambs After Birth
The Quality of Concrete in Floor Structures of Swedish Farm Buildings
Fresh Perspectives on the Economic Supply of Water to Housed Pigs
Cooling Fattening Pigs with Showers
The Influence of the Covering on the Microclimate of the Livestock Houses in the Mediterranean Area
The Utilization of Timber for Rural Constructions
Wood Utilization in Agricultural Capital Construction – DUO (Drevené Univerzálne Objekty)
Les Films, Bâches, Tissus Et Filets Plastiques Dans Les Constructions Agricoles – Expérience D’Un Institut De Développement Français
Efficaciré Des Filets Brise-Vent Utilisés En Bardage De Bâtiments D’Élevage
Form Factors for Snow Load on Gable Roofs: Extending Use of Snow Load Data from Inland Districts to Wind Exposed Areas
Design of Agricultural Buildings to Resist Wind
Design and Development of Hopper-Bottomed Grain Storages
Le Stockage En Dôme
Analysis of Funicular Structures and Tests on Materials for Specialized Arboreal Cultivations
Designing Agricultural Buildings in Relation to the Landscape
Evolution of Agricultural Buildings in Spain – Its Influence in Rural Landscape
A Technique for Assessing the Correct Colour Scheme and Associated Landscaping for Buildings in Rural Landscapes
Design of a Greenhouse Equipped with a Low-Energy Plant for Climate Control
Folded Plate and IER Vertical South Greenhouses
Le Développement De L’Éclairage Artificiel Sous Serres En France
Les Bâtiments Économiques En Production Animale Pour I’Agriculture
An Economic Based Strategy for Designing Low Cost Fann Buildings
Appropriate Cowpea Storage Structure in Nigeria
2.3 Environment Control in Animal Housing
Keynote Paper: Thermal Control in Animal Buildings
The Effect of Air Gaps in Uninsulated Roofs
Recent Developments in Ventilation Systems for Cold-Climate Livestock Housing
Die Standpunkte Der Energiesparsamkeit Bei Der Regulierung Des Stallungsklima
Natural Ventilation by Thermal Buoyancy and by Outside Convections: Practical Application of Natural Ventilation Systems with Chimneys and Breathing Ceilings
Influence of the Climate Controller on Inside Climate and on Energy Use in Livestock Buildings
Adaptive Four-Loop PID Controller for Climatic Computer Control of Animal Buildings
Natural Versus Mechanical Ventilation: a Comparison Study Between Two Fattening Piggeries Carried Out in Summer
Vapour Condensation in Animal Housing: an Easy and Fast Method of Prevention
Appréciation Des Circuits D’Air Et Des Gradients Thenniques Dans Une Porcherie Pour Différents Systemes De Ventilation
Porous Breathing Ceiling Versus Inlets with Recirculating Air in Mechanically Ventilated Livestock Buildings
Minimum Ventilation Problems in Closed Animal Buildings in Cold Areas
A Microcontroller Board for Agricultural Applications
Heat Production Patterns in Commercial Turkey Production Houses
Le Chauffage Localisé Des Bâtiments En Élevage Avicole
Push-Pull Ventilation System for Swine
Conditionnement De L’Air De Ventilation Des Porcheries D’Élevage Par L’Échangeur Thenruque Enterré Dans Ie Sol
Reduced Nocturnal Temperatures and Hovers as Swine Nursery Energy Management Techniques
Analysis of Functioning of Natural Ventilation in Cattle Houses
Contribution to Problems of Stabling Buildings with No Thennal Insulation
Equilibre Thennohydrique D’Un Bâtiment D’Elevage – Conséquences Sur La Géométrie Des Ouvrants
Design of a Behaviour-Based Thennal Experience Sensor for Automatic Monitoring and Climate Control in Pig Houses
Climate, Environment and Litter in a Broiler House
The Use of Expert Systems as a Different Approach to the Control of the Climate in Animal Houses
Microclimate Modification to Improve Milk Production in Hot Arid Climates
Ridge Vent, Wind Direction and Wind Velocity Effects on Closed, Naturally Ventilated Cattle-Building Ventilation
Development and Interpretation of Ventilation Graphs for Livestock Buildings
Airflow Patterns and Their Relation to Ammonia Distribution
Mass Balances of Dust in Houses for Pigs
Effects of Dust and Gases on Laborers in Livestock Confinement Buildings
Airborne Pollutants from Agricultural Plants and Buildings
Dust and Gases in Livestock Buildings
Effect of Purge Ventilation on the Concentration of Airborne Dust in Pig Buildings
Méthode D’Appréciation D’Ambiance Dans Les Bâtiments D’Élevage Bovin