Skill 1.1 Identifies characteristics, processes, and progressions ofstudents' cognitive, physical, motor, social, emotional, andlanguage/communicative development......Page 13
Skill 1.2 Recognizes ways in which a student's development in anydomain (e.g., cognitive, social, language/communicative) mayaffect performance in other domains.......Page 15
Skill 1.3 Demonstrates knowledge of how specific developmentalfactors may affect learning.......Page 17
Skill 1.4 Understands that developmental variations among studentsmay affect instructional decision making in given situations......Page 19
Skill 1.6 Recognizes learning opportunities and environments thatpromote students' developmental progress.......Page 22
Skill 2.1 Demonstrates knowledge of learning processes (e.g., howstudents construct and assimilate knowledge and develop newskills.......Page 26
Skill 2.2 Recognizes strategies for facilitating learning in instructionalsituations (e.g., by building connections between newinformation and prior knowledge and experiences, relatinglearning to world issues and community concerns, by makinglearning purposeful)......Page 28
Skill 2.3 Recognizes how various teacher roles (e.g., direct instructor,facilitator) and student roles (e.g., self-directed learner, groupparticipant, observer) may affect learning processes andoutcomes.......Page 29
Skill 2.4 Recognizes effective strategies for promoting independentthinking and learning (e.g., helping students develop criticalthinking,decision-making, and problem-solving skills;enabling students to pursue topics of personal interest).......Page 30
Skill 3.1 Recognizes factors (e.g., social, emotional, cognitive,behavioral, physiological, gender, linguistic, environmental,familial, cultural, economic) that may affect students'development and learning.......Page 35
Skill 3.2 Recognizes how current and prior school experiences (e.g.,teacher expectations, assessment practices) may affectstudents' perceptions, motivation, attitudes about learning,and performance.......Page 36
Skill 3.3 Recognizes the significance of the home environment (e.g.,nature of the expectations of parents, guardians, orcaregivers; degree of their involvement in a child's education)for student learning.......Page 38
Skill 3.4 Recognizes how classroom factors (e.g., student-teacherinteractions) may affect students' self-concepts and learning.......Page 39
Skill 3.5 Identifies ways in which peer interactions may promote orhinder a student's success in school.......Page 41
Skill 3.6 Determines effective strategies for dealing with peer-relatedissues in given classroom situations.......Page 42
Skill 3.7 Understands how community characteristics (e.g.,socioeconomic profile, opportunities for out-of-schooleducational experiences, availability of community resources)may affect students.......Page 44
Skill 4.1 Identifies strategies for working effectively with students froma variety of cultural backgrounds, students from varioussocioeconomic circumstances, students of both genders,students whose primary language is not English, studentsfrom a variety of geographical contexts (e.g., urban, rural,reservation, international), and students whose homesituations involve a variety of family arrangements andlifestyles......Page 45
Skill 4.2 Demonstrates awareness of cultural differences (e.g., values,practices)......Page 48
Skill 4.4 Identifies resources to address individuals’ special needs......Page 49
Skill 4.6 Demonstrates knowledge of strategies for promoting students'understanding and appreciation of diversity and for usingdiversity that exists within the classroom and the communityto enhance all students' learning.......Page 51
Skill 5.1 Understands procedures used in classroom curriculardecision-making (e.g., evaluating the current curriculum;defining scope and sequence; detecting gaps in thecurriculum, modifying curriculum based on studentcharacteristics, the structure of the subject matter, andrelevance in meeting societal expectations).......Page 53
Skill 5.2 Identifies strategies for developing interdisciplinary curricula(e.g., incorporating cross-disciplinary themes).......Page 55
Skill 5.3 Evaluates curriculum materials and instructional resources(e.g., textbook, guest speaker, multi-media) for theirappropriateness and relevance in presenting particular ideasor concepts.......Page 58
Skill 5.4 Describes procedures used in instructional planning (e.g.,defining lesson or unit objectives, developing lesson plans).......Page 59
Skill 5.5 Recognizes key factors to consider in planning instruction(e.g., students' characteristics and prior experiences, availabletime and other resources, appropriate sequencing of lessonswithin units, instructional goals).......Page 61
Skill 5.6 Analyzes a given lesson or unit plan in terms of organization,completeness, feasibility, etc.......Page 63
Skill 5.7 Describes strategies for collaborating with others to plan andimplement interdisciplinary instruction.......Page 64
Skill 6.1 Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics, uses,advantages, and limitations of different types of informal andformal assessments (e.g., portfolio, teacher-designedclassroom test, embedded assessment, performanceassessment, peer assessment, student self-assessment,teacher observation, standardized achievement test.......Page 67
Skill 6.2 Uses measurement principles and assessment concepts (e.g.,validity, reliability, bias) to determine the appropriateness of aformal or informal assessment instrument in a given situation.......Page 69
Skill 6.3 Interprets assessment results......Page 72
Skill 6.4 Describes adjustments to lessons and activities based onassessment results......Page 73
Skill 6.5 Communicates assessment results......Page 75
Skill 7.1 Identifies the uses, benefits, and limitations of a specificinstructional approach (e.g., direct instruction, cooperativelearning, inquiry-based learning, interdisciplinary instruction,whole-group and small-group discussion, lecture, hands-onactivity, peer tutoring, technology-based instruction,individualized instruction) in relation to given purposes orstudents (including those with special needs).......Page 79
Skill 7.2 Understands how to adjust lessons in response to studentfeedback; recognizing different communication techniques toenhance student understanding; understandingcommunication approaches that are sensitive to students’backgrounds (with respect to gender, language, and culturaldifferences).......Page 83
Skill 7.3 Recognizes questioning methods that are bias-free and thatare effective in maintaining student engagement and inencouraging risk taking and problem solving.......Page 85
Skill 7.5 Understands how students can acquire information andconcepts through a variety of modes and formats.......Page 86
Skill 7.6 Recognizes appropriate role(s) of the teacher in relation to agiven instructional approach.......Page 88
Skill 7.7 Compares instructional approaches in terms of teacher andstudent responsibilities, expected student outcomes, andusefulness for achieving instructional purposes.......Page 91
Skill 8.1 Selects instructional strategies that help students use literacyskills (e.g., reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing) astools for learning.......Page 92
Skill 8.2 Understands the importance of promoting literacy in all areasof the curriculum by using a variety of resources (e.g.,expository texts, electronic media)......Page 95
Skill 8.3 Teaches students how to use, access, and evaluateinformation from various resources......Page 96
Skill 8.4 Identifies ways to support students' development of contentareareading skills.......Page 99
Skill 8.5 Demonstrates knowledge of ways to address the literacyneeds of all students, including those whose primary languageis not English.......Page 101
Skill 9.1 Identifies procedures for enhancing student interest andhelping students find their own motivation (e.g., relatingconcepts presented in the classroom to students' everydayneeds, experiences, and cultural backgrounds, encouragingstudent-initiated activities; highlighting connections betweenacademic learning and the world outside the classroom).......Page 104
Skill 9.2 Analyzes the effects of using various motivational strategies(e.g., intrinsic and extrinsic) in given situations.......Page 107
Skill 9.4 Analyzes teacher-student interactions with regard tomotivation and behavior issues (e.g., communicatingexpectations and standards of behavior, providing feedback,building student self-esteem and classroom community).......Page 108
Skill 9.5 Analyzes relationships between classroom managementstrategies and student learning, attitudes, and behaviors.......Page 109
Skill 9.6 Demonstrates knowledge of strategies for managing theinstructional environment to promote productivity, optimizestudents' time on-task, manage disruptive behaviors, andestablish, communicate, and implement classroomprocedures.......Page 111
Skill 10.1 Recognizes strategies for initiating and maintaining effectivecommunication between the teacher and parents/guardians,including those from diverse backgrounds, and recognizingfactors that may facilitate communication in given situations(including teacher conferences with parents/guardians).......Page 115
Skill 10.2 Describes strategies for using community resources to enrichlearning experiences.......Page 116
Skill 10.3 Recognizes various ways in which school personnel, localcitizens, and community institutions (e.g., businesses, culturalinstitutions, colleges and universities, social agencies) canwork together to promote a sense of community that willsupport student learning.......Page 117
Skill 11.1 Understands how professional growth and developmentopportunities and personal reflection enhance teachingeffectiveness.......Page 118
Skill 11.3 Demonstrates knowledge of laws related to students' rights invarious situations (e.g., in relation to due process,discrimination, harassment, confidentiality, discipline,privacy).......Page 120
Skill 11.4 Demonstrates knowledge of a teacher's rights andresponsibilities in various situations (e.g., in relation tostudents with disabilities or students who may be abused,speaking out publicly against a school policy).......Page 126
Skill 11.5 Demonstrates knowledge of parents'/guardians’ rights andresponsibilities in various situations (e.g., in relation tostudent records, school attendance).......Page 127
Skill 11.6 Demonstrates knowledge of the roles and responsibilities ofdifferent components of the education system in Arizona......Page 129
Skill 11.7 Identifies legal and ethical guidelines in various educationalcontexts.......Page 130
Sample Test......Page 131
Answer Key......Page 153
Rigor Table......Page 154
Rationales for Sample Questions......Page 155