Author(s): Rod Downey, Noam Greenberg
Series: Annals of Mathematics Studies 206
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Year: 2020
Language: English
Commentary: preprint
Chapter I. Introduction
1. Historical context
2. Background: unifying constructions and natural definability
3. Toward the hierarchy of totally -c.a. degrees
4. The contents of this monograph
5. An application to admissible computability
6. Notation and general definitions
Chapter II. -c.a. functions
1. R-c.a. functions
2. Canonical well-orderings and strong notations
3. Weak truth-table jumps and -c.a. sets and functions
Chapter III. The hierarchy of totally -c.a. degrees
1. Totally R-c.a. degrees
2. The first hierarchy theorem: totally -c.a. degrees
3. A refinement of the hierarchy: uniformly totally -c.a. degrees
4. Another refinement of the hierarchy: totally <-c.a. degrees
5. Domination properties
Chapter IV. Maximal totally -c.a. degrees
1. Existence of maximal totally -c.a. degrees
2. Limits on further maximality
Chapter V. Presentations of left-c.e. reals
1. Background
2. Presentations of c.e. reals and non-total -c.a. permitting
3. Total -c.a. anti-permitting
Chapter VI. m-topped degrees
1. Totally -c.a. degrees are not m-topped
2. Totally 2-c.a. degrees are not m-topped
3. Totally <-c.a. degrees are not m-topped
Chapter VII. Embeddings of the 1-3-1 lattice
1. Embedding the 1-3-1 lattice
2. Non-embedding critical triples
3. Defeating two gates
4. The general construction
Chapter VIII. Prompt permissions
1. Prompt classes
2. Minimal pairs of separating classes
3. Prompt permission and other constructions