Text in Polish and English. Translation: Kinga Brzezińska.
The village of Dąbek, in the commune of Stupsk, is located about 11 km south of Mława, in the heart of the historical land of Zawkrze (Ziemia Zawkrzańska or Zawkrzeńska) that stretches between the Wkra River and its tributary — the Łydynia — and the Upper Orzyc River. The landscape of this northern part of Mazovia, part of the so-called Mława Hills, is built of distinct moraine and kame landforms, whose heights sometimes exceed 200 m above the sea level. The village of Dąbek is situated above the valley of a small watercourse called the Dunajczyk Stream, a right tributary of the Łydynia River.
The Przeworsk-Wielbark culture cemetery at site 9 is located on the left bank of the Dunajczyk, on a slight terrain elevation, rising 138.5 m above the sea level (Figs. 1–3). It is situated approx. 1.4 km in a straight line from the current bed of the aforementioned watercourse and just over 1 km to the north-east of the present-day village centre. The cemetery is located on an arable land belonging to several different owners.
The site was discovered in 1982 in the course of fieldwalking. Back then, it was described as a settlement of the Pomeranian (?) and Przeworsk cultures. As a result of the field verification that was carried out by Andrzej Grzymkowski from the Museum of Ziemia Zawkrzeńska in Mława in 1990, the site was identified as a cemetery. Due to the progressing destruction of the cemetery caused by agricultural activity, the aforementioned researcher excavated it in the years 1992–1994, 1996 and 1997. The excavations fully confirmed the sepulchral nature of the site. A total of 12 ares were excavated, and 75 features recorded, mainly Przeworsk culture graves from the late pre-Roman and early Roman period, Wielbark culture graves from the younger and late Roman period / early phase of the Migration period, as well as eight pits of an undetermined character. Almost all of the burials uncovered, with two exceptions, were cremations. Some of the features contained scarce material from the Early Iron Age (?) and the Early Middle Ages. A few of the finds from the latter horizon may be sepulchral in nature. The area of the site has not been fully excavated, although its north-western border has probably been captured.
Author(s): Anna Mistewicz, Andrzej Maciałowicz, Marcin Woźniak
Series: Światowit Supplement Series B: Barbaricum, 14
Publisher: Wydział Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Year: 2021
Language: Polish, English
Pages: 402
City: Warszawa
1. Wstęp | Preface 9
2. Historia badań na stanowisku i w rejonie miejscowości Dąbek | History of the research at the site and in the area of the village of Dąbek 17
3. Katalog znalezisk | Catalogue of finds 29
3.1. Uwagi wstępne | Introduction 29
3.2. Katalog | Catalogue 35
4. Analiza zabytków | Analysis of artefacts 81
4.1. Zapinki | Brooches 81
4.2. Szpila kościana | Bone pin 125
4.3. Klamry pasa | Belt hooks 126
4.4. Sprzączki i okucia pasa | Belt buckles and fittings 139
4.5. Kółka żelazne | Iron rings 143
4.6. Paciorki szklane | Glass beads 145
4.7. Wisiorki bursztynowe | Amber pendants 148
4.8. Tkanina | Fabric 148
4.9. Noże proste | Straight knives 149
4.10. Nożyki sierpikowate | Crescent-shaped knives 149
4.11. Szydła | Awls 154
4.12. Igły | Needles 155
4.13. Szpile hakowe | Hook-pins 155
4.14. Przęśliki | Spindle whorls 156
4.15. Gładziki kamienne | Stone polishers 156
4.16. Grzebienie | Combs 157
4.17. Elementy kasetki | Casket elements 157
4.18. Ostroga | Spur 158
4.19. Mosiężne naczynko lub pokrywka | Brass vessel or lid 161
4.20. Inne zabytki metalowe | Other metal artefacts 165
4.21. Naczynia gliniane | Pottery 165
5. Charakterystyka obiektów i obrządku pogrzebowego | Characteristics of the features and the burial rite 189
6. Chronologia stanowiska | Chronology of the site 201
7. Charakterystyka cmentarzyska i interpretacje | Characteristics of the cemetery and interpretations 205
7.1. Uwarunkowania krajobrazowe | Landscape conditions 205
7.2. Cmentarzysko w Dąbku na tle osadnictwa w regionie | The Dąbek cemetery against the background of local settlement 208
7.3. Uwagi na temat stroju | Remarks on the outfit 218
8. Zakończenie | Conclusion 229
9. Bibliografia | Bibliography 235
10. Wykaz nazw miejscowych polskich | List of place names in Poland 263
11. Wykaz skrótów | Abbreviations 265
12. Listy zabytków | Lists of finds 267
Lista 1. Zapinki typu Gebhard 19d | List 1. Brooches of Gebhard type 19d 267
Lista 2. Zapinki typu F i formy zbliżone | List 2. Brooches of type F and similar forms 275
Lista 3. Zapinki grupy A.II/IV, 3. serii | List 3. Brooches of group A.II/IV, 3rd series 279
Lista 4. Klamry prętowe typu IIa i formy zbliżone | List 4. Rod belt hooks of type IIa and similar forms 284
Lista 5. Misy i czarki na pustej od środka nóżce | List 5. Bowls and cups with hollow foot 287
13. Aneksy | Appendices 291
Aneks 1. Materiały wczesnośredniowieczne | Appendix 1. Early medieval material (M. Dzik) 293
Aneks 2. Analiza antropologiczna kości ludzkich | Appendix 2. Anthropological analysis of human bones (Ł. M. Stanaszek) 303
Aneks 3. Analiza szczątków zwierzęcych | Appendix 3. Analysis of animal remains (A. Gręzak, T. Tomek) 333
Aneks 4.1. Analiza tkaniny lnianej z obiektu 3 | Appendix 4.1. Analysis of the linen fabric from feature 3 (J. Maik) 339
Aneks 4.2. Analiza mikroskopowa tkaniny z lnianej z obiektu 3 | Appendix 4.2. Microscopic analysis of the linen fabric from feature 3 (I. Pannenko) 341
Aneks 5. Analiza metaloznawcza fragmentu mosiężnego naczynia z obiektu 26 | Appendix 5. Metallographic analysis of a brass vessel fragment from feature 26 (A. Towarek) 345
14. Mapy, Plany, Tablice | Maps, Plans, Plates 351
Autorzy | Authors 399