The metamathematics of real numbers can be developed by analysing different formal theories of real numbers. Based on the theory of real closed fields several extensions are investigated proof-theoretically and compared with each other and with other canonical mathematical theories via the relation of interpretability. The results determine the resources employed in those theories and establish a reducibility approach to real numbers.
Author(s): Daniel Alscher
Series: Logos 25
Publisher: de Gruyter
Year: 2016
Language: German
Pages: 274
Tags: Logic & Language;Philosophy;Politics & Social Sciences;Logic;Philosophy;Humanities;New, Used & Rental Textbooks;Specialty Boutique
1. Interpretierbarkeit
2. Die Theorie der reell abgeschlossenen Körper RCF
3. Negative Resultate über Interpretierbarkeit in RCF
4. Interpretierbarkeit zwischen Theorien von Körpern
5. Arithmetisierung der Geometrie
6. Eine erststufige Theorie reeller und natürlicher Zahlen
7. Zweitstufige Theorien der reellen Zahlen