Social Sciences
Free Geometry and Topology Books
Prospects in topology: proceedings of a conference in honor of William Browder
Functorial knot theory: Categories of tangles, coherence, categorical deformations, and topological invariants
Geometrical optics: An introduction to Hamilton's method
Что такое линия
Die Ausdehnungslehre von 1844: die lineale Ausdehnungslehre
Topology of foliations: An introduction
General topology and applications: fifth Northeast conference
Experiments in topology
Knots and surfaces: a guide to discovering mathematics
Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry: proceedings of the Ferrara meeting in honor of Mario Fiorentini
A topological picturebook
Curves and singularities: a geometrical introduction to singularity theory
Топология слоений
Topological algebras: Selected topics
Topology-based methods in visualization
K-Theory: Lecture notes
Topological fields and near valuations
Energy of knots and conformal geometry
Linear algebra and geometry: A second course
Riemannian geometry
Introduction to general topology
Generalized Functions - Vol 5: Integral Geometry and Representation theory
Differential topology, foliations, and group actions
Introduction a la geometrie algebrique
Основы теории поверхностей в тензорном изложении
Topics in geometric group theory
Differential geometry,
Linear Systems Theory and Introductory Algebraic Geometry
Translation generalized quadrangles
Lectures on fibre bundles and differential geometry
Geometric algebra: An algebraic system for computer games and animation
Studies in modern topology
Schaum's outline of geometry
The Real Projective Plane
Abelian groups, module theory, and topology: proceedings in honor of Adalberto Orsatti's 60th birthday
Projective geometry: From foundations to applications
Projective geometry and projective metrics
Nonabelian algebraic topology
Dimension theory
Journey into geometries
The geometry of geodesics
Geometric group theory: Proc. of a special research quarter Ohio State Univ. 1992
Становление плоской и сферической геометрии
Неевклидовы пространства
Introduction a la geometrie differentielle suivant la methode de H. Grassmann
A course in metric geometry
The geometry of dynamical triangulations
Introduction to the geometry of the triangle
Geometric Functional Analysis and its Applications
Геометрия Лобачевского в аналитическом изложении
Неевклидовы геометрии
A topological aperitif
Classical topology and combinatorial group theory
Ergodic theory and topological dynamics
A history of algebraic and differential topology, 1900 - 1960
Principles of topology
Geometry unbound
Handbook of geometric programming using Open Geometry GL
Methods of algebraic geometry
Singularities of differentiable maps
Differential geometry in statistical inference
A combinatorial introduction to topology
Introduction to differential geometry with applications to Navier-Stokes dynamics
Tropical algebraic geometry
The elementary theory of tensors,: With applications to geometry and mechanics,
Введение в теорию множеств и общую топологию
Methods of Differential Geometry in Analytical Mechanics
Четвертая проблема Гильберта
Introduction to topology
Automorphisms of surfaces after Nielsen and Thurston
Topics in general topology
Quantum gravity, quantum cosmology and Lorentzian geometries
Inverse spectra
Einstein metrics and Yang-Mills connections: proceedings of the 27th Taniguchi international symposium
Общая топология. Основные структуры
Geometric nonlinear functional analysis
Groups, combinatorics & geometry: Durham, 2001
Lectures on Finsler geometry
Differential geometry and topology
Combinatorial geometry in the plane
Elementary geometry in hyperbolic space
Taxicab Geometry: an adventure in non-Euclidean geometry
Braid and knot theory in dimension four
Stable homotopy around the Arf-Kervaire invariant
Geometric Analysis and PDEs
Topology '90
Geometric control and nonsmooth analysis: in honor of the 73rd birthday of H. Hermes and of the 71st birthday of R.T. Rockafellar
Основы теории поверхностей в тензорном изложении
Определитель насекомых Дальнего Востока России. Т. 5. Ручейники и чешуекрылые. Ч. 5. [Torticidae -- Geometridae
Что такое неэвклидова геометрия
Четвертая проблема Гильберта
Укладки и покрытия
Топология транзитивных групп преобразований
Топология слоений
Теория функций действительного переменного и теория топологических пространств
Теория узлов
Теория Ретрактов
Теория поверхностей
Теория поверхностей
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Social Sciences