Social Sciences
Free Analysis Books
Исторический очерк развития счисления
Исходная точка летосчисления Повести временных лет
The Evolution of Applied Harmonic Analysis
Ernst Zermelo - Collected Works/Gesammelte Werke: Volume I - Set Theory, Miscellanea / Band I - Mengenlehre, Varia
Nonlinear functional analysis and its applications. Nonlinear monotone operators
Nonlinear functional analysis and its applications. Linear monotone operators
Nonlinear functional analysis and its applications. Fixed-point theorems
Интегральное исчисление функций одного переменного
Analytic geometry with calculus
Lectures on harmonic analysis
Introduction to transform theory
Einfuehrung in die Funktionentheorie
General integration and measure
Introduction to analysis
A collection of problems on complex analysis
Problemas sobre la teoria de funciones de variable compleja
Интегральные преобразования и операционное ишисление
Спектральная теория автоморфных функций
A Second Course on Real Functions
Theory of convex structures
Calculus of variations and harmonic maps
Метод дробных производных
Седловые функции
Foundations of mathematical analysis
Variational calculus and optimal control: Optimization with elementary convexity
The structure of functions
Real-variable methods in harmonic analysis
Repetitorium der Analysis
Repetitorium der Analysis
Теория приближения функций действительного переменного
Introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variable
Introduction to measure and integration
Analyse complexe pour la Licence 3: Cours et exercices corriges
Harmonic analysis of operators on Hilbert space
Functional analysis
Introduction to the theory of infinitesimals
A guide to distribution theory and Fourier transforms
Quadratic differentials
Invariant Potential Theory in the Unit Ball of Cn
Introduction to real analysis
Теория приближения функций. Конф. Калуга, 1975
Complex analysis: Fundamentals of the classical theory of functions
Schaum's outlines: Complex variables
Schaum's outline of Laplace transforms
Преобразования Фурье
Cauchy and the creation of complex function theory
Automatic continuity of linear operators
Theorems on regularity and singularity of energy minimizing maps
Complex Analysis with Applications
Введение в математику и символическую запись ее утверждений
Pseudodifferential operators and spectral theory
Problems and solutions for complex analysis
Introduction to complex analysis: Functions of several variables :
Maximum and minimum principles: A unified approach with applications
Nonlinear functional analysis
Operator Inequalities
Ultrametric calculus: An introduction to p-adic analysis
Principles of functional analysis
Aspects of Sobolev-type inequalities
Pseudo-differential operators and symmetries: Background analysis and advanced topics
An initiation to logarithmic Sobolev inequalities
Structural Analysis and Synthesis
Избранные научные статьи
Hardy classes and operator theory
Volume and integral
Fourier series
The theory of distributions: A nontechnical introduction
Theory of complex functions
Complex analysis: An invitation
Potential Theory in the Complex Plane
Global calculus
Fourier Analysis on Number Fields
Lectures on Functional Analysis and Applications
Интеграл Коши
Ergodic theory of Zd actions
On L1-Approximation
Все, что нужно знать о своих анализах
Operator ideals
Ergodic theory and its connections with harmonic analysis
An introduction to Hankel operators
NIST handbook of mathematical functions
Analysis of several complex variables
Introduction to complex analysis
Calculus in 3D. Geometry, vectors, and multivariate calculus
Calculus deconstructed: a second course in first-year calculus
Function theory in several complex variables
Topics in nonlinear functional analysis
Absolute analysis
Visual Complex Analysis
Constructive function theory, - interpolation and approximation quadratures
Constructive Function Theory, Volume II: Approximation in Mean.
Modern spectral theory
Введение в методы возмущений
Multiple integrals in the calculus of variations
Введение в анализ
Theory of Holors: A Generalization of Tensors
Spectral theory
Integral operators
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Social Sciences