Who controls the agreed upon reality through the mainstream media and why they fear disclosing the truth about the extraterrestrial reality?

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A ten-part timeline article by Dan Willis Formerly hosted by GoDaddy at https://thewebmatrix.net/disclosure/ and now visible at the mirrored archive:

Author(s): Dan Willis
Year: 2023

Language: English
Commentary: Material recently removed from internet
Pages: 1316
Tags: History;Exopolitics;Ufology;UFO disclosure;MSM;Main Stream Media;Fake News;Propaganda;Censorship;SSP;Secret Space Program;whistleblower testimony;CIA;Majestic;MJ-12;black budget;Draco;reptilian;cabal;Fourth Reich;extraterrestrials;EBE;EBEN;human-alien encounters;alien contact;contactee;consciousness;ascension;parapsychology;paranormal;WWG1WGA

1900 - The first radio signal received on earth
1933 - Nazis under Hitler come into power
1947 - Roswell and the National Security Act
1954 - Eisenhower lost control to the new MJ-12 group
1958 - "The Plan"
1963 - After the murder of JFK
1964 - Vietnam War
1968 Media - 2001 a Space Odyssey
Project Slam Dunk
1993 - The Disclosure Project Begins
2001 - World Disclosure Event followed by the 9-11 terrorist false flag attack event
CIA's control of the distribution and perception of information through the Mainstream Media
How the mainstream media effectively sanitized out the message of disclosure to the public
Meeting with Senators and Congressmen on Capitol Hill
The Campaign for Disclosure
Online Fax Created to contact Representatives
Representatives Responses to Fax Letter
The 9/11 Terrorist Attack Event
The effort to bring advanced suppressed technology through the civilian sector after a congressional hearing was denied
The Great 2020 Pandemic deception and agenda
2020 Foreign Election Interference
History of Simulations with Real Events Coinciding
Reflecting the recent Past Events on the Time Line
Potential Future Time Line Events Projection
Please Note: This section was written several years ago and needs to be updated to current events happening in 2020.
Reflecting on these Indications
Possible conclusions based on indications
Those Who Blew the Whistle 100 portraits of whistleblowers and informers