Garewal K.S.

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Modern C++ is a complex language. Modern C++ For Software Developers exposes all of the essential concepts and techniques of Modern C++ so that you can build reliable and correct applications with confidence. This book covers the language constructs from C++11, C++14, C++17 and C++20 that are essential for serious Modern C++ development. The ideal book for serious development in Modern C++. Supercharge your C++ development with this comprehensive and practical treatment of Modern C++ features and techniques that are essential for modern C++ software development. Mastery of these concepts will let you create correct and reliable C++ applications with confidence. This book covers all of the important features from the C++11, C++14, C++17 and C++20 standards that every C++ developer should be comfortable with. This book also includes a comprehensive treatment of important standard C++ library functions that should belong in the arsenal of every Modern C++ developer. All techniques and concepts are explained in simple language and supported with functioning examples. Simply cut and paste the examples into and execute the code. This book can be read sequentially or you can go directly to topics of interest. The reminder of this preface is merely my opinionated meandering on C++ web applications. Is C++ web application development an anachronism? You can safely omit this part of the preface.

Author(s): Modern C++ For Software Developers: Serious C++ Development
Edition: 1.3
Publisher: Leanpub
Year: 2022

Language: English
Pages: 566

A Journey Through C++ Land
C++ Is Not A Web Programming Language
C Language Review
Declarations And Definitions
Statement Termination
Hexadecimal And Octal Literals
Literal Prefixes And Suffixes
Variable Scope In C And C++
C Language: Function Prototypes
Forward Declarations
The void Type
C Language: C Style Casts
Function-Style Casts
Implicit Type Conversion
C Language: Comma Operator
C Language: Pointers
Pointer Arithmetic
Multiple Indirection With Pointers: Pointer To Pointer (**ptr)
C Language: Arrays
Single Dimensional Arrays
Pointers To Arrays
Arrays And Double Indirection (** ptr)
Array Initializers
Passing Single-Dimension Arrays to Functions
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
C Language: Strings
C Language: Structs
Struct Initialization
Passing Structs to Functions
Arrow Operator
C Language: Files
Reading Text Files
EOF: End Of File
Reading Lines From A Text File
Formatted Input For A File
Writing To Files
Binary Files
C Language: Memory Allocation
C Language: Storage Class Specifiers
Static Variables
Static Variables Inside Functions
Static Global Variables
Register Variables
C Language: const
const In Functions
C Language: Function Pointers
C Language: setjmp And longjmp
C Language: typedef
C Language: Enumerations
C Language: size_t And sizeof
The Compile Time Operator sizeof
C Language: Preprocessor
Preprocessor Syntax
The #define Directive
Defining Function-like Macros
The NULL Macro
The #include Directive
Conditional Compilation Directives
#if, #elif, #else and #endif
#ifdef and #ifndef
Using defined
C Language: assert
C Language: Calling C Functions From C++
Header Files
Including A Non-System C Header File In C++ Code
Call A Non-System C function From C++ Code
C++ Classes
Accessing Public Members
The Scope Resolution Operator
Class Function Implementations
Static Class Members
Object Assignment
Local Classes
C++ Namespaces
The Global Namespace
Bringing An Identifier Into Scope
Importing Namespaces: The using Directive
The Dangers of using namespace
Unnamed Namespaces
Joining Namespaces
The std Namespace
Namespace Alias
C++ Structs And Unions
Unions And Classes
Anonymous Unions
C++ Friend Functions And Friend Classes
Forward Declarations Or Forward References
Friend Classes
C++ Inline Functions
Defining Inline Functions Within a Class
C++ Constructors And Destructors
Constructors With One Formal Parameter
Initializing An Object
Calling Constructors And Destructors
Private Destructors
Passing Objects To Functions
Returning Objects
C++ Memory Allocation
Initializing Allocated Memory
Allocating Memory For Arrays
Allocating Memory For Objects
C++ Arrays
Array Initialization With Single Parameter Constructors
Creating Initialized And Uninitialized Arrays
Constructing Arrays Dynamically
C++ Pointers
Incrementing Pointers
Pointers To Member Functions
Type Checking C++ Pointers
Pointers To Data Members In A Class
The this Pointer
C++ References
Function Reference Parameters
Passing References To Objects
Returning References
Independent References
Restrictions On References
Dangling References
Returning A Const Reference From A Class Member Function
C++ Function Overloading
Overloading Constructor Functions
Finding the Address of an Overloaded Function
Default Function Arguments
Function Overloading And Implicit Casts
C++ Const And Mutable Member Functions
const Member Functions
Overloading Functions With const Reference Parameters
Const Classes
Mutable Data Members
Why Using const Is Important
Volatile Variables
Volatile Member Functions
C++ Copy Constructors
C++ Operators
Creating An Operator Member Function
Overloading The Shorthand Operators
Operator Overloading Restrictions
Operator Inheritance
Operator Overloading Using a Friend Function
C++ Class Inheritance
Base Class Access Control
Understanding Class Inheritance
Inheritance And Protected Members
Protected Base-Class Inheritance
Pointers To Derived Classes
References To Derived Types
Inheriting From Multiple Base Classes
Constructors, Destructors And Inheritance
Passing Parameters to Base-Class Constructors
Virtual Base Classes
C++ Virtual Functions And Polymorphism
Virtual Functions
Calling a Virtual Function Through a Base Class Reference
The Virtual Attribute Is Inherited
Virtual Functions Are Hierarchical
Pure Virtual Functions
Abstract Classes
Using Virtual Functions
Implementing Class Interfaces In C++
Early And Late Binding
Calling Virtual Functions In Constructors And Destructors
Virtual Destructors
C++: Static Class Members
Static Class Members
Static Data Members
C++ Templates: Generic Functions
Generic Functions
A Function With Two Or More Generic Types
Explicitly Overloading a Generic Function
Overloading Function Templates
Using Ordinary Parameters With Function Templates
C++ Templates: Generic Classes
An Example With Multiple Generic Data Types
Using Non-Generic Arguments with class templates
Allowed Non-generic Template Parameters
Using Default Arguments With Class Templates
Explicit Class Specializations
The typename Keyword
C++ Exception Handling
Levels Of Exception Safety
Catching Exception Class Types
Standard Library Exceptions
Using Multiple Catch Statements
Handling Derived-Class Exceptions
Catch All Exception Handler
Rethrowing An Exception
Exceptions And Destructors
terminate() and unexpected()
Setting Terminate and Unexpected Handlers
The uncaught_exception Function
C++ Run-time Type Identification
typeid And References
Applying Typeid To Class Templates
C++ Type Cast Operators
Replacing dynamic_cast With typeid
dynamic_cast And Different Derived Types
dynamic_cast And References
C++ And Assembler
C++ Linkage Specification
Summarizing the Differences Between C and C++
C++ Standard Template Library
Other STL Elements
The Container Classes
General Theory Of Operation
Vector Containers
Accessing a Vector Through an Iterator
Understanding begin() And end()
Inserting and Deleting Elements in a Vector
Storing Class Objects in a Vector
List Containers
push_front vs push_back
Storing Class Objects in a List
Maps (std::map)
Inserting Elements Into A Map
Getting A Map Key And A Key Value
A Map Container Example
C++: Functors
C++ Strings
String Constructors
String Operators
String Concatenation
Convert A String Object To A C-Style String
STL Algorithms For Strings
Modern C++: Type_Traits (C++11)
Modern C++: Automatic Type Inference (C++11)
Modern C++: Type Deduction With decltype (C++11)
Type Attributes With auto And decltype
Modern C++: Trailing Return Types (C++11)
Simplification Of Code
Modern C++: Variable Initialization (C++11)
Copy Assignment
Direct Initialization
Brace Initialization
The Meaning Of return {}
Modern C++: explicit Keyword (C++11)
Modern C++: Range-Based For Loops (C++11)
Modern C++: Lambda Functions (C++11)
Lambda Specification
Lambda Parameters
Access To Variables In The Outer Scope
Mutable Lambdas
The Type Of A Lambda
Generic Lambda Expressions
Generalized Lambda Introducer
Modern C++: Constexpr (C++11)
constexpr Functions
Restrictions On Constexpr Functions
Arrays And constexpr Functions
Evaluating constexpr Objects at Compile-time
Modern C++: lvalue And rvalue References (C++11)
Understanding lvalues and rvalues
Functions Returning lvalues And rvalues
lvalue References
Modern C++: Move Semantics (C++11)
lvalues And rvalues
Moving Objects
Moving A lvalue To A rvalue
Throwing Exceptions
Modern C++: Smart Pointers (C++11)
The Stack
The Heap
Types Of Memory Errors
The Smart Pointer Types
Weak Pointers
Modern C++: Variadic Templates (C++11)
Variadic Function Templates
Parameter Pack Expansion
The sizeof… Operator
Modern C++: nullpointer (C++11)
Modern C++: Raw Strings (C++11)
Raw Strings
Encoding String Literals
Modern C++: noexcept Attribute (C++11)
Modern C++: Override And Final (C++11)
The override Attribute
Using override Can Prevent A Dangerous Bug
Override And Trailing Return Types
Final Member Functions
Final Member Classes
Modern C++: Constructor Delegation (C++11)
Modern C++: Static Assertions (C++11)
Modern C++: Deleted And Default Functions (C++11)
default Keyword
Deleted Functions And The Delete Keyword
Modern C++: Typed Enums (C++ 11)
C and C++ Enums
Typed Enums
Data Types For An Enum
Enum Type Safety
Forward References For Enums
Well-defined Enum Sizes:
Modern C++: Type Alias (C++11)
Type Alias Declarations With The using Keyword (using =)
using And Templates
Modern C++: User Defined Literals (C++11)
Restrictions On User Defined Types
Naming Rules For User Defined Literals
Modern C++: Template Constants (C++14)
Modern C++: Return Type Deduction (C++14)
Return type deduction for functions
Modern C++: Generic Lambdas (C++14)
Extended Capture In Lambdas
Modern C++: Constexpr Template Constants (C++14)
Modern C++: Constexpr Functions (C++14)
Modern C++: Digit Separator (C++14)
Modern C++: [[deprecated]] Attribute (C++14)
Modern C++: Template Type Deduction (C++17)
Template Argument Type Deduction For Functions
Template Type Deduction For Classes
Template Argument Deduction Guides
Modern C++: Non-Template Type Parameters (C++17)
Summary Of Non Template-Type Parameters
Auto Non-Template Parameters
Modern C++: Nested Namespaces (C++17)
Modern C++: Constexpr If Statements (C++17)
Modern C++: Initialization Of Auto Types (C++17)
Modern C++: Structured Bindings (C++17)
Using Structured Bindings
Structured Binding For Arrays
Inheritance And Structured Bindings
Modern C++: Initialization In If And Switch Statements (C++17)
Switch Statement With Initialization
Modern C++: Inline Variables (C++17)
Using Inline Variables
Modern C++: Lambda Extensions (C++17)
constexpr Lambdas
Accessing The This Pointer In A Lambda
Modern C++: Type Includes The Exception Spec (C++17)
Modern C++: Empty Enum Initialization (C++17)
Modern C++: Fold Expressions (C++17)
Using Fold Expressions
Handling Empty Parameter Packs
Modern C++: string_view (C++17)
string_view And Scope
A string_view Anti-Pattern
Modern C++: Initialization Of Aggregates (C++17)
Zero Initialization Of Aggregates
Modern C++: [[nodiscard]] Attribute (C++17)
Modern C++: [[maybe_unused]] Attribute (C++17)
Modern C++: __has_include Preprocessor Directive (C++17)
Modern C++: The Spaceship Operator (C++20)
Modern C++: consteval And constinit (C++20)
constinit Variables
constexpr try-catch Blocks
Modern C++: Initializers In Range-Based Loops (C++20)
Modern C++: Functions With auto Parameters (C++20)
Modern C++: Non-Parameter Types In Templates (C++20)
Modern C++: Virtual Constexpr Functions (C++20)
Modern C++: Concepts (C++20)
The Four Ways To Specify A Concept
The Requires Clause
Applying Concepts To The Return Type Of A Function
Using More Than One Concept
Writing A Custom Concept
Constrain auto With Concepts
Modern C++: Modules (C++20)
The Structure Of A Module File
Ways To Export Module Symbols
Using Exported Module Symbols
Module Interface Units And Module Implementation Units
Module Partitions
A Note On Templates
Header Units
Modern C++: Lambda Improvements (C++20)
Allow lambda-capture [=, this]
Modern C++: Designated Initialization (C++20)
Modern C++: Using enum (C++20)
Modern C++: Conversion From ptr To bool (C++20)
Modern C++: boolalpha (C++20)
Modern C++: [[no_unique_address]] (C++20)
Modern C++: [[likely]] and [[unlikely]] (C++20)
Modern C++: Coroutines (C++20)
Why Is co_return Used Instead Of return?
Coroutine Return Objects
Instantiating A Coroutine
Returning From A Coroutine
Returning A Value From A Coroutine
Suspending A Coroutine
Resuming A Suspended Coroutine
Passing Intermediate Values From A Suspended Coroutine
Destroying A Coroutine
Coroutine Restrictions
Modern C++: #pragma once
Header Management And Include Guards
Why Does C And C++ Require Header Files
Effective Header Management
Forward Declarations
Include Guards
pragma once directive
__has_include Preprocessor Directive
C++ Standard Library: std::any
C++ Standard Library: std::async, std::future
std::async Launch Types
Using std::promise
C++ Standard Library: std::atomic
C++ Standard Library: std::bind
C++ Standard Library: std::chrono
The std::ratio Class Template
Time Points
System Time Computations
Elapsed Time Calculation
Put The Current Thread To Sleep
Time In Seconds Since Unix Epoch
C++ Standard Library: std::copy
C++ Standard Library: std::format
C++ Standard Library: std::function
C++ Standard Library: std::initializer_list
C++ Standard Library: std::map
Insert A Key-Value
Remove A Key-Value
Test That A Map Has A Key
Test That Map Has A Value
C++ Standard Library: std::move
C++ Standard Library: std::optional
C++ Standard Library: std::reference_wrapper
C++ Standard Library: std::sample
C++ Standard Library: std::string
C++20 String Interpolation
C++17 String Interpolation
Numeric To String
starts_with and ends_with
String To Integer
Integer To String
C++ Standard Library: std::swap
C++ Standard Library: std::thread
Basic Thread Creation
Executing A Lamda Function In A Thread
Executing A Non-Static Public Member Function In A Thread
Executing A Static Member Function In A Thread
Thread Joins
Detaching A Thread From It’s Parent Thread
Locking Multiple Mutexes With std::lock()
Locking Multiple Mutexes With std::try_lock(m1, m2, ... mn)
Timed Mutex
Recursive Mutex
Using std::lock_guard
Condition Variables
Thread Local Storage
C++ Standard Library: std::tuple
Tuple Assignment
Get Tuple Elements
Tuple Concatenation
Setting The Value Of A Tuple Element
Tuple Type Traits
C++ Standard Library: std::tie
Memory Layout Of C And C++ Programs
C++ GNU C++ Compiler
Check The GNU C++ Compiler Version
The Difference Between gcc and g++
g++ Semantics
gcc and g++ Options
The Compilation Process
Creating Static And Shared Libraries
Static And Shared Libraries
Header File And Library Location
Compiling And Linking A Static Library
Creating A Static Library
GCC Environment Variables
Finding A Shared Library
Setting The Shared Library Location With rpath
Updating The Loader Config
List The Shared Libraries Used By A Program
C++ GDB Debugger
Basic Debugging
Command Completion
Debugging An Already Running Process
Setting A Breakpoint
Saving Breakpoints Between Debugging Sessions
Stepping Through A Program
Stepping Out Of A Function
Listing Program Statements
Continuing The Debugging Session
Restarting A Debugging Session
Examining And Setting Variables
Watching Variables
Quit A Debugging Session
The .gdbinit File
Tracing Program Execution
Debugging Core Dumps
Debugging A Segmentation Fault
GDB Errors
C++ Sanitizers
The Address Sanitizer (Asan)
Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (UBSan)
C++ main Function
Misc: How To Call A Function Before main
Misc: Hide The Address Of An Object
Misc: Inheritance And Composition
C++ Glossary