Deep Learning with PyTorch: A practical approach to building neural network models using PyTorch

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Build neural network models in text, vision and advanced analytics using PyTorch

Key FeaturesLearn PyTorch for implementing cutting-edge deep learning algorithms.Train your neural networks for higher speed and flexibility and learn how to implement them in various scenarios;Cover various advanced neural network architecture such as ResNet, Inception, DenseNet and more with practical examples;Book Description

Deep learning powers the most intelligent systems in the world, such as Google Voice, Siri, and Alexa. Advancements in powerful hardware, such as GPUs, software frameworks such as PyTorch, Keras, Tensorflow, and CNTK along with the availability of big data have made it easier to implement solutions to problems in the areas of text, vision, and advanced analytics.

This book will get you up and running with one of the most cutting-edge deep learning libraries—PyTorch. PyTorch is grabbing the attention of deep learning researchers and data science professionals due to its accessibility, efficiency and being more native to Python way of development. You'll start off by installing PyTorch, then quickly move on to learn various fundamental blocks that power modern deep learning. You will also learn how to use CNN, RNN, LSTM and other networks to solve real-world problems. This book explains the concepts of various state-of-the-art deep learning architectures, such as ResNet, DenseNet, Inception, and Seq2Seq, without diving deep into the math behind them. You will also learn about GPU computing during the course of the book. You will see how to train a model with PyTorch and dive into complex neural networks such as generative networks for producing text and images.

By the end of the book, you'll be able to implement deep learning applications in PyTorch with ease.

What you will learnUse PyTorch for GPU-accelerated tensor computationsBuild custom datasets and data loaders for images and test the models using torchvision and torchtextBuild an image classifier by implementing CNN architectures using PyTorchBuild systems that do text classification and language modeling using RNN, LSTM, and GRULearn advanced CNN architectures such as ResNet, Inception, Densenet, and learn how to use them for transfer learningLearn how to mix multiple models for a powerful ensemble modelGenerate new images using GAN’s and generate artistic images using style transferWho this book is for

This book is for machine learning engineers, data analysts, data scientists interested in deep learning and are looking to explore implementing advanced algorithms in PyTorch. Some knowledge of machine learning is helpful but not a mandatory need. Working knowledge of Python programming is expected.

Author(s): Vishnu Subramanian
Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd
Year: 2018

Language: English
Pages: 262

Chapter 1: Getting Started with Deep Learning Using PyTorch
Artificial intelligence
The history of AI
Machine learning
Examples of machine learning in real life
Deep learning
Applications of deep learning
Hype associated with deep learning 
The history of deep learning 
Why now?
Hardware availability
Data and algorithms
Deep learning frameworks
Chapter 2: Building Blocks of Neural Networks
Installing PyTorch
Our first neural network
Data preparation
Scalar (0-D tensors) 
Vectors (1-D tensors)
Matrix (2-D tensors)
3-D tensors
Slicing tensors 
4-D tensors
5-D tensors
Tensors on GPU
Creating data for our neural network
Creating learnable parameters
Neural network model
Network implementation 
Loss function
Optimize the neural network 
Loading data 
Dataset class
DataLoader class
Chapter 3: Diving Deep into Neural Networks
Deep dive into the building blocks of neural networks
Layers – fundamental blocks of neural networks
Non-linear activations
Leaky ReLU
PyTorch non-linear activations
The PyTorch way of building deep learning algorithms
Model architecture for different machine learning problems
Loss functions
Optimizing network architecture
Image classification using deep learning
Loading data into PyTorch tensors
Loading PyTorch tensors as batches
Building the network architecture
Training the model 
Chapter 4: Fundamentals of Machine Learning
Three kinds of machine learning problems
Supervised learning
Unsupervised learning
Reinforcement learning
Machine learning glossary
Evaluating machine learning models
Training, validation, and test split
Simple holdout validation
K-fold validation
K-fold validation with shuffling 
Data representativeness 
Time sensitivity
Data redundancy
Data preprocessing and feature engineering
Value normalization
Handling missing values
Feature engineering
Overfitting and underfitting
Getting more data
Reducing the size of the network
Applying weight regularization
Workflow of a machine learning project
Problem definition and dataset creation
Measure of success 
Evaluation protocol
Prepare your data
Baseline model
Large model enough to overfit
Applying regularization
Learning rate picking strategies 
Chapter 5: Deep Learning for Computer Vision
Introduction to neural networks
MNIST – getting data
Building a CNN model from scratch
Nonlinear activation – ReLU
Linear layer
Training the model
Classifying dogs and cats – CNN from scratch
Classifying dogs and cats using transfer learning
Creating and exploring a VGG16 model 
Freezing the layers
Fine-tuning VGG16
Training the VGG16 model 
Calculating pre-convoluted features
Understanding what a CNN model learns 
Visualizing outputs from intermediate layers
Visualizing weights of the CNN layer
Chapter 6: Deep Learning with Sequence Data and Text
Working with text data
Converting text into characters
Converting text into words
N-gram representation
One-hot encoding
Word embedding
Training word embedding by building a sentiment classifier
Downloading IMDB data and performing text tokenization
Building vocabulary
Generate batches of vectors
Creating a network model with embedding
Training the model
Using pretrained word embeddings
Downloading the embeddings
Loading the embeddings in the model
Freeze the embedding layer weights
Recursive neural networks
Understanding how RNN works with an example 
Long-term dependency 
LSTM networks
Preparing the data
Creating batches
Creating the network 
Training the model
Convolutional network on sequence data
Understanding one-dimensional convolution for sequence data 
Creating the network
Training the model
Chapter 7: Generative Networks
Neural style transfer 
Loading the data
Creating the VGG model
Content loss
Style loss
Extracting the losses 
Creating loss function for each layers
Creating the optimizer
Generative adversarial networks
Deep convolutional GAN
Defining the generator network
Transposed convolutions
Batch normalization
Defining the discriminator network
Defining loss and optimizer
Training the discriminator
Training the discriminator with real images
Training the discriminator with fake images
Training the generator network 
Training the complete network
Inspecting the generated images
Language modeling 
Preparing the data 
Generating the batches 
Backpropagation through time
Defining a model based on LSTM
Defining the train and evaluate functions
Training the model
Chapter 8: Modern Network Architectures
Modern network architectures
Creating PyTorch datasets
Creating loaders for training and validation
Creating a ResNet model
Extracting convolutional features
Creating a custom PyTorch dataset class for the pre-convoluted features and loader
Creating a simple linear model
Training and validating the model
Creating an Inception model
Extracting convolutional features using register_forward_hook
Creating a new dataset for the convoluted features
Creating a fully connected model
Training and validating the model
Densely connected convolutional networks – DenseNet
Creating a DenseNet model
Extracting DenseNet features
Creating a dataset and loaders
Creating a fully connected model and train
Model ensembling
Creating models
Extracting the image features
Creating a custom dataset along with data loaders
Creating an ensembling model
Training and validating the model
Encoder-decoder architecture 
Chapter 9: What Next?
What next?
Interesting ideas to explore
Object detection
Image segmentation
OpenNMT in PyTorch
Alien NLP – making neural nets uncool again
Open Neural Network Exchange 
How to keep yourself updated
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