Data Structures and Algorithms with the C++ STL: A guide for modern C++ practitioners

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Explore the C++ STL with practical guidance on vectors, algorithms, and custom types for intermediate developers, enriched by real-world examples.

Key Features:

  • Master the std:: vector and understand why it should be your default container of choice
  • Understand each STL algorithm and its practical applications
  • Gain insights into advanced topics such as exception guarantees and thread safety
  • Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook

Book Description:

While the Standard Template Library (STL) offers a rich set of tools for data structures and algorithms, navigating its intricacies can be daunting for intermediate C++ developers without expert guidance. This book offers a thorough exploration of the STL's components, covering fundamental data structures, advanced algorithms, and concurrency features.

Starting with an in-depth analysis of the std:: vector, this book highlights its pivotal role in the STL, progressing toward building your proficiency in utilizing vectors, managing memory, and leveraging iterators. The book then advances to STL's data structures, including sequence containers, associative containers, and unordered containers, simplifying the concepts of container adaptors and views to enhance your knowledge of modern STL programming. Shifting the focus to STL algorithms, you'll get to grips with sorting, searching, and transformations and develop the skills to implement and modify algorithms with best practices. Advanced sections cover extending the STL with custom types and algorithms, as well as concurrency features, exception safety, and parallel algorithms.

By the end of this book, you'll have transformed into a proficient STL practitioner ready to tackle real-world challenges and build efficient and scalable C++ applications.

What You Will Learn:

  • Streamline data handling using the std:: vector
  • Master advanced usage of STL iterators
  • Optimize memory in STL containers
  • Implement custom STL allocators
  • Apply sorting and searching with STL algorithms
  • Craft STL-compatible custom types
  • Manage concurrency and ensure thread safety in
  • Harness the power of parallel algorithms in STL

Who this book is for:

This book is for intermediate-level C++ developers looking to enhance their software development skills. Familiarity with basic C++ syntax and object-oriented programming (OOP) as well as some exposure to data structures and algorithms is assumed.

Tailored to software engineers, computer science students, and hobbyist programmers, this book delves into C++ STL for practical application, performance enhancement, and efficient coding prac

Author(s): John Farrier
Edition: 1
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Year: 2024

Language: English
Commentary: Published: February 2024
Pages: 458
City: Birmingham, UK
Tags: Data Structures; Computer Algorithms; Modern C++; STL; Standard Template Library

Chapter 1, The Basics of std::vector, introduces std::vector, comparing it with C-style arrays, and demonstrates its declaration, initialization, and element manipulation.

Chapter 2, Mastering Iterators with std::vector, explores the different types of iterators in the STL and their application within std::vector contexts, including custom iterator creation.

Chapter 3, Mastering Memory and Allocators with std::vector, discusses vector capacity versus size, memory optimization techniques, and the design of custom allocators for enhanced performance.

Chapter 4, Mastering Algorithms with std::vector, delves into algorithmic operations on vectors, such as sorting and searching, and the importance of understanding iterator invalidation.

Chapter 5, Making the Case for std::vector, examines the performance aspects, practical applications, and versatility of std::vector as a go-to STL container.

Chapter 6, Advanced Sequence Container Usage, analyzes advanced usage scenarios and best practices for sequence containers like std::array, std::deque, and others.

Chapter 7, Advanced Ordered Associative Container Usage, explores the intricacies of ordered associative containers such as std::set and std::map and their unique performance considerations.

Chapter 8, Advanced Unordered Associative Container Usage, investigates unordered associative containers, highlighting their internal workings and use cases.

Chapter 9, Advanced Container Adaptor Usage, focuses on container adaptors like std::stack and std::queue, discussing their implementation and when to use them effectively.

Chapter 10, Advanced Container View Usage, introduces container views such as std::span and std::mdspan, providing insights into their utility and performance benefits.

Chapter 11, Fundamental Algorithms and Searching, Covers the foundational algorithms for sorting and searching within STL and their practical applications.

Chapter 12, Manipulation and Transformation, Details the techniques for transforming data within STL containers, including the nuances of copying, moving, and removing elements.

Chapter 13, Numeric and Range-Based Operations, Explores numeric operations and their applications on ranges, demonstrating how they can optimize algorithmic complexity.

Chapter 14, Permutations, Partitions, and Heaps, Provides an in-depth look at data organization algorithms, such as partitioning and heap operations, within the STL.

Chapter 15, Modern STL with Ranges, Discusses the modern approach to STL with ranges, enhancing the composability and efficiency of algorithms.

Chapter 16, Creating STL-Types Containers, Guides through the creation of custom containers that are compatible with STL algorithms and the essential components required for full integration.

Chapter 17, Creating STL-Compatible Algorithms, Details the development of custom algorithms that work seamlessly with STL containers and adhere to STL principles.

Chapter 18, Type Traits and Policies, Delves into the advanced topics of type traits and policies, key in crafting adaptable and efficient template code.

Chapter 19, Exception Safety, Examines the levels of exception safety guaranteed by STL and how to write robust STL-compatible code with noexcept.

Chapter 20, Thread Safety and Concurrency with the STL, Discusses the concurrency and thread safety features of STL containers, the prevention of race conditions, and best practices for multithreaded programming.

Chapter 21, STL Interaction with Concepts and Coroutines, Explores the interaction between STL and the latest C++ features like concepts and coroutines, showcasing their synergy.

Chapter 22, Parallel Algorithms with the STL, Introduces execution policies for parallel algorithms in STL, the role of constexpr, and the considerations for performance and efficiency.